Business Management Solution
You have been promoted to lead a newly formed team of 10 people. Most team members travel for work and some work from home part of the time. One of the things that takes up a lot of time for people who travel or work remotely is putting together expense reports for travel and home-based office expenses. You must review every expense report for accuracy before you send it to the accounting department, which verifies that the expenses do not exceed the budget for a particular account. If there are no budget issues, the accounting department tells the accounts payable department to reimburse the employee. If you find an inaccuracy or a receipt is missing, you must send the report back to the employee for correction. If the accounting department discovers a budgetary problem, they will send the report back to you to identify a different account to use for the expenses.Put together a presentation to use at the kick-off meeting with your new team to introduce the collaboration and productivity tools they will be using. Explain how your team will use the tools. For instance, will one person be in charge of the group calendar or will anybody be able to schedule meetings and invite participants? Consider how team members will get training or help, if needed. Include one slide with a process map depicting the steps for expense reporting and explain how collaboration tools could make this time-consuming process easier and/or faster. Do not overwhelm your team; pick no more than six collaboration tools. You want to get off to a good start by making it easier for your team members to work together.Requirement 3-4 pages, APA format.Chapter_2_Section_2.2Chapter_3_Section_3.2…
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