Shaun is a fitness model and an influencer. The content covers the importance of fitness and healthy diets. BeFitLook Bhd. hires Shaun to promote their fitness equipment and their promotional packages. Shaun works for BeFitLook Bhd. for three months. However, one day Shaun finds out that BeFitLook Bhd. has been giving fast food vouchers to their customers who enrolled in their gym. To his distress, he quits. Advise whether BeFitLook Bhd. may enforce any legal course of action based on the employment contract with Shaun.
Denver ventured into an agreement with Monica’s company called Walred Sdn Bhd. Walred Sdn Bhd had a duty to engage credible suppliers of pharmaceutical products, for Denver’s company. On March 2020, Malaysia declared lockdown and imposed a movement control order (“MCO”) Denver seeks to sue Monica for failing to engage the suppliers on time. Advise Monica, whether Denver may enforce a legal course of action.
Charles’ girlfriend loves shopping. She doesn’t own a credit card, so Charles allowed her to use his credit card for online purchases. Charles is always paid back in full at the end of the month when his girlfriend receives her salary. Two weeks ago, Charles’ girlfriend purchased an exercise machine online worth RM5,000. As usual, this purchase was charged against Charles’ credit card. They broke up last week and his girlfriend refused to pay him back. Is it possible for Charles to claim his money?
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Frank Sam is in his late 40s and has been single for a long period of time after his wife died at an early age. Sam then decides to pay a matchmaking agency, called (‘I FOUND LOVE’)IFL, RM20,000 to set up his dating profile online and introduce him to eligible single ladies. The service also includes dating advice and grooming facilities for men at 007Grooming Centre. Sam discloses all required information, for IFL. Sam is hoping, he will be able to find a suitable lady to marry. One year later, Sam still has not found his “other half” Advise whether Sam may enforce legal action against IFL.
Lovisa owns an Instagram business called ‘Luxo for You’ which specializes in the rental of luxury clothing. The target market of her business would-be students. The business took off and was running extremely well post lockdown, due to countless events. One day, she meets her childhood friend, named Kenneth at a bar. After a couple of drinks, she decides to sell the business to him. The next day she is summoned to court, as Kenneth produces a signed document with her signature. Is she bound by this contract?
To celebrate their milestone at work, Janet and her colleagues decided to try on some temporary tattoos. They went to a tattoo parlor that advertised the service of applying temporary tattoos that will fade between 9-15 months. After nearly a year, the tattoos did not show any signs of disappearing. What can she and her friends do?
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