(SLO 1, 2, 5, 7, 8; 20% of course grade)a. Answer the following questions in an essay format considering the scenario from An aging public health workforce, which leads to leadership turnover
1.)What category of community changes is the community engagement directed at? Explain your choice (programs, policies or practice)
2.)Describe the methodology you used to select [Which model or framework did you select forhttps://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/communityengagement/pce_models.html] your community engagement? Explain your logic. Please use the framework from the link above.
3.)Describe in detail how you[ developed and use criteria and processes tohttps://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/assessment/assessing-community-needs-and-resources/criteria-and-processes-to-set-priorities/powerpoint] set the priorities?
4.)How do your criteria contribute to building community power, advocacy and community leadership in building a culture of health? How could it impact the change community wants? [See community power building examples from case studies presented here.https://healthequityguide.org/strategic-practices/share-power-with-communities/ b. Further, using the provided case scenario (s), examining how the involved community/ies were engaged. Answer the following:
● How did you choose the community?
● How did you craft the invitation so they would feel motivated to attend the meetings and to contribute to the discussion?
● Where were meetings held?
● What accessibility elements did you provide to support attendance? (transportation, childcare, interpreters, stipends, attention to Holy Days)
● Where did you seek guidance to identify participants?
● Was the data representative of this group or these groups? Explain.
● How was this community involved in the issue identification of the given scenario?
● How was this community involved in the data collection and solutions creation for this scenario?
● What strategies would you suggest for improving the engagement of this community?
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