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Collective memory of hard times during deindustrialization.

Lucas, K., & Buzzanell, P. M. (2011). It’s the cheese: Collective memory of hard times during
Johnson, M. A., & Johnson, N. R. (2020). The resilience of sensation in urban planning. Poroi, 15(1), article
Wieland, S. M. (2020). Constituting resilience at work: Maintaining dialectics and cultivating dignity throughout
a worksite closure. Management Communication Quarterly, 0893318920949314.
Reflection 4for readings from Weeks 7, 8, and 9on Constituting Resilience is due on Sunday,
Please write a two-page single-spaced paper that discusses the readings for the two-or three-weektime period
indicated in our schedule (below).To earn all points, youneed to provide definitions, study aims and details,
findingsand their conceptualizations/definitions (plus participant quotes when you want to expand or reflect on
what was said), and/or implications from the chapters and/or articles,plus your own thoughts about these
readings. When applicable, you may refer back to your Resilience Survey and talk about your responses. In
addition to the two pages of text, please add a page of References in APA style. You can just cut and paste the
references for the weeks from the syllabus at the end of your paper.
Tian, Z., & Bush, H. R. (2020). Half the sky: interwoven resilience processes of women political leaders in
China. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 48(1), 70-

Sample Solution

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