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Economics assignment paper

economics assignment (1000)
Overview:As you saw on the syllabus, the second writing assignment will be submitted in stages,including a draft, peer assessments, and the final version. The theme of this assignmentwill be developing a research question and designing an experiment to investigate thatquestion.We will be posting the administrative information about submitting the stages of youressay, and specifics about each stage of the process. We will update and repost theseinstructions as we progress through these stages.2. Objectives of this Assignment:The goal for this assignment is to think about how economic research moves forward–identifying interesting questions, formulating a hypothesis, and designing an experimentto gather data to answer that question.The overall assignment is broken down into phases for several reasons. Perhaps mostimportantly, this is how research and writing actually happen–every journal article wehave read this semester started as an idea that was then refined, and then went throughmultiple rounds of writing and revision before becoming the finished product. This is animportant part of how things work, and the chance to revisit a draft to improve upon it isa great way to refine your ideas and improve your writing. It also gives you a chance tonot only get some feedback (from us and from your classmates), but to see what otherstudents are thinking about, and provide them with some feedback as well. This is animportant evolution of the kind of critique we did in the first writing assignment: thereyou critiqued a finished article, but now you have the chance to give feedback with thespecific goal of improving something during its development.3. MarkingWe will post the rubrics used to mark each of the stages of this assignment to the coursewebsite. I would encourage you to check the rubrics to make sure you are meeting all ofthe expected criteria! Particularly with the draft phase there is some flexibility in how you structure your assignment, but there are some key elements that you will want todemonstrate you have thought about, so be sure to compare your submission to the rubricbefore you turn it in.4. Structure and DetailsThe final version of this writing assignment will be a 1000-1250 word essay, whichamounts to roughly four to five pages, double-spaced. Before submitting the finalversion, you will turn in a draft and participate in a peer review process.Audience and tone: Your essay should be written as though your intendedaudience is someone with a working knowledge of behavioral economics–you canassume they are familiar with, for example, the content of this course. This is anacademic paper, which means that the tone is formal. This does not mean that it has to begrandiose–you should avoid overstating your claims or making sweepinggeneralizations. In academic writing, you do not want to make big claims that youcannot support, or to be hyperbolic and overstate what you are doing. It is far better to beaccurate about what you attempting to do, so that your audience judges whether itaccomplishes that set of tasks, not the overstated version. Be precise in what you say,and make claims that you can support!Content: The topic of your second writing assignment is an experimentalproposal. That means your primary tasks are to identify a research question, motivatethat question and provide some context, and describe the means by which you wouldanswer that question (i.e., the experiment you would conduct to test your hypothesis).The subject of this can be anything within behavioral economics, but will need to lead toan experimental design. The final version of your assignment will need to:• Identify a research question you propose to answer with your experiment. Forthis kind of task, more specific questions are usually better, as it is clearer whatthey are asking, and how they ought to be tested. It is impossible to design acompelling experiment for questions that are overly broad; if you are struggling tothink of how you could experimentally address the question you are considering,perhaps you should considering narrowing your question down further.• Provide some motivation for why this is an interesting question. The expectationis not that your research question is necessarily the single most fascinating topicever to be discussed, but it should be clear why someone would be interested inactually going through the effort to conduct experiments on it.• Provide some context through a discussion of the existing literature. While youwill not be required to do a comprehensive literature review on your topic due tothe time constraints, you will be expected to have a section in which you discusshow your research question relates to what we already know. For this, you willneed to have at least three (3) papers that address what we already know related to the topic. While this is not the main focus of this project, it is important to be ableto explain how your research question relates to the things we already know.• Describe the experiment you are proposing to help answer this question. This isreasonably detailed description of your experiment. Your experiment should besomething that is possible, and preferably something that is feasible. Forexample, assuming that we know subjects’utility functions would not be possible.You should be clear about what data your experiment will generate, and how youwould analyze it to answer your questions. The focus of this course is not onstatistical methods, so this does not have to be in extreme detail, but it should beclear what the approach would be. For example,“comparing the mean of Xacross the two treatments”is clear enough, whereas“record subjects’opinionsabout Y and look for trends”is not.5. The DraftThe first stage of this assignment is the submission of a draft. As the name suggests, thisdoes not have to be a polished version of the eventual paper. However, you do need tohave made enough progress for someone to look at your idea and give you constructivefeedback on it. To that end, your draft should have a clear research question (it is okay ifthis evolves before the final version), and motivation for why your audience should beinterested. You should describe at least two of your sources (so that your audience hassome context), and give at least a sketch of your experimental procedure. In short, whileit does not need to be a completed or polished paper, it needs to have the main elementsof the assignment, so that you can be given constructive feedback. Of course, the morecomplete your draft is, the more your reviewers can give you helpful feedback.6. Submitting the Draft:You will need to submit your draft in TWO places. We will be using PeerScholar for thepeer evaluation portion of this assessment. However, we also will be making use ofTurnitin in order to check for potential plagiarism problems. To also be able to useTurnitin, you will be submitting the draft as an assignment on Quercus as well. To thatend:1. Upload your draft to the Quercus assignment“WA2 Draft”, justlike you did with the first writing assignment. Please submit yourassignment as a .pdf with the file name“Last_First_Draft”, whereLast is your last name, and First is your first name.2. Go to the Quercus assignment named“WA2–Peer Assessment”.It will open PeerScholar in a new window.3. Upload your draft to PeerScholar. You can either copy and pastethe text of your draft, or attach it as a file. Please do NOT includeany identifying information (name, student number, etc.)

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