Title: Report Description:
This report is designed to assess both conceptual understanding and practical implications of the CSR concepts and frameworks students learn from week 5 toll.
Students will be provided a template to prepare the report. See the attached task brief: 7112IBA report guidelines.pdf
Rubric: See attached rubric 7112IBA A4 report rubric.pdf
Examples: Attached are some examples of reports, but they are not completed report but draft report so some ideas are provided in bullet points, out of which paragraphs are supposed to form. But it will give an exact idea about how should your report look like. In this report, students chosen illusory companies, it was a group effort so students selected 3-4 issues. In our case, you have to select one or two issues only and offer some implementation plan for the solution.
Example of report 2.docx
Example of reportl .docx
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