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AHCAGB519 Plan and monitor production processes

Candidate’s assessment kit


Plan and monitor production processes


Section 1 Introduction. 3

About your kit. 3

The purpose of this assessment. 3

Assessment Conditions. 4

Assessment Steps. 4

Before the Assessment. 4

Recording the assessment outcomes. 6

Number of attempts. 6

Appeals. 7

Advice on applying reasonable adjustments. 7

Why so many signatures?. 8

Section 2 – Pre-assessment Checklist 9

Candidate’s declaration. 10

Section 3 – Knowledge requirements. 11

Instructions for the candidate. 11

Section 3 – Knowledge Assessment – Outcomes. 29

Section 4 – Tasks – Instructions. 30

Section 4 – Tasks Assessment – Outcome. 35

Section 5 – Competency Summary Record Sheet 36

Feedback from candidate. 37

Section 6 – Appendices. 38

Section 1 Introduction        

This is your assessment kit for the unit of competency AHCAGB519 Plan and monitor production processes.

All assessment activities  must be carried out to comply with organisational requirements, work health and safety legislation and codes, sustainability practices and in consultation with the management team.

This unit of competency describes the skills and knowledge required to plan and monitor production processes, including identifying the production processes required to achieve targets; establishing production targets for each enterprise and each product, crop, herd or flock; and monitoring and evaluating production processes.

This unit applies to individuals who work in agribusiness management roles where they take personal responsibility and exercise autonomy in undertaking complex work. They analyse information and exercise judgement to complete a range of advanced skilled activities.

All work must be carried out to comply with workplace procedures, work health and safety legislation and codes, and sustainability practices.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

About your kit

Your kit contains the assessment activities that you need to complete to establish your competency.

The kit has 4 sections

Section 1: Introduction

Section 2: Your rights and obligations to the assessment process

Section 3: Your knowledge of the production processes for Agribusiness

Section 4:  Your ability to plan and monitor production processes.

The purpose of this assessment

The purpose of the assessment is to confirm that you can perform to the standard required in the workplace, as specified by the training package or a vocational education. The assessment process collects evidence and makes judgements on whether competency has been achieved.

The assessment process is the final stage in confirming if you have the skills and knowledge to perform tasks typical of the workplace.

The following is the performance evidence and knowledge evidence needed to confirm competency in this unit.

An individual demonstrating competency must satisfy all of the elements and performance criteria in this unit. There must be evidence that the individual has planned and monitored at least one production cycle, including:

identified production processes required to achieve targeted production

established production targets for each product, crop, herd, or flock

scheduled production processes with monitoring points and performance indicators

documented the production plan

evaluated production processes and made modifications where required

created and maintained records as described in the production plan.

Knowledge evidence

An individual must be able to demonstrate the knowledge required to perform the tasks outlined in the elements and performance criteria of this unit. This includes knowledge of:

environmental controls and codes of practice relevant to the production process

management practices to minimise noise, odours, waste, erosion, relevant to production process

sustainable land use principles and practices applicable in the region

production planning processes

biosecurity and quality assurance requirements for product

legislation and regulations relevant to product and production processes.

Assessment Conditions

Assessment of skills must take place under the following conditions:

Assessors of this unit must satisfy the requirements for assessors in applicable vocational education and training legislation, frameworks and/or standards.

Assessment Steps

We have listed the steps to follow when conducting this assessment.

Before the Assessment

Before the Assessment

Your assessor must ensure that you have received your assessment kit prior to the commencement of the assessment.

If a simulation is used, then your assessor must brief you on the requirements of the simulation and the conditions of the simulation. (Activities 3 and 4 are simulations).

Your assessor must ensure they identify any special needs that you may have in relation to undertaking this assessment. For example, you may have LLN issues, or you may not have access to technology to complete and submit the assessment evidence. If you require assistance, then discuss this with your assessor as soon as possible so they are able to help you including providing reasonable adjustment for those requiring assistance. Adjustments include any changes to the assessment process or context. However, your assessor must not compromise the integrity of the competency.

You must fully understand of the assessment process. Your assessor will clarify the following information prior to the commencement of the assessment:

the purpose of the assessment

the conditions of the assessment, which includes:

the timeframes for each task

the due date for submitting their assessment

the location where the assessment tasks will be undertaken

the essential information required to carry out the assessment (e.g. templates, policy and procedures, etc.)

