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July 2023

On September 6th, Thursday, AXION Airways announced it had suffered a breach resulting in the theft of customer data: Diploma in Information Technology Assignment, OU, UK

MANAGING BUSINESS INFORMATION Scenario  On September 6th, Thursday, AXION Airways announced it had suffered a breach resulting in the theft of customer data. In interviews with TV24, the company noted that around 380,000 customers could have been affected and that the stolen information included personal and payment information but not passport information. The organization also […]

On September 6th, Thursday, AXION Airways announced it had suffered a breach resulting in the theft of customer data: Diploma in Information Technology Assignment, OU, UK Read More »

Ali works as Maternity Support Worker. Whilst attending a birth on a labour ward during a very busy period when staffing levels: Health and Social Care Provision Assignment, UU, UK

Question 1: Ali works as Maternity Support Worker. Whilst attending a birth on a labour ward during a very busy period when staffing levels are low the midwife says she is going to leave to assist with another more complicated birth. Ali knows that she isn’t qualified to provide one to one care in later

Ali works as Maternity Support Worker. Whilst attending a birth on a labour ward during a very busy period when staffing levels: Health and Social Care Provision Assignment, UU, UK Read More »

Understand how research and the collation of information can support the development of knowledge and contribute to the evidence base in nutritional science: Nutrition and Dietetics Assignment, UU, UK

Aim The aim of this coursework is for students to carry out a search of the available literature in order to address a specific research question relating to one aspect of nutrition science.  Students will work in groups of three, along with their project supervisor and produce a report of their findings.  The report will

Understand how research and the collation of information can support the development of knowledge and contribute to the evidence base in nutritional science: Nutrition and Dietetics Assignment, UU, UK Read More »

Maxwell Building in Peel Park campus, University of Salford, is to be demolished and replaced with a 6-storey building: Soil Mechanics Assignment, ICL, UK

Maxwell Building in Peel Park campus, University of Salford, is to be demolished and replaced with a 6-storey building on a raft foundation occupying similar area of land as the current building.” PART 1 Comprehensive site investigation proposal for the project detailed below. “Site Investigation Proposal” must be prepared for the site. Site background information

Maxwell Building in Peel Park campus, University of Salford, is to be demolished and replaced with a 6-storey building: Soil Mechanics Assignment, ICL, UK Read More »

COM4009: You have joined the technical support team at a small firm (100 employees) with plans for rapid expansion.: Productivity and Collaboration Tools for Learning and Work Assignment, AU, UK

Task 1 You have joined the technical support team at a small firm (100 employees) with plans for rapid expansion. The company has been overly reliant on paper based systems up to now. There are a core team of staff who are IT literate but the majority of staff has significant gaps in their skills

COM4009: You have joined the technical support team at a small firm (100 employees) with plans for rapid expansion.: Productivity and Collaboration Tools for Learning and Work Assignment, AU, UK Read More »

Bicycle Rack When a full design specification was produced and the weighted objective procedure carried out: Engineering design Assignment, UOB, UK

SCENARIOS  (a) Bicycle Rack When a full design specification was produced and the weighted objective procedure carried out, it was found that a tow bar mounted rack was the best solution. The rack is to bolt to the tow bar once the tow ball is removed. The dimensions of the tow bar bracket are shown

Bicycle Rack When a full design specification was produced and the weighted objective procedure carried out: Engineering design Assignment, UOB, UK Read More »

BCI Professional and Academic Development

Module code: BUSN07052 Module name/title: BCI Professional and Academic Development 1Assessment Number2Assessment Type (and weighting)A 1500-word written portfolio with +/-10% (weighting 80% of final mark)Assessment NamePersonal Development PortfolioAssessment Submission DateSunday 23/07/2023 No later than 5 pm No email submission. Students can resubmit until the due date.  The submitted work should be word-processed in Arial or

BCI Professional and Academic Development Read More »

Developing self-awareness and personal branding

Module code: BUSN07052 Module name: BCI Professional and Academic Development 1 Assessment Number1Assessment Type (and weighting)Voice-over presentation (20% of final mark)Assessment Name Developing self-awareness and personal brandingAssessment Submission DateFriday, 23/06/2023 No later than 5 pm Submit a PowerPoint (not a pdf or Word document). No email submissions. Students can resubmit until the due date. The presentation should

Developing self-awareness and personal branding Read More »


ASSIGNMENT/TUGASAN _________________________________________________________________________ ABCT2203 COMMUNICATION THEORY TEORI KOMUNIKASI MAY 2023 SEMESTER SPECIFIC INSTRUCTION / ARAHAN KHUSUS Answer in Malay or English. / Jawab dalam Bahasa Melayu atau Bahasa Inggeris. Number of words: 2500 – 3000 words excluding references /   Jumlah patah perkataan: 2500 – 3000 patah perkataan tidak termasuk rujukan. Submit your assignment ONCE only in



ASSIGNMENT/ TUGASAN _________________________________________________________________________ OUMM3203 PROFESSIONAL ETHICS ETIKA PROFESIONAL MAY 2023 SEMESTER SPECIFIC INSTRUCTION / ARAHAN KHUSUS Answer in Malay or English. / Jawab dalam bahasa Melayu atau bahasa Inggeris. Number of words : 3000 – 5000 words excluding references./    Jumlah patah perkataan : 3000 – 5000 patah perkataan tidak termasuk rujukan. Submit your assignment


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