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ACCT6004 Finance S…

2:05Vo))LTE1.ACCT6004 Finance S… and return analysis.At the beginning of Week 4 you will be assigned an ASXlisted company as the context for some parts of thisassignment. At this time, you will find your assignedcompany’s ASX code in ‘Grades and Feedback’ on theunit’s MySCU Learning site.Please refer to the ‘Assessment Tasks and Submission’section of the unit’s MySCU Learning Site for furtherdetails on this assignment.Assessment 3: Business casestudiesThis assessment is for these students only: Gold Coast;Online; SCU Melbourne; SCU Perth; SCU Sydney.LearningProfessionalGroup/Assessment individualGrading MinLength/indicator Score Weight durationoutcomesDueaccreditationBusinessIndividual4GradedNA25%Maximum12N/Acasestudies 1000 words May2021spreadsheet 5:00PMThis third assignment covers content from Topics 6,7and 8.For this assignment you will be required to addressproblems related to capital investment analysis.Details of the assignment can be found in the‘Assessment Tasks and Submission’ section of the unit’sMySCU Learning Site.Assessment 4: Exam: closedbookThis assessment is for these students only: Gold Coast;Online; SCU Melbourne; SCU Perth; SCU Sydney.ProfessionalGroup/Assessment individualLearning Gradingoutcomes indicatorMinLength/Score Weight durationDueaccreditationExam:Individual1,2,3,4,Graded50@%3 hoursExamN/Aclosed book5PeriodYou will be advised of the exam date during the studyperiod. Refer to Examinations for more informationabout exams.You must bring a silent, non-programmable calculator tothe exam.You are permitted to bring the following into the examroom: foreign language translation dictionary.Please Note: foreign language translation dictionariesmust be in book form and must be unmarked with nohighlighting and no added tabs.You are not permitted to bring the following into theexam room: electronic devices such as mobile phones,electronic dictionaries and computers.Further guidance on the exam will be provided during thesession.III

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