You must be aware of the mandatory requirements you must perform to be deemed satisfactory for an assessment activity: i.e.

You meet all the requirements outlined in the Student Assessment Guide

Your responses to the questions and tasks must be accurate and relevant

The work you submit must be authentic and in your own words

You must provide reference to any external sources of information used

You must perform all the above points within the deadlines set the Assessor

Complete the assessment within prescribed number of resubmits allowed

Plus you have the right to appeal all outcomes following the appeals process.

Once this is understood, you will be asked to  sign the Pre-Assessment Checklist and declaration provided by your assessor. You will not be assessed until the signed checklist and declaration is held by the assessor or RTO office. .

During the Assessment

Knowledge evidence

You may contact your assessor for information regarding what to do and how to do it. Remember that this is an assessment; therefore they cannot give you the solutions, answers or even suggestions on what to write. They are limited to clarifying what is required.

Performance evidence

Section 4 details four (4) activities with each activity having tasks to complete.

Activity one (1) has 3 tasks associated with PE 1 & 2

Activity two (2) is a simulated observation relating to the application of workplace safety procedures covering: –

infection controlhazardous manual tasks

use of personal protective equipment

Activity three (3) is a simulated observation relating to the application relating to infection control

Activity four (4) is a simulated response to an emergency evacuation

When you submit your assessment, your assessor uses KPI’s and industry based guidelines to benchmark your answers and responses. These are provided in a separate marking guide to ensure consistency in the ‘marking’ of any assessment submitted by any candidate.

After the Assessment

Your assessor will provide enough detail to allow you to gain a clear understanding of your performance. This is more relevant when you have not met the standard required

Their comments should be positive and focus on any gaps and strategies for further development.

Your marked assessments will be retained by the assessor

For those students who are deemed ‘Not Yet Competent’ (NYC), you will have the opportunity to be reassessed, but this is limited to one (1) occasion.

 Once deemed competent, all assessments, including those did not demonstrate competency, are forwarded to the Administration for filing and the generation of the relevant student records.

For those students who do not wish to undergo reassessment, their NYC assessments are to be forwarded to the Administration for filing.

If the student decides to appeal the process, please instigate the appeals process in accordance with the policies and procedures manual.

Your competency status will be provided by the training company (not the assessor)

Retention of Completed Assessments

All completed assessments are retained for at least six months from the completion of the assessment.

Recording the assessment outcomes

Assessors are to record their observations, feedback and determinations in using the forms provided in the assessor’s checklists (booklet) with the exception of the knowledge questions which are contained in this kit.

Whenever the following panel appears in the assessor’s workbook or in the candidate’s kit, that page must be completed and then removed by to be returned to the RTO where it is kept with the student’s records.


Note, any issues or misunderstanding about the intent of any question or task described in this document, needs to be referred to the Principal as part of the continuous improvement and moderation practices adopted by the RTO again using the space provided in the candidate’s Marking guide.

Number of attempts

The candidate has two (2) opportunities to successfully complete each activity, the record sheets include space to record the number of attempts, for example 1st o, 2nd o. If the response or performance is successful then ü the appropriate square o

If the response is not successful then place a X in the appropriate square o.

Possible outcomes could be: –


In the last case the candidate has not successfully completed this assessment and would be deemed not yet competent.

Naturally if they are successful on the 1st attempt there is no need to repeat the assessment.

Candidates that are unsuccessful after the 2nd attempt are not permitted to re-sit the assessment without prior written approval from the Principal. They may continue training and assessment in other units providing this unit is not a pre-requisite for further studies.

Where the candidates’ responses are markedly different to the suggested answer, assessors must use professional judgement when marking these responses. For example, if a candidate provides a different answer to the Marking guide, but the answer is still satisfactory, then they should be marked as satisfactory. The assessor must indicate why that response is deemed satisfactory and subsequently refer that response for moderation.


The candidate has the right to appeal any of the assessment outcomes and if they wish to do so should refer to their student handbook to determine how to lodge an appeal.  Candidates and assessors should refer to the appeals policy, noting the following is a summary of the actions and responsibilities.

In the first instance an informal approach is to be made to the assessor with any new evidence or to clarify existing evidence. Where the participant is still dissatisfied with the decision then a formal request can be made to the RTO Manager who will refer the assessment to a facilitator who was not involved in the original decision, to review the decision. 

