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MHA FPX 5040 Assessment 2 Case Study Analysis: Part 1

MHA FPX 5040 Assessment 2 Case Study Analysis: Part 1


Capella university

MHA-FPX 5040 Health Administration Change Leadership

Prof. Name


Case Study Analysis on South Central Foundation

The South-Central Foundation (SCF) underwent significant changes and improvements under the leadership of Katherine Gottlieb, who served as the Chief Executive Officer since 1987. Initially starting with a staff of 1,750 in June 2014, SCF expanded its services, including the Anchorage Native Primary Care Center and local community health centers. The congruence model guided the analysis, focusing on people, structure, work, and culture within the organization. Gottlieb’s vision aimed at creating a welcoming and safe environment for Alaska Native and American Indian (AIAN) people, challenging the conventional health system’s status quo at SCF (Cooper, 2023).

Elements of The Problem

Before Gottlieb’s tenure, SCF faced organizational dysfunction, particularly highlighted by extended patient wait times averaging 7-9 hours irrespective of medical urgency. Patients often experienced dissatisfaction, leading to negative perceptions of the healthcare organization. The lack of a clear vision or mission compounded these issues, hindering effective operations and patient care. Such shortcomings underscored the imperative for organizational change to enhance healthcare quality and community satisfaction (Gauly et al., 2023).

Needs of the Community

The community served by SCF faced significant challenges, including limited healthcare options, prolonged wait times, and reliance on the emergency room for all medical needs. This situation endangered public health, with many community members at risk of inadequate healthcare access and adverse health outcomes. Addressing these needs required comprehensive reforms to improve service efficiency, expand facilities, and prioritize patient well-being (Cooper, 2023).

MHA FPX 5040 Assessment 2 Case Study Analysis: Part 1

Need for Change

Gottlieb’s firsthand experience as a patient highlighted the urgency for change at SCF. She initiated reforms focused on fostering a welcoming environment and cultivating partnerships within the community. Through visionary leadership, Gottlieb spearheaded initiatives to bridge the gap between SCF’s existing state and its desired future, emphasizing employee training, stakeholder engagement, and patient-centered care (Visionary Leadership, Visionary Goals: NPHW@25., 2020).

Challenging the Status Quo

Gottlieb challenged conventional practices by forging alliances with healthcare and political leaders, fostering a culture of innovation and responsiveness. She implemented programs like the Executive Leadership Experience (ELE) and Special Assistant Program (SAP) to nurture new leaders and drive organizational change. These efforts aimed to create a customer-centric culture and strengthen SCF’s infrastructure to better serve the community (Gauly et al., 2023).


Under Gottlieb’s leadership, SCF underwent a transformative journey from a dysfunctional organization to a model of excellence in healthcare delivery. By prioritizing patient needs, fostering a culture of continuous improvement, and building strategic partnerships, SCF significantly enhanced its service quality and community impact. Gottlieb’s legacy exemplifies the profound impact visionary leadership can have in revitalizing healthcare systems to better serve marginalized populations (Cooper, 2023).



Gauly, J., Court, R., Currie, G., Seers, K., Clarke, A., Metcalfe, A., Wilson, A., Hazell, M., & Grove, A. L. (2023). Advancing leadership in surgery: a realist review of interventions and strategies to promote evidence-based leadership in healthcare. Implementation Science, 18, 1-25.

MHA FPX 5040 Assessment 2 Case Study Analysis: Part 1

Visionary Leadership, Visionary Goals: NPHW@25. (2020). American Journal of Public Health, 110(4), 427-428.

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