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According to the Registered Nurse Standards for Practice

• Follow the word limits.
PART One: Evidence based practice concepts (17.5 marks)
1. According to the Registered Nurse Standards for Practice (2016), what is the role of evidence based practice in the nursing profession? (100 words±10% , 4 marks). Needs referencing.
2. How can the Evidence Based Practice Model enhance nurses’ clinical decision-makings? (100 words±10%, 4 marks). Needs referencing.
3. One of the components of Evidence Based Practice is consideration of the patient’s values and preferences. What does this mean? Using an example, explain the importance of this component (100 words±10%, 4 marks). Needs referencing.
4. Reflecting on your last clinical placement or clinical work experience, explain four barriers and four enablers to the implementation of evidence-based practice in the clinical settings? (100 words±10%, 4 marks).
5. Why are randomised controlled trials considered to be ‘higher level evidence’? (50 words±10%, 1.5 marks). Needs referencing

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