If the participant is still dissatisfied with the decision, then a written notice of appeal may be lodged with the RTO requesting an independent review by an external appeal consultant. 

Appeals should be lodged within 7 days of the assessment and usually responded to within 21 days however where the RTO considers more than 60 days are required to respond it will inform the appellant, explaining the delay and ensure it regularly updates the appellant on the progress of the appeal.  Candidate’s will not be able to re-sit a third and subsequent assessment for this unit without prior written approval from the RTO Manager.

Advice on applying reasonable adjustments

In assessing the competence of individuals, assessors must provide for reasonable adjustments to ensure the assessment principles of fairness and flexibility are addressed. For example, they may respond to situations that reflect their life experiences and or cultural background and you should make adjustments for that.

However, assessors must be confident that reasonable adjustments do not compromise the outcomes of the unit and the integrity of the qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued as certification of achievement.

Where a candidate requires reasonable adjustments, assessors must decide what types of adjustments are needed and then make a judgment about whether these are ‘reasonable’ given the unit content requirements and specifications.

The test of reasonableness is subjective but must be guided by the principles of assessment and the balance between them, as well as the rules of evidence.

Reasonable adjustments may take the form of additional support during the assessment process for example in the provision of particular equipment or software, or changes to the physical environment, or provision of support persons for physical disability or additional time.

An individual’s access to the assessment process should not be adversely affected by restrictions placed on the location or context of assessment beyond the requirements specified in this Training Package.

The use of interpreters would not be a reasonable adjustment for assessment of units in this Training Package as English language is essential.

Similarly, a focus on oral responses in place of documentary evidence would not be reasonable if the unit clearly requires evidence of literacy skills to write, document and record material. Given the focus on cognitive skills in these cases that relate to planning, research, analysis, thinking techniques and evaluation, achieving the competency outcomes may be difficult for people with some learning disabilities or intellectual disabilities.

Where reasonable adjustments have been applied, assessors should ensure the type of adjustments is recorded to guide any further assessments of the candidate and for validation purposes. This can include provisions for the person’s culture, mores and life experiences.

Expected levels of performance.

This unit of competency is related to a Diploma and as such there is an expectation that you can demonstrate technical and theoretical knowledge in a specific area or broad field of work and learning.

You are expected to show judgement and defined responsibility in a known or changing context and within broad and defined parameters.

Assessors must be conscious that you can demonstrate the ability to: –

analyse information to complete a range of activities

provide and transmit solutions to sometimes complex problems

transmit information and skills to others

You need to be aware of the expected literacy and numeracy requirements which are consistent with this level of skill and knowledge as you will be expected to be able to read and interpret complex information and development financial and mathematical relationships. They should also be able to articulate complex ideas to a wide group of people.

If there is a concern about you LLN proficiency they contact the RTO Manager and they will be able to offer help and guidance.

Why so many signatures?

BCH is required to comply with Australian Standards for the delivery of training and assessment services. Part of these standards is to demonstrate it has always treated you fairly and that includes when you undertake an assessment. 

In many cases the assessor is required to provide you feedback as you progress through your assessment and BCH is required to provide evidence to confirm your assessor has informed you of the outcome of your assessment and make suggestions for improvement or record the steps you can take to continue your learning and or assessment.

With that in mind we ask that you co-operate with us by signing any reports or statements that confirm your assessment. You do not need to sign if you feel uncomfortable in doing so. Let us know if you have any concerns with signing anything.

As always you have the right to appeal any outcome and we ask you to do so in writing according to our procedures.

Section 2 Pre-assessment Checklist

Candidate’s name: Units of competency:AHCAGB519 Plan and monitor production processesTrainer/Assessor: Date:ChecklistComments¨ Discussed the purpose of the assessment. ¨ Discussed the assessment environment and the process covering when the assessment will occur, where the assessment will occur, who will assess the candidate, and the feedback process. ¨ Explained the unit of competency including each element, performance criteria, foundation skill, performance evidence, and knowledge evidence that the candidate will be assessed on. ¨ Discussed the various methods of assessment, assessment instruments, submission requirements and the due date for this unit of competency ¨ Discussed the resources provided by the RTO for the candidate; to undertake this assessment. ¨ Discussed the performance level required for each assessment task. ¨ Discussed the assessment conditions essential for the candidate to carry out each assessment task. ¨ Ensured that the candidate acknowledged they have read and understood the Candidate Assessment Handbook involving following concepts: authenticity of candidate’s workre-submission, re-assessment policy/proceduresappeals processregulatory informationconfidentiality procedures ¨ Discussed the need for the candidate’s signatures throughout the assessment ¨ Discussed any special needs of the candidate and made the necessary arrangements. ¨ Summarised information and allowed candidate to ask questions. 

