Task Written answers
- Word Count: 2500 words (+/- 10%)
- Use Sub-headings based on the criteria questions and numbers.
Question 1
Examine two key external influences impacting or likely to impact the activities of the organisation that you work for (or an organisation with which you are familiar)
AC 1.1 Examine the key external influences that impact on business environments.
- Choose two external factors (e.g., PESTLE).
- Describe each factor.
- Examine each factor in terms of how it will impact the activities of the organisation (e.g., does it have a positive or negative impact on sales, operations, recruitment, development, staff levels, productivity, etc.).
- Try to support your answer with accurate and up-to-date information, which should be appropriately referenced.
Example: Brexit, a political factor, could affect food imports for a supermarket chain. If its overseas supplies are delayed, this would result in a drop in the supermarket’s sales and profit, which could result in downsizing leading to potential redundancy.
Relate your answer to your organisation or an organisation with which you are familiar (same one throughout).
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Question 2
Discuss the main business goal of the organisation that you work for (or an organisation with which you are familiar) and why it is important for that organisation to plan how they will achieve the goal.
AC 1.2 Discuss organisational goals and why it is important for organisations to plan.
- Discuss the main business goal of the organisation (e.g., to provide superior customer service, to increase profitability, etc.).
- Discuss two reasons why it is important for an organisation to plan to achieve its business goal (e.g., planning helps an organisation respond effectively to changes in external and internal factors, ensures alignment of people practice activities with the organisation’s goals, etc.).
Relate your answer to your organisation or an organisation with which you are familiar (same one throughout).
Question 3
Discuss the products and/or services of the organisation that you work for (or an organisation with which you are familiar) and discuss the organisation’s main customers.
AC 1.3 Discuss the products and/or services the organisation delivers, including who the main customers are.
- Give examples of your chosen organisation’s key products and/or services.
- Discuss at least two of the organisation’s main customers, including their characteristics (e.g., demographics like age and gender; for business customers, factors like company size, industry sector, and geographical location).
Relate your answer to your organisation or an organisation with which you are familiar (same one throughout).
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Question 4
Review how file sharing technology and video conferencing can be used to improve working practices and collaboration within the people profession in your organisation (or an organisation with which you are familiar).
AC 1.4 Review the range of technology available within the people profession, including how it can be utilised to improve working practices and collaboration.
- Review how one file-sharing technology (e.g., SharePoint, OneDrive) can improve working practices and collaboration.
- Review how one video conferencing technology (e.g., Teams, Zoom, Adobe) can improve working practices and collaboration.
Relate your answer to your organisation or an organisation with which you are familiar (same one throughout).
Question 5
Define organisational culture and explain why it is important to foster an appropriate and effective workplace culture in your organisation.
AC 2.1 Define workplace culture in organisational settings and the importance of fostering positive approaches towards it.
- Definition of workplace culture.
- Explain why fostering an effective workplace culture is important (e.g., helps achieve organisational goals, attracts the right talent, etc.).
Relate your answer to your organisation or an organisation with which you are familiar (same one throughout).
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Question 6
Explain how culture is part of a whole system and how people professionals’ work and actions could impact elsewhere in your organisation.(or an organisation with which you are familiar).
AC 2.2 Explain how organisations are whole systems, and how work and actions as a people professional could impact elsewhere in the organisation.
- Explain how the culture of the organisation connects different areas through shared values, communications, and ways of working.
- Give two examples of how people professionals’ work and actions could impact elsewhere in the organisation.
Relate your answer to your organisation or an organisation with which you are familiar (same one throughout).
Question 7
Explain why it is important that organisational change driven by economic downturn and challenging trading conditions is planned, and effectively managed in your organisation (or an organisation with which you are familiar).
AC 3.1 Explain the importance of planning and managing change within the workplace.
- Explain why it is important that change driven by economic downturn and challenging trading conditions is planned, and effectively managed within the workplace (e.g. change programmes fail due to lack of planning and employee buy-in).
- You could, using theory from experts like Kotter, give examples of why planning change and managing change are important to the success of change programmes.
• Relate your answer to your organisation, or an organisation which you are familiar (same one throughout)
Question 8
Explain the importance and role that could be played by people professionals in your organisation (or an organisation with which you are familiar) within change driven by economic downturn.
AC 3.2 Consider the importance and role that people professionals play within change.
- Explain two different roles played by professionals within change (e.g. gatekeeper, champion, facilitator, critical friend or record-keeper, etc.).
- Explain the importance of the two chosen roles (e.g. focus on the support and guidance that people professionals can offer managers and employees during change agendas and why this is important).
Relate your answer to your organisation, or an organisation which you are familiar (same one throughout).
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Question 9
Discuss how organisational change, driven by economic downturn, could impact people in your organisation (or an organisation with which you are familiar) in different ways.
AC 3.3 Discuss how change can impact people in different ways.
- Discuss at least two examples of how change driven by economic downturn can impact employees (e.g. job security/loss, downsizing, financial loss, etc.).
- You could use theory from Kubler Ross or the Fisher curve to help you explain different ways people respond to change.
Relate your answer to your organisation, or an organisation which you are familiar (same one throughout).
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• 2,500 words +/- 10%
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