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January 2021


Two words are anagrams if they contain all of the same letters, but in a different order. For example, “evil” and “live” are anagrams because each contains one “e”, one “i”, one “l”, and one “v”. Create a program that reads two strings from the user, determines whether or not they are anagrams, and reports […]

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The notion of anagrams can be extended to multiple words. For example, “William Shakespeare” and “I am a weakish speller” are anagrams when capitalization and spacing are ignored. Extend your program from Exercise 143 so that it is able to check if two phrases are anagrams. Your program should ignore capitalization, punctuation marks and spacing

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A Bingo card consists of 5 columns of 5 numbers which are labelled with the letters B, I, N, G and O. There are 15 numbers that can appear under each letter. In particular, the numbers that can appear under the B range from 1 to 15, the numbers that can appear under the I

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Horizontal line

A winning Bingo card contains a line of 5 numbers that have all been called. Players normally record the numbers that have been called by crossing them out or marking them with a Bingo dauber. In this exercise we will mark that a number has been called by replacing it with a 0 in the

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Random module

In this exercise you will write a program that simulates a game of Bingo for a single card. Begin by generating a list of all of the valid Bingo calls (B1 through O75). Once the list has been created you can randomize the order of its elements by calling the shuffle function in the random

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Python program

Unix-based operating systems usually include a tool named head. It displays the first 10 lines of a file whose name is provided as a command line argument. Write a Python program that provides the same behaviour. Display an appropriate error message if the file requested by the user does not exist, or if the command

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Line argument

Unix-based operating systems also typically include a tool named tail. It displays the last 10 lines of a file whose name is provided as a command line argument. Write a Python program that provides the same behaviour. Display an appropriate error message if the file requested by the user does not exist, or if the

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The novel

The novel “Gadsby” is over 50,000 words in length. While 50,000 words is not normally remarkable for a novel, it is in this case because none of the words in the book use the letter E. This is particularly noteworthy when one considers that E is the most common letter in English. Write a program

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Thumb advises

Students learning to spell in English are often taught the rhyme “I before E except after C”. This rule of thumb advises that when an I and an E are adjacent in a word, the I will precede the E, unless they are immediately preceded by a C. When preceded by a C the E

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