Candidate’s declaration

I acknowledge receipt of this assessment kit and that it contains all the assessment activities I will need to complete (successfully) to be deemed competent in this unit of competency.

I understand that my assessor has a master copy of this kit, but it differs in that it has the suggested model answers, responses and examples of finished activities. My assessor will use my assessment kit to ‘mark’ and record the outcomes of my assessment. They may also reproduce the performance indicators that appear exclusively in the marking guide to record my responses to certain assessment tasks.

I understand I should always read the assessment activities and the supporting instructions in full before I undertake any of the tasks required therein and if I have any issues with the assessment activity I can discuss it with my trainer and or assessor providing I give reasonable notice.

I am aware that my assessor has been told that should they observe issues or misunderstanding about the intent of any question or task described in this document, then that will be referred to the RTO Manager as part of the continuous improvement and moderation practices adopted by the RTO.

I am aware that the assessor MUST ensure that the assessment outcomes for each of the assessments are retained by the RTO on completion of each assessment activity. Assessors are to record their observations, feedback and determinations in MY Marking guide using the space provided.

I am also aware that whenever the following panel appears in this kit, that page must be completed and then removed AND returned to the RTO where it is kept with MY records as indicated by the following.


I also understand that the assessor has been instructed to also ensure I am treated fairly, and I have only two opportunities to successfully complete this unit of competency.

If I am not successful on the second attempt, I may be offered options for extra support or learning including repeating the unit in its entirety. I am aware that after the 2nd attempt I will not be able to undertake any subsequent assessment without the prior and written consent of the Principle.

II am not satisfied with the assessment outcome I acknowledge I can appeal the result providing I follow the procedures outlined in my handbook.

I acknowledge that if I feel I am not ready to be assessed or believe this assessment is unfair I will contact my assessor to discuss options.

Please tick this box if you understand the assessment instructions outlined above

Please tick this box to consent to being assessed.

Please tick this box to acknowledge that all work submitted by you will be your own work.

Please tick this box to acknowledge that you can appeal the result of the outcome and the process for making an appeal is detailed in your handbook,

Candidate’s Name:                                                                                                                                            

Signature: __________________________________________ Date: _________

Section 3 – Knowledge requirements

Instructions for the candidate.

The information that follows, lists the questions that you will need to respond to in writing.  All these questions are theoretical and provide evidence of your understanding of the concepts and examples of planning production.

In this assessment event you have the option to answer these short answer questions in either of two ways:

as a supervised test (they will complete their answers in front of your assessor at a designated time and place) or

as a takeaway assignment (you will complete your answers in your own time and submit at a designated time)

In a supervised test the assessment is an open book (you are allowed to use any resources to answer the questions)

In a takeaway assignment, you have the freedom to complete the assessment at your own pace, but your assessor will specify: –

it must be your work

it must be in your own words

you must indicate the source of any resource materials referred to.

In addition, you must not cut and paste answers from your source but instead put it in your own words, unless it is a direct quote.

Read all the questions thoroughly before attempting to answer each.

If using this assessment booklet, candidates should PRINT their responses in blue or black pen using the space provided.

If using a computer to type any or all of the responses, use A4 paper and observe formatting. Make sure the question is accurately reproduced in full (including the question number). In all cases correct spelling and grammar must be used. If using Microsoft Word, use English (Australia) for spelling and grammar (as the default).

You must achieve a satisfactory outcome for all of the assessment tasks. This includes meeting the following conditions:

you must complete all of the tasks outlined in this Candidate Assessment Kit document 

you will then submit your completed Assessment to your assessor

you must perform the above two points within the given timeframes by your Assessor / training provider.

Please be aware that your Trainer/Assessor is here to provide you with the necessary support throughout the assessment process so that you can achieve the desired outcomes. If you have questions, then contact them for guidance.

The questions for the knowledge evidence follow on the next page: –

Knowledge evidence – Questions

Question 1.            KE 1                                                                                                                1st o  2nd o

In the context of agricultural production and land management outline the environmental controls and codes of practice that are apply to the organisation.  Word count to range from 300 -400 words


Question 2.            KE 1                                                                                                                                                     1st o  2nd o

When you are deciding on how to use or work your land what general environmental duties what do you need to think about?


