1811132 Group Project Assignment Hints
1. Discuss among your team of each of your skills. You may use a table to record the
skills. These are more like the soft skills for executing the following tasks like
develop project plan; resources planning, drawings and writing specifications;
produce cost plan; safety statement etc. These are mainly the project planning
skills on this assignment.
2. Write down the roles and responsibilities of each other. This can be a team lead;
a cost planner, a programmer, a contract administrator. For each role, write 4 to 6
duties and give some examples if needed.
(M1) talk about allocating the different roles in a typical project team. For
examples, you may need a project lead, a cost planner, a time programmer, a
health and safety officer or an engineer etc.
(D1). Justify why the allocation result of the roles and responsibilities. Justify
who is doing what. Accept some people may want to do some wanted roles but
the project needs the roles to be done by other people and not necessary match
everyone wants. Of course, you shall pick the expert to do the best job suitable
for him or her.
3. Use project management software like Microsoft project or Power project etc to
make a timed bar chart for all activities to be done here. This is for later use to
insert the resources.
4. Input the labour man days and any plant or tools onto the timed bar charts that
this project needs to do for each activity. It is better to be done by a member of
your team who knows how to do this.
(M2) Look at the project plan and show the milestone dates and any possible
risks. For example, milestone dates are dates that are important and critical.
Like start and finish dates, In this case, please remember your activities are
mainly the activity no. 1 to 9 or plus the Ms and Ds tasks.
5. One of your team members need to produce the drawings and the project
specifications. Drawings should be using A4 or A3. Better to use AutoCAD’s and
the specifications should use the normal specification for a project. See notes
or web page.
6. Use the project management software to make out a cost plan or create a cash
flow analysis giving the project spending and the dates of spending. For some
advanced students, you can use the cost curve additionally to your cost plan with
time and cash flow situations.
7. Write out the health and safety statement or safety plan or policy. Giving safety
guidelines and health guidelines. Make references to other statement that you
have seen before but not copying directly.
(M3) Evaluate the means with the BIM that can give better efficiency in providing
the tender documentation. This is because the BIM can allow you to see better
inside the building so that you can give better insight when writing the contract
document like quantities or hidden details that you might missed if you do not
use the BIM.
(D2) Critically valuate the relationships between project planning and tender
documentation. The project planning can be done with the tender
documentation indicating t constraints. But they are interacting. Highlighting
different means which tender information responds to project planning. Here the
project planning is the front end planning. The tender information will need to
spell out the planning work required.
8. Take continual review of the project team members own Work, recording this
throughout the project. Keep a dairy of the work in progress. Take pictures if
9. Evaluate their own working practices in relationship to that of other members of
your team and compare or state the good and not so good things. Identifying
areas of good practices for lessons learned. .
(M4) Evaluate their own personality in relationship to your working practices.
That can be someone if fast and someone is caring details. Some may be
following up actions and some may be always looking for the future. Some can be
tactical and some may be strategic.
(D3) Evaluate the success of a project by thinking individual and group practices
and compare to their assigned roles and personality. You can use a table to make
it more easily to be read.