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apply integrative analysis, practical application

 Faculty Contact Stefanie Wilson

 Course Description (Access to spreadsheet, word processing, and presentation software required. Intended as a final, capstone course to be taken in a student’s last 15 credits.) Prerequisites: BMGT 364, BMGT 365, FINC 330 (or BMGT 340), and MRKT 310. A study of strategic management that focuses on integrating management, marketing, finance/accounting, production/operations, services, research and development, and information systems functions to achieve organizational success. The aim is to apply integrative analysis, practical application, and critical thinking to the conceptual foundation gained through previous study and personal experience. Emphasis is on developing an organizational vision and mission, developing and implementing strategic plans, and evaluating outcomes. Students may receive credit for only one of the following courses: BMGT 495, HMGT 430, MGMT 495, or TMGT 380.

 Course Introduction The goal of strategic management is to enhance an organization’s ability to achieve its vision and mission by aligning the organization’s strategies and goals with rapidly changing environments. In this course, you will use strategic planning tools to monitor and react to opportunities and threats, and will analyze and evaluate internal and external environments in order to create, implement, and evaluate a strategic plan.

As in the real world, you will work both individually and in teams to apply strategic management concepts and principles. You will also use such skills as writing, presentation, critical thinking, communication, and quantitative analysis.

 Course Outcomes After completing this course, you should be able to:

examine the impact of ethical decision making, social responsibility, stakeholder analysis, and corporate governance on organizations and society utilize a set of useful analytical skills, tools, and techniques for analyzing a company strategically; integrate ideas, concepts, and theories from previously taken functional courses including, accounting, finance, market, business and human resource management; analyze and synthesize strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) to generate, prioritize, and implement alternative strategies in order to revise a current plan or write a new plan and present a strategic plan; evaluate the outcomes of identified strategies to determine their success and impact of short-term and long-term objectives.

 Course Materials Click to access your course materials information ( C=BMGT%20495&S=6384&Sem=2205)

 Grading Information

Adelphi · Syllabus ·

BMGT 495 6384 Strategic Management (2205) BMGT-495 Summer 2020 Section 6384 3 Credits 05/20/2020 to 07/14/2020

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You are responsible for the following graded items:

Discussions/Participation – Weeks 1, 7, and 8 (5% each) 15%

Quizzes (3 Quizzes; Weeks 3, 4, and 5 (5 % each) 15%

Project 1: Starting an External Environmental Analysis 15%

Project 2: Tool Analysis 15%

Project 3: Internal Environmental Analysis 20%

Project 4: Strategy Selection, Implementation and Evaluation 20%

Total 100%

Grading Philosophy

Grades are assigned based solely on performance and not on prevailing students’ expectations, perceptions of their performance, or level of effort. The grading standards are developed based on course outcomes and reflect the appropriate level of content mastery, including the subject matter as well as core curriculum components deemed appropriate, such as effective writing and information literacy.

Although a bell curve may not always be achieved nor necessarily desirable, the expectation is that the grade of A is awarded only to students whose work is truly exceptional, reflecting both content mastery and the ability to analyze and articulate that material. The grade of A would not be routinely expected, and the grades of B and C would be clearly denoted as appropriate to lesser degrees of content mastery as discussed above. The grade of D represents the lowest passing grade and denotes borderline content mastery and ability. Students must complete courses required for the major with a grade of C or better.

Definition of Academic Rigor

UMGC defines academic rigor as the degree to which students demonstrate content mastery, application of critical thinking skills, and adherence to UMGC’s code of academic integrity.

This definition implies three components to academic rigor:

1. Content mastery, to include the subject matter of the course as well as mastery of those core curriculum goals established for the course (for example, information literacy, effective writing)

2. Application of critical-thinking skills, to include the degree to which the student can present and defend original thinking on the subject matter, including synthesis and analysis of key concepts

3. Academic integrity, to include the degree to which the student demonstrates academic honesty, as defined in UMGC’s code of academic integrity.

Students are expected to demonstrate content mastery while applying critical thinking skills (as demonstrated above. The grade a student receives reflects academic rigor and one’s ability to demonstrate content mastery, critical thinking skills and academic integrity.

BMGT course contains discussions across several weeks. If taking a hybrid class, most of the learning will take place in the face-to- face classroom but students can expect some discussions presented in the online classroom.

Grade Descriptions

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A Outstanding Performance excels far above established standards for university-level performance

B Superior Performance above established standards

C Good Performance meets established standards

D Substandard Performance is below established standards

F Failure Performance does not meet minimum requirements

Late Assignment Policy

Late Assignments without Permission

Major Assignments/Projects have due dates and turning in an assignment late without permission will lower your grade. Any assignment that is turned in late without permission from the instructor will have the following consequences:

A 10% penalty for every late day will be imposed on the paper and no more than three late days will be accepted. For example, a late day is defined as any day after the due date. There are no partial days. So the late penalty will always be the full 10% regardless of the time on the particular day the paper is submitted. For example, if the assignment is due Tuesday at 11:59 PM eastern time than an assignment turned in at 12:00 AM eastern time Wednesday will be accessed the full 10% penalty and constitute the first late day; the second late day would be Thursday at 12:00 AM eastern time, etc. Assignments turned in after the three-day period will receive a zero. If a student submits an assignment in the Assignment Folder in a timely manner, and then resubmits the assignment after the due date, the assignment submitted timely will be graded. A student does not have the option of selecting which assignment will be graded. If a student or group of students fail to submit an assignment in the Assignment Folder but sends a file to the instructor via email or by private message in a timely manner, the assignment will be graded. However, the student/group is required to submit the same assignment in the Assignment Folder as a matter of record. After the due date, students cannot submit a different version of the assignment in the Assignment Folder. The last assignment submitted timely is the assignment that will be graded.

Discussions have due dates for each week. Initial responses to the discussions are due by Saturday at 11:59 PM eastern time. Follow up responses to classmates are due by Tuesday at 11:59 PM eastern time.

Late Policy Exceptions (Discussions)

If there is a compelling reason, exceptions to the late policy may be requested by the student and an alternative assignment provided by the instructor. Exceptions are granted at the sole discretion of the instructor. A new due date will be established by the instructor. If a student fails to submit an approved alternate assignment by the new date, the student shall receive a ZERO (0) for the discussion.

Any student who misses multiple discussions and contacts the faculty after the due date, cannot expect to be allowed to make up the discussions by being provided multiple alternative assignments. Discussions require engagement and coming in after the fact means there is no discussion.

Late Policy Exceptions (Quizzes)

If there is a compelling reason, exceptions to this late policy may be requested by the student. Exceptions are granted at the sole discretion of the instructor. Any student who misses multiple quizzes and contacts the faculty after the due date, cannot expect to make up the quizzes. A new due date will be established for approved exceptions. Any student who does not complete the quiz by the new due date, will receive a Zero (0) for that work.

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Late Policy Exceptions (Projects)

There are times when extenuating circumstances arise and some additional time to complete an assignment can make the difference between success and failure. However, the expectation is that a student will contact the instructor BEFORE the assignment is due.

Notifying the instructor in advance does not guarantee an extension will be granted. Extensions are granted at the discretion of the faculty member. Students will be notified in writing of an extension or a denial.

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