Question 3.            KE 1                                                                                                                                                     1st o  2nd o

As a QLD primary producer, what source of information would you refer to, to establish who has a duty to notify the QLD Government of an environmental incident. What are the key criteria associated with this duty holder? What other specific duty might be applied to anyone carrying out a resource activity (other than mining) Cite your reference. Max 250 words


Question 4.            KE 1, 6                                                                                                            1st o  2nd o

As a QLD landowner and primary producer, what are your statutory obligation for caring for your land as it relates to soil conservation (approx. 250 words)


Question 5.            KE 2                                                                                                                1st o  2nd o

Complete the table below by describing each type of sustainable farming practice and then outline the advantages for each. (max 50 words per cell

Type of practiceDescriptionAdvantagesConservation Agriculture          Controlled Traffic Farming            Precision agricultures            IPM            Rotating crops and embracing diversity              Planting of cover crops.              Integrating livestock and crops.              Adopting agro-forestry practices.            

Question 6.            KE 2, 3                                                                                                           1st o  2nd

Describe in your own words how you would use the Australian Land Use and Management Classification system to help you identify the sustainable land use principles and practices that would be applicable in your region. (Max 500 words). Cite references


Question 7.            KE 3                                                                                                                               1st o 2nd o

Describe the general principle or principles underlying land and water management plans that are applicable to commercial irrigators. Include in your response a rationale for the plan to include information on why farming practices need to reflect sustainable land and water use management. (Max 100 words)


Question 8.            KE 4                                                                                                                               1st o 2nd o

Using the table below, identify the types of influential factors that need to be considered when planning the production of crops or farm produce. (max 100 words per cell)

Note for each aspect you are expected to list the minimum influential factors as indicated by the (number). For example, the aspect – characteristic of the product is followed by (4). This means you must list at least 4 influential factors for that aspect.

Aspect of the planInfluential factors to be considered.characteristic of the product  (4)        The characteristics of the land under production?   (8)                The infrastructure needed  (10)                    The influence of historical data  (6)            What other organisational planning processes?  (3)       

Question 9.            KE 5                                                                                                                1st o  2nd o

The Department of Agriculture administers various Commonwealth Acts to protect Australia’s animal plant and human health status and to maintain market access for Australian food and other Agricultural exports. Identify and describe the objects of each of the three (3) primary acts administered by the Department Ensure you cite each Act correctly. How do these Act contribute to quality assurance?   (Word count between 150 -250 words)per cell

The Acts.Objects of the ActBiosecurity Act 2015          Export Control Act 1982          Imported Food Control Act 1992          

Question 10.        KE 5 6                                                                                                             1st o  2nd o

For each of the following pieces of legislation describe the intent or object of the act. Cite your reference for each and provide a brief summary of how this might impact on a primary producer and production planning. Limit response to a max 50 words per cell

The ActIts objectHow it might impact producersMigratory Species Act          Wetlands Protection  (EPBC)          National Water Initiative          Horticulture Code of Conduct          

Feedback to candidate on their assessment

Candidate’s signature Assessors signature


Section 3 – Knowledge Assessment – Outcomes

Assessors Instructions: Refer to Marking guide, Print one of these forms for each candidate

Candidate’s Name:                                                                                                    Date:                                                                                                            

Q’sS / NYSComments on response1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  

Assessor’s Name:                                                                                                                                            

Signature:                                                                                                              Date:                                  

Do not sign this section until the assessment has been marked and you are satisfied with the result.

You also have the right to appeal the outcome. Please first discuss with your assessor.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome, refer to the RTO’s appeals process to lodge a formal appeal.

Candidate’s Name:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Candidate can use this space to tell us how we can improve this assessment activity



Attach this and the previous page to Section 3 – Assessment Outcome

Section 4 – Tasks – Instructions

This section requires you to complete a project relating to planning for agricultural production.

For the purpose of this project we have adopted the Queensland Farmers Federation (QFF) definition for Agriculture which is

Any activity connected with the growing of food, fibre, timber and foliage including, but not limited to, cropping*, intensive horticulture*, animal husbandry*, intensive animal industry*, animal keeping*, aquaculture*, permanent plantation* wholesale nursery*, production nursery, roadside stall*, winery* and rural industry*; and also including ancillary activities concerned with accommodation of farm workers, visitors and tourists; the storage of water; irrigation and drainage works; the storage of equipment for the production and transport of agricultural products; and the on-farm processing, packaging, storage and sale of agricultural products.

