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June 2024

Promoting Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Health And Social Care, Assignment, UOH, UK

Unit Aims The aim of this unit is to enable learners to develop strategies for implementing and leading excellence in practice in respect of equality, diversity and rights in a health and social care setting. The unit also explores how to manage risk and balance rights with duty of care in health and social care […]

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Advanced Network Security (COIT20262) Assignment Help

Advanced Network Security, Term 1 (COIT20262) Assignment Help COIT20262 – Advanced Network Security, Term 1, 2024 Assignment 2 Questions Due date: 11:45 pm Monday 3 June 2024 (Week 13) Weighting: 40% Instructions Attempt all questions.  This is an individual assignment, and it is expected students answer the questions themselves. Discussion of approaches to solving questions

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COIT 20246 ICT Services Management Weekly Tutorials

COIT 20246 ICT Services Management Weekly Tutorials Week 05 Tutorial Activities Internet Applications  Aim to complete Tasks 1 to 4 during the tutorial, and have all tasks completed before your next tutorial. Task 1. Complete the Knowledge Test [10 min] Complete the Knowledge Test for this week within the first 10 minutes of class. Task 2. Create Web Pages in

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IT Infrastructure and Security (COSC2737) Assignment Help

IT Infrastructure and Security (COSC2737) Assignment Help Industrial focused project   Option 1   Design and development of a web-based library management systems for  community library, include:   1. Design and implement a user-friendly interface (UI) for users to secure login  (register and log in) (8 marks)   a. Design and develop a simple user sign up and secure

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Programming Fundamentals (COSC2531) Assignment Help

Programming Fundamentals Assignment 2 (COSC2531) Assignment Help Assessment Type Individual assignment (no group work). Submit online via Canvas/Assignments/Assignment 2. Marks are awarded per rubric (please see the rubric on Canvas). Clarifications/updates may be made via announcements. Questions can be raised via the lectorial, practical sessions or Canvas discussion forum. Note the Canvas discussion forum is

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Master of Data Analytics Major in Software Engineering (MDA512) Assignment Help

Master of Data Analytics Major in Software Engineering Assignment-2 (MDA512) Assignment Help Assessment Details and Submission  Guidelines Course Name  Master of Data Analytics (MDA)  Master of Data Analytics Major in Software Engineering Unit Code  MDA512 Unit Title  Data Science Term, Year  T1, 2024 Assessment  Type Assignment 2 (Group Assessment) Assessment  Title Develop a business model

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Software Engineering Fundamentals (MDA523) Assignment Help

Software Engineering Fundamentals T1 (MDA523) Assignment Help Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines Trimester T1, 2024 Unit Code MDA523 Unit Title Software Engineering Fundamentals Assessment     Type Group Assignment (4-5 students in the group) Assessment   Title Assignment 2 Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) This assignment assesses the following Unit Learning Outcomes: b.

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Internet and Web Development (ICT502) Assignment Help

Internet and Web Development Assessment-3 (ICT502) Assignment Help Assessment Task: Web Application Development Assessment Weight: 40% Due Date: Sunday, Week 12 (1500-word Report + Recorded Oral Presentation) Submitting your work late will attract a 10% reduction of mark for each day beyond the due  date. A delay of more than 5 days will result in being granted a

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DIGITAL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (MBA520) Assignment Help Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines School SOB Course Name MASTER OF BUSINESS ANALYTICS Unit Code MBA520 Unit Title DIGITAL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Assessment Author Assessment Type Project [Group] Assessment Title Project [Group] Unit Learning Outcomes covered  in this assessment b. Possess practical knowledge of algorithms, analytics, and artificial


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