Discussion Thread: The Role of Language in Social-Emotional Functioning
The purpose of the current assignment is for students to critically evaluate the function of language in navigating social relationships and regulating emotions. For the current discussion, please address the following issues in your thread:
Propose and develop an idea for an original correlational research study that explores the relationship between some aspect of language/communication and some aspect of social or emotional functioning (EX’s: the relationship between marital satisfaction and the quality and frequency of communication between spouses; the relationship between a therapist’s ability to convey empathy and the strength of the therapeutic alliance; the correlation between high- or low-context communication and frustration in work relationships; the association between the content of self-talk and mood). When explaining your proposed study, be sure to address the following issues using scholarly support:
Clearly identify and describe the two variables that you intend to investigate, and operationally define how you intend to measure them.
Build an argument for and state your correlational research hypothesis(es).
Identify who your research sample would be.
Discuss one potential problem with your proposed research design and explain at least one way that you could address it.
Using at least one scriptural citation, discuss the relationship between language and how we think, feel, and/or behave from a biblical perspective.