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PSY4011 Development Psychology Assignment, AU, UK

Demonstrate an understanding of the scientific underpinnings of developmental psychology as a discipline, its historical and contemporary developments, and
limitations as well as socio-cultural differences.
Reason scientifically, consider multiple perspectives in developmental
psychology, consider ethical issues, and make critical judgments about
arguments in developmental psychology.
 Demonstrate knowledge of and critical thinking in developmental psychology

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Assignment Task

Narrated Presentation

Your task is to produce a narrated PowerPoint presentation (created on Microsoft PowerPoint) that is accompanied by a verbatim (word-for-word) transcript. You are required to submit your narrated presentation and transcript in two separate files; the PowerPoint presentation with embedded narration should be submitted as a PPT file and the verbatim transcript of your narration should be submitted as a Word/ PDF file.

 Your narrated presentation should describe and evaluate the significant contribution of four empirical research studies (i.e., peer-reviewed journal articles) that have examined factors contributing to socio-emotional development in childhood. Each journal article should examine a different factor contributing to socio-emotional development in childhood. Examples include (but are not limited to) individual differences, social experiences, cultural-specific experiences and developmental delay.

Socio-emotional development refers to a child’s ability to form meaningful relationships with others. It also refers to how they manage and understand their own emotions and the emotions and perspectives of others. Two examples of socio-emotional development are provided in Lesson 4(attachment and theory of mind) and you can choose to focus on these or find your own examples through your independent literature search.

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You should examine each paper individually, first starting with the key details of the article(i.e., the aims, methods, findings and conclusions). You should then summarise the significant contribution of the paper with regards to how it has added to our understanding of the factors that contribute to socio-emotional development in childhood. You should use the lessons on iLearn to establish an initial understanding of the topic area but to obtain higher marks, evidence of wider reading is required.

In order to reach the highest grade bands, you should also demonstrate critical evaluation in the way of critiquing each research paper. You should focus on what the study has contributed to our understanding of the topic and then, to take your critical evaluation further, you could also outline the limitations of the research and how future studies have/ may address these limitations, ethical dilemmas within the study and how these were/ should have been mitigated, and other perspectives or research studies that may contradict the findings of the study.

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