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Assess the pathways, receptors, and effects of the relevant pollutants  from both (landfill sites and incineration) disposal methods  Evaluate the effectiveness of the pollution control measures used to  minimise the effects

Assignment Task 

There are two (2) parts to the coursework – a main essay on waste disposal followed by a reflection  on the exercises throughout the module. These must be submitted as one document via Turnitin on  Aula. Be clear and specific, keeping it as short and concise as possible. 

Coursework Components

PART 1 (2500 words, 90% of module mark)  
In a circular economy, waste would not be generated; however, we are far from  reaching that goal. Currently, non-recycled municipal waste is mainly disposed of  either in landfill sites or by incineration – both of these processes cause  environmental impacts.

  • Assess the pathways, receptors, and effects of the relevant pollutants  from both (landfill sites and incineration) disposal methods 
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the pollution control measures used to  minimise the effects of the most significant pollutants released from landfill sites and incineration according to Best available techniques (BAT) (do not simply describe them) . 
  • Describe the waste management approach in your country and propose a waste management strategy that you consider appropriate and better  approach (give reasons) for improvement of waste management in your  country
  • Conclude with a reasoned opinion as to which of the two options  (landfill sites or incineration) provides the least damaging   environmental option and evaluate their potential to contribute  towards a circular economy 

PART 2: Reflection on module exercises (500 words 10% of module  mark) 

  • Critically reflect on your learning and development through the various  exercises you have been asked to carry out during this module and how you  can use this learning to improve your postgraduate skills and personal  development.
  • Ensure that you critically reflect on each exercise.  A guide on reflective writing is available via the URL below: short-guide reflective-writing.pdf (

Assessed Module Learning Outcomes 

The Learning Outcomes for this module align to the marking criteria which can be found at the end of  this brief. Ensure you understand the marking criteria to ensure successful achievement of the  assessment task. The following module learning outcomes are assessed in this task:

  • Critically assess source, pathways and receptors of atmospheric, water, noise, energy, waste and  terrestrial impacts of products and processes  
  • Evaluate methods to minimise these impacts and the techniques for ensuring control measures are  effective.  
  • Compare prevention and control methods in relation to direct and indirect and point-source and  nonpoint source pollution  
  • Select the best available techniques to minimise environmental impact for a given process or  product 
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