You are to select a specific activity that is included in the above definition and then show how you would plan the production associated with this activity. Your report must address all the performance indicators listed below

If you are currently working within the agricultural sector, then you are encouraged to use your own organisation as the basis for this project.

If you are not employed in the agricultural sector then you need to speak with your training provider so they may refer you to one of the nurseries they associated with, so you may use that organisation.

Before you begin your project you are encouraged to review the following references

1. “Agriculture industry fact sheet” located at the Federal Government website Business.  The link is

2. QFF publications on Rural planning.

Your project must include evidence that you have carried out the following

identified production processes required to achieve targeted production

established production targets for each product, crop, herd, or flock

scheduled production processes with monitoring points and performance indicators

documented the production plan

evaluated production processes and made modifications where required

created and maintained records as described in the production plan

Your assessor will be using the following performance indicators to assess your skills and ability to plan and monitor production processes suited to primary production such as crops, animal husbandry or horticulture

Task 1 Complete the template (extracted from the Queensland Rural & Industry Development Authority) and review this with your assessor. This template is suited to helping you define / scope your project. (Refer appendix 1) you are to review this with you assessor prior to undertaking task 2. (The rationale is so both parties are clear on what is required)

Task 2

You are to develop your production plan. You are to use the following table to track and record your information and use it as a checklist for your evidence. Make sure you attach this to your submission. You may choose to do a production plan for the total organisation or as a separate unit but still part of the overall business objectives. For example, you may want to start cropping blueberries, utilising previously unused land although the core business remains ‘bananas’

Ideally the project you are reporting on should be something that is already in progress. This becomes important when you reach points 13 –

For example point 13 requires to show how you met required targets and made changes to ensure the targets were met. Make sure the project you select permits this to be documented (see point 13 below). The target you select will be critical. The same will apply for points 14 -21.

Your assessor is using this checklist to confirm your work is to standard.

TABLE 1 evidence guide

This is an example of the first requirement

You haveRecord your evidence hereObtained the required production information for considerationPages 2 -5 Document A Appendix 1 (data)

Your table follows

You haveRecord your evidence hereObtained the required production information for consideration Confirm characteristics of the land under production and the quality of associated infrastructure Analyse recent and historical data from organisational records for input to production planning Identify potential for improvements or innovations to inform production planning Identify production processes required to achieve the targeted production and compare with those that currently exist Check production planning information is fed into other organisational planning processes for example finance, HR etc Establish targets for the enterprise, for each product, crop, herd or flock using information from organisational management and strategic plans Schedule production processes taking organisational factors into consideration Establish waste management controls to minimise waste and dispose of waste sustainably Establish monitoring points and performance indicators using target, environmental management and scheduling information Establish appropriate biosecurity and quality assurance requirements Establish risk management strategies to control hazards Document the production plan, including targets and monitoring requirements  Check that performance indicators, targets and specifications are met and amendments to the process are made where necessary Evaluate the effectiveness of the production processes at key points and make adjustments as necessary Monitor and assess environmental impacts and workplace health and safety hazards throughout the production cycle Modify the production process by shifting priorities and results when necessary Analyse data, observations and documentation from the production process against the plan Prepare recommendations for future plans based on the analysis of production data Prepare a report that documents the plan’s implementation Maintain records and documentation as described in the production plan Check that required information is available, accessible, meaningful and useful 

Presenting the assignments:

Assignment must be

Above table must be completed in full

Properly formatted

Executive summary

No animation or links

Separate title and contents page

An appendix if applicable

Referenced information and resources

Code and title of the unit (footer)

Ensure your name is on every page you submit.

If you are unclear about any of the formatting requirements, please speak to your assessor before submitting your assignment.

If you are uncomfortable with any aspect of the assigned tasks, please contact your assessor who will try to make alternative arrangements. This assessment is intended to equitable, fair and just. If you feel that we should change any aspect of this assessment to be fair, equitable or just, immediately contact your assessor who will attempt to make alternative arrangements.

