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DX5600 Digital Artefact and Research Report





DIGITAL ARTEFACT AND RESEARCH REPORT                                                                

Module Code: DX5600Module Title: MSc DissertationModule Leader: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXAssessment Title: Digital Artefact and Research ReportWeighting: 90%Assessors: 2 independent assessors appointed by Dissertation Co- ordinator

Main Objectives of the Assessment: Undertake secondary and primary research in pursuit of the project aims and objectives proposed in your initial digital campaign presentation.Develop creative design work to illustrate the ultimate deliverables proposed in your initial digital design presentation.Realise your creative designs into a digital artefact.Evaluate your digital artefact and project using appropriate methods and techniques.Brief Description of the Assessment: You are required to produce a digital artefact and a four-part report. The first part of your report should frame your project aims and objectives and consist of relevant primary and secondary research to support your design in pursuit of those aims and objectives. The basis of such research would be a detailed literature review, in which you review and analyse in detail a mixture of academic, industrial, online and other references relevant to the pursuit of your project aims and objectives. In so doing, your research review and analysis should not just be a presentation of past work and contributions; it should also aim to report recent major advances and any ongoing challenges, issues and debates. Your literature review should be reinforced by suitable analysis and/or case studies of relevant applications and digital technologies, and a consideration of the market. This should be complemented by appropriate primary research, such as audience/user interviews, observations, or surveys**. You should conclude with a synthesis of your ideation and motivations for pursuing the project aims and objectives. The second part of your report should consist of the development and presentation of creative design work that aims to model, specify and visualise suitable digital artefact deliverables in achievement of your project aims and objectives and justified by the research conducted in the first part of the report. Your creative design work should be developed and presented using techniques and approaches appropriate to your project and should be in sufficient detail to adequately and clearly communicate your design ideas and vision. You will be expected to emphasise design iterations where appropriate. The third part of your report should detail the path to realising your design as a digital artefact. It should cover the techniques, methods and technologies you have used, how you have used them, and any problems or challenges you may have encountered along the way including how you have proceeded to resolve them. You should include suitable screenshots and technical explanations (including snippets and explanations of key code/scripts if this is appropriate for your project) to support your explanation. You should consider any novel or innovative use of technologies in the realisation of your artefact. The fourth part of your report should evaluate your artefact and your project as a whole using methods and techniques which are appropriate to your project, e.g. questionnaires, observations, focus groups, test screenings,

metrics, frameworks**. Your evaluation should strive to consider various aspects, such as the effectiveness of the technology used, the suitability of the design, the value created by the artefact, the benefits to stakeholders, and similar. In so doing, you should seek to justify the novelties or innovations of your project. You should conclude by considering the effectiveness of your project execution, and whether you should or could have taken a different path to achieving your project aims and objectives. Your digital artefact should showcase the realisation of your creative designs. Your artefact should not just demonstrate achievement of the project aims, objectives and deliverables but it should also demonstrate your skills and ability to manage the digital technologies which you have used in order to achieve your aims and objectives. Where necessary, you should produce a brief set of instructions to accompany your artefact so that your assessors may view, load or run it without your assistance.   ** The university requires that you seek research ethics approval (via BREO) BEFORE undertaking any primary research, i.e., observations, user testing, surveys/questionnaires, interviews, etc. You must ensure that your BREO application is for the entire duration of your research period. You must submit the letter of approval in the designated flow on WISEflow.Module Learning Outcomes for the Assessment: Critical understanding of the nature of an effective digital design projectCritical understanding of the necessary techniques, tools and technologies for managing and executing an effective digital design projectAn up-to-date critical appreciation of the digital technologies available for pursuing a digital projectCritical and up-to-date knowledge of relevant research literatureCritically assess, compare and select appropriate digital design techniques for an effective digital projectEffectively collect, analyse and synthesise research literature from a range of sourcesBe able to undertake sophisticated product and user market research for a digital projectBe able to develop an appropriately sized budget and Undertake media planning and distribution appropriate a digital projectEffectively evaluate the effectiveness of a digital artefact through collection of qualitative and quantitative data and qualitative and quantitative analysis to generate appropriate resultsCritically compare and contrast the key properties of different styles of digital design and developmentDemonstrate the application of independent thinking skillsEffective application of digital technologies suitable for the development of a digital artefactInvoke self-motivation and self-directionCommunicate clearly in written, oral and visual form to a highly professional standardManage time and resources in order to deliver digital project on timeSophisticated and advanced application of conceptual tools derived from previous modulesAssessment criteria and weight: Digital artefact effectiveness [40%]Research detail and insight [20%]Design detail and creativity [20%]Artefact and project evaluation detail and insight [20%]Assessment method by which a student can demonstrate learning outcomes: Digital Artefact and individual written report and the ethics approval letter from BREO, if one is required, as indicated above.Format for the assessment/coursework (Guidelines on the expected format and length of submission): Digital artefact (including all source files and assets) and a report of typically 12,000 words excluding diagrams. You are required to submit both the artefact and report online through WISEflow. The ethics approval letter from BREO, where this is required, must be submitted on its designated flow. Important: The University requires that all reports are checked for similarity before any marking is undertaken. To enable Wiseflow to run a similarity check, Wiseflow requires that the main file in your submission is a PDF document. Therefore, you must submit your report as a pdf document and as your main file. You must NOT submit your pdf document as an appendix material as Wiseflow will not be able to run a similarity check and your report will not be marked. If Wiseflow cannot check your report for similarity, then your submission will not be marked. Before submitting, test your artefact carefully to ensure that it

Distribution date to students:Thursday, 23 March 2023Submission Deadline:Thursday, 11 January 2024, 23.59 (online via WISEflow)  Indicative Reading List:You need to consider this in consultation with your Dissertation supervisor as this will depend on your aims, objectives and deliverables as proposed in your Initial Digital Campaign Plan Exhibition.Further information:Assignment checked by: Prof. Marios C. Angelides

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