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B9DA110 Advanced Data and Network Mining

Dublin Business School Assessment Brief

Assessment Details

Unit TitleAdvanced Data and Network MiningUnit CodeB9DA110Unit LeaderLevel:9Assessment TitleBig Data Mining Process and ApplicationAssessment Number1Assessment Type:IndividualAssessment Weighting30%Issue Date:Week of 23 January 2023Hand in Date:Sunday 11 June 2023 (23:55)Mode of Submission:On-line Moodle

Assessment Task                                                                                                          [100 Marks]

Read the journal article available on Moodle “The CRISP-DM Model: The New Blueprint for Data Mining” Shearer 2000. Write a critique of this article as it applies to the mining of ‘Big Data’ in 2023. Your appraisal should include a review of two related journal articles (the original paper and two other published on or after 2018). Approximate length 1500 words. Cite all references using Harvard referencing (guidelines on Moodle). (50 Marks)

Select a Big Data mining case study published either in a journal; conference paper or vendor report. Discuss the data mining techniques applied and tools used. Highlight the benefits to the business together with measurable implementation success criteria. Approximate length 1500 words. Cite all references using Harvard referencing (guidelines on Moodle). (50 Marks)

The grade assessment will be based on the DBS CA grading scheme which has been included at the end of this document.

Include a cover page and cite all references. Two files should be loaded to Moodle on or before Sunday 11 June 2023 (23:55).

A SINGLE pdf file named CA01_Surname_First-Name_Student-ID including answers to parts a) and b).

A zipped file including your reference documents.

DBS Grade Assessment Policy (B9DA110)

Module DescriptorMark BandCriteriaDeterminator within grade bandA (Outstanding)80-100Displays a thorough and systematic knowledge of module content through choice of scenario, solution and handover process and documentation.Clear grasp of the issues involved, with evidence of innovative and original use of learning resources.Knowledge beyond module content.Clear evidence of independence of thought and originalityMethodological rigourHigh critical judgement and confident grasp of complex issuesOriginality and depth of insight into critique and analysis.A (Clear)70-79Methodological rigourOriginalityCritical judgementUse of additional learning resourcesMethodological rigour, insightB60-69Very good knowledge and understanding of the module content.Well-argued answerSome evidence of originality and critical judgementSound methodologyCritical judgement and some grasp of complex issues.Extent of use of additional or non- core learning resourcesC50-59Good knowledge and understanding of the module content.Reasonably well-argued answerLargely descriptive or narrative in focusMethodological application is not consistent or thoroughUnderstanding of the main issues, sound approachD40-49Lacking methodological applicationAdequately arguedBasic understanding and knowledgeGaps or inaccuracies but not damagingKnowledge of and application of data mining tools, techniques and methodologyE (Fail)0-39 Weakness of approach

General Requirements for Students:


It is your responsibility to ensure your file is uploaded correctly.

Students are required to retain a copy of each assignment.

When an assignment is submitted, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the file is in the correct format

and opens correctly.

Students should refer to the assessment regulations in their Course Guide.

DBS penalises students who engage in academic impropriety (i.e. plagiarism,

Collusion and / or copying). Please refer to the referencing guidelines on Moodle for information on correct referencing.

All relevant provisions of the Assessment Regulations must be complied with.

Penalties for late submission of assignments are as follows:25% penalty for assignments submitted within 5 working days of the deadline.

No marks for assignments submitted more than 5 working days after the deadline.

Extensions to assignment submission deadlines will be granted in exceptional circumstances only. The appropriate “Application for Extension” form must be used and supporting documentation (e.g. medical certificate) must be attached. Applications for extensions should be made directly to the Head of Year or Programme Leader in advance of the deadline date.

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