Feedback to candidate on their assessment                                                                                     1st o  2nd o

Candidate’s signature                                                                                   Date: Assessors signature                                                                                  Date

Section 4 – Tasks Assessment – Outcome

Assessors Instructions: Refer to Marking guide, Print one of these forms for each candidate

Candidate’s Name:                                                                                                    Date:                                                                                                            

TaskTask titleS / NYSComments on outcome1Plan and monitor production processes  

Assessor’s Name:                                                                                                                                            

Signature:                                                                                                              Date:                                  

Do not sign this section until the assessment has been marked and you are satisfied with the result.

You also have the right to appeal the outcome. Please first discuss with your assessor.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome, refer to the RTO’s appeals process to lodge a formal appeal.

Candidate’s Name:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Use the rest of this page to tell us how we can improve this assessment task


Attach this and the previous page to Section 3 –  Assessment outcome


Section 5 – Competency Summary Record Sheet

Candidate Comments – Suggest any improvement relating to this assessment.


Candidate Name:                                                                                                                                                                             

Candidate’s signature: ______________________________________________________________

The candidate has the right to appeal any of the assessment outcomes.

AssessmentS / NYSDateSection 1 Theory exam  Section 2  Task    

Overall Result (circle one)

Competent / Not Yet Competent

Assessor’s Name:                                                                                                                                                                            

Signature:                                                                                                                           Date:                                                                                                                                                         

Feedback from candidate

Please tell us about your assessment experience. Your feedback plays an important role in developing the quality of your education. In this questionnaire, the term ‘assessment is referring the questions and practical tasks you completed to demonstrate your competency. The term ‘assessor’ refers to person who marked your theory questions and or observed you at work.

Provide one response to each item on the form. Complete using a black or blue pen. Print neatly in CAPITAL letters. Place a clear ‘✗’ inside each box. Leave the box blank if the statement does not apply.

Strongly disagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly agreeAssessments were based on realistic activities    I usually had a clear idea of what was expected of me    I felt I could approach my trainer / assessor if I needed help.    The assessment resources were available to me when I needed them.    The assessor made it clear right from the start what they expected from me.    The amount of work I had for the assessment tasks was reasonable.    I received useful feedback on my assessments    The practical assessments were based on realistic activities    The theory questions were challenging, but just about right    The instructions were clear    

You are at liberty to tell us who you are: –

Section 6 – Appendices

Management Plan (Sustainability)

What is your trading business name?                                                                                   

(Please provide your full business structure)

Part A – Your business

Q1) Please describe your core business and related activities         

Q2) Who are the people involved in your business and what do they do? (consider: background and qualifications; decision-making; operations; finance and budgeting; business development and marketing; administration and recordkeeping)         

Q3) What are your long-term goals?       

Part A – Your business (cont.)

Q4) Please tell us about any particular business or risk management practices you currently have in place to increase productivity and long-term viability? (consider:  livestock, stocking rates; crop rotation; pasture types; fencing; storage; equipment & maintenance; vessel maintenance; other [as relates to your business])              

Q5) Do you have succession planning measures in place? (If yes, please describe)         

Q6) What financial risk management practices (e.g. Life insurance, superannuation, investments etc.) do you have in place?             

Part B – Your activities (Please complete for each activity)

Activity 1a) Please describe the activity    b) Which component of sustainable primary production management does this activity address?        Productivity and viability       Impact on natural resources/other ecosystems       Climate and market risksc) How will it address this component?     d) When will the work/activity commence?   e) When will it be completed?   f) How much will it cost?  $  g) How is it to be funded?   

Activity 2a) Please describe the activity    b) Which component of sustainable primary production management does this activity address?        Productivity and viability       Impact on natural resources/other ecosystems       Climate and market risksc) How will it address this component?     d) When will the work/activity commence?   e) When will it be completed?   f) How much will it cost?  $  g) How is it to be funded?   

Activity 3a) Please describe the activity    b) Which component of sustainable primary production management does this activity address?      Productivity and viability       Impact on natural resources/other ecosystems       Climate and market risksc) How will it address this component?     d) When will the work/activity commence?   e) When will it be completed?   f) How much will it cost?  $  g) How is it to be funded?   

Activity 4a) Please describe the activity    b) Which component of sustainable primary production management does this activity address?      Productivity and viability       Impact on natural resources/other ecosystems       Climate and market risksc) How will it address this component?     d) When will the work/activity commence? e) When will it be completed? f) How much will it cost?                                                           $  g) How is it to be funded?   

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