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NURS FPX 6025 Assessment 3 Practicum and Scholarly Article

This assessment explores the critical role of nurses in the treatment of overweight autistic teenagers, examining their changing roles and contributions to nursing practice. Reflecting on a peer-reviewed study by Sammels et al. (2022), the discussion highlights the fluidity of nursing positions and the importance of nurses’ contributions to determining healthcare outcomes. Specifically, in the context of NURS FPX 6025 Assessment 3 Practicum and Scholarly Article, the reflection on the practicum experience provides insights into both the accomplishments and obstacles faced by nurses caring for overweight autistic teenagers. The paper’s reflective study sheds light on the multifaceted nature of nursing care in supporting this population’s specific healthcare demands.

Summary of Evidence-Based Journal Article 

Sammels, O., Karjalainen, L., Dahlgren, J., & Wentz, E. (2022). Autism spectrum disorder and obesity in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity FactsPMC9210004/(PMC9210004).

The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to determine the incidence of obesity among children and teenagers with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), as well as whether the prevalence of ASD is higher among obese children. The study found 20 suitable research publications on the prevalence of obesity in children with ASD using a systematic search of databases such as PubMed, Scopus, and PsychINFO up to May 21, 2021.

NURS FPX 6025 Assessment 3 Practicum and Scholarly Article

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According to the data, the prevalence of obesity among children with ASD ranged from 7.9% to 31.8%, while it ranged from 1.4% to 23.6% in the control group. Notably, the majority of this research comes from the United States. Obesity was shown to be prevalent in 17% of ASD populations, with a relative risk of 1.58 when compared to normal children. Surprisingly, no controlled studies were found that reported the prevalence of ASD among obese children.

Overall, the study found that children and teenagers with ASD have a significantly greater frequency of obesity than healthy controls. However, it emphasizes the need for additional study, particularly outside of the United States, as few European studies have been undertaken, and their findings have not revealed substantial variations in obesity prevalence between children with and without ASD. Furthermore, the study stresses the lack of understanding about the prevalence of ASD among obese children, indicating a crucial gap in existing research that must be addressed in future studies.

Discussion on Article with a Peer

After reading peer-reviewed research called “Autism Spectrum Disorder and Obesity in Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis,” I had a stimulating discussion with a fellow pediatric nurse. My colleague was particularly interested in the study’s findings about the frequency of obesity among children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We investigated the relevance of these findings for clinical practice and possible strategies to alleviate this issue.

We reviewed the value of established routines in improving weight management in children with ASD. The article discussed how having predictable schedules and routines can help this demographic develop better eating habits and manage their weight more efficiently. Drawing on our nursing experience, we investigated the feasibility of incorporating structured routines into electronic health record (EHR) systems. We envisioned a practical method to ensure consistent and balanced meals for children with ASD by including reminders or prompts for caregivers to adhere to a planned mealtime pattern, thereby boosting their general health and well-being.

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Another important component of the discussion was sensory-based tactics for encouraging healthy eating habits in children with ASD. We considered the sensory sensitivity that many autistic children have, which can have a significant impact on their eating experiences (Justino et al., 2023).

The article emphasized the necessity of adopting sensory concerns, such as changing textures or providing proper utensils, to make mealtimes more comfortable and encourage people to try new cuisines. In light of this, we investigated the possible integration of sensory preferences into EHR systems to adjust recommendations and support tailored treatment plans. By using technology to capture and adapt sensory preferences, healthcare providers can improve the efficacy of therapies targeted at fostering healthy eating habits and weight control in children with autism.

Reflection on Practicum Experience Including Accomplishments and Challenges

Reflecting on my practicum experience as a nurse dedicated to improving health outcomes for overweight autistic teenagers, I faced both outstanding accomplishments and challenges that had a profound impact on my professional development and the quality of patient care.

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One of the most notable accomplishments of my practicum was the tremendous insight I received into the unique healthcare demands of overweight autistic teenagers. Through immersion in their daily challenges and close engagement with interdisciplinary teams, I gained insights into the many elements that contribute to weight management issues in this group. This comprehension served as the foundation for developing targeted interventions and personalized care plans based on their specific needs and preferences. Witnessing the concrete changes in teenagers’ health outcomes as a result of these tailored interventions was clearly rewarding, emphasizing the importance of personalized care in promoting their overall well-being.

Despite these accomplishments, I faced significant challenges during my practicum journey. One of the most significant obstacles was a lack of comprehensive information on overweight autistic teenagers. The complexities of the population, combined with the need for complex and sensitive data collection methods, made acquiring and analyzing relevant data a difficult undertaking (Kabir, 2020). Overcoming this obstacle required ongoing collaboration with healthcare partners and unwavering lobbying for improved data-gathering practices. Through collaborative efforts to address this difficulty, we were able to improve data collection processes, increasing the accuracy and relevancy of the data accessible. As a result, more informed decision-making was possible, contributing to improved population health outcomes.

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Overall my practicum experience provided essential chances for personal and professional development, as evidenced by substantial accomplishments and challenges. By harnessing insights gained from these experiences, I am more ready to manage the intricacies of healthcare delivery for overweight autistic teenagers and will continue to advocate for their holistic well-being in my future pursuits.

Completion of Hours

Completing the required hours for my practicum experience was a watershed moment in my career as a nurse dedicated to improving the health outcomes of overweight autistic youth. Throughout the specified duration, I actively participated in a variety of tasks and responsibilities related to my work, ranging from cooperating with interdisciplinary teams to implementing personalized care plans. These experiences not only provided me with excellent practical experience but also helped me make substantial progress toward the goals I set for myself throughout my practicum.

By committing myself to complete the required hours with determination and devotion, I have not only expanded my clinical abilities but also deepened my awareness of this population’s multifaceted healthcare needs, thus increasing my ability to make meaningful contributions to their well-being.


The journey through NURS FPX 6025 Assessment 3 highlighted nurses’ vital role in meeting the healthcare needs of overweight autistic teenagers. Nurses gain vital insights into effective techniques for improving healthy outcomes in this population by reflecting on scholarly research and participating in hands-on practicum experiences. Nurses may improve the well-being of overweight autistic teenagers and advance the field of pediatric nursing by implementing evidence-based therapies, embracing interdisciplinary teamwork, and pushing for tailored care. Moving forward, sustained commitment to tackling the difficulties and capitalizing on the accomplishments identified in this assessment will enable nurses to have long-term beneficial impacts on the lives of these individuals and their families.

NURS FPX 6025 Assessment 3 Practicum and Scholarly Article

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Justino, E., Cobus, D., & Vivian Cristina Ito. (2023). Sensory sensitivity and food selectivity in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD): outlines for food therapy. Dataset Reports2(1).

Kabir, S. M. S. (2020, July). Methods of Data Collection. ResearchGate.

Sammels, O., Karjalainen, L., Dahlgren, J., & Wentz, E. (2022). Autism spectrum disorder and obesity in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity FactsPMC9210004/(PMC9210004).

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