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ACCN10026: Behavioural Finance & Market Efficiency Appearance The appearance of your work is an assessment criterion. You are, therefore, required to type your assignment/essay. Facilities for word-processing assignments/essays are available throughout the University campus. Accuracy and consistency are very important and you should always proofread your assignment thoroughly before handing it in. Below are some key aspec

ACCN10026: Behavioural Finance & Market Efficiency


The appearance of your work is an assessment criterion. You are, therefore, required to type your assignment/essay. Facilities for word-processing assignments/essays are available throughout the University campus. Accuracy and consistency are very important and you should always proofread your assignment thoroughly before handing it in.

Below are some key aspects to the presentation of your assignment that should be considered. Again, these are intended as a general guideline and you should consult the information provided in your course booklet and on Learn for any specific requirements for a particular course.

Organization and Structure

Assignments/essays should be systematic. The main points should be organized so that the argument or comment which you are making develops in a logical manner. This should be reflected in the formal structure you adopt the use of sub-headings can sometimes be helpful. It can be useful to outline the argument at the outset, in terms of headings/subheadings to establish a logical flow to the argument.

The required layout will vary depending on the type of academic writing you have been asked to produce and you should always consult the course booklet and/or assignment guidelines on Learn prior to writing up

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