A Guide to Writing the Report on Being an Effective Teacher of Children from Refugee Backgrounds
Maximum 2000 words excluding ALL of the following- title page, contents page, references, Appendix (all elements). Use the following guide to organise
your report into sections.
The topic- Being an Effective Teacher of Children from Refugee Backgrounds
Students do not need to report on everything covered so far about working with refugee students. Choose ONE (or two) THEME(S) e.g. EALD, trauma,
working with families, anything covered in the Week 8 tutorial.
Use the main headings provided below and create sub-headings beneath them based on chosen theme (s).
Note- The more themes chosen, the less opportunity to discuss thoroughly.
Title Page: Introducing the Report. Not included in word count.
The title of the report should include:
your name and SID.
the name of your report
Table of Contents: How the report is organised. Not included in word count.
A list of the major and minor sections of your report and page numbers where sections are located.
(see page 3)
Complete when you finished the
Introduction: Setting the scene for the report. References required. (Approximately 400 words)
Your response should provide background information on the purpose of researching ‘how to be an effective
teacher of children from refugee backgrounds’.
Draw your responses from weekly readings and your own research.
Organise into the following headings
1. What is an effective teacher?
2. What are inclusive learning approaches?
3. Introduce a theoretical framework (or more than one) that you will apply in the Discussion
section of the report. (Note: See theories covered in Module 6)
Answer these questions in relation to
teaching in general.
Use the word count as a guide for
completing the three sections.
Answer questions 1 & 2. Use
Include a description (only) of the
theory you will be applying in the
Discussion Section. Use references.
Aim of the report Copy and complete the aim provided
Sometimes referred to as ‘the problem’ to be investigated. (approx. 50-100 words) Should be brief, for
“….to report on being an effective teacher of children from refugee backgrounds”.
Add extra information relating to your
chosen theme
Results: A description of what you have found in relation to refugee children and relevant teaching practices.
(Approximately 400 words) References required.
Your response should draw evidence from your research and Module 6.3 Activities (however, the question
answer responses verbatim should only be included in the Appendix).
Organise the findings into the following headings
1. Characteristics and needs of the refugee learner
2. Relevant skills, knowledge, approaches and practices.
In this section you will be specifically
looking at working with refugee learners.
Complete 1 & 2
Within the total word count
Use references
Use relevant information from
Module 6.3 Activities that relates
to your chosen theme
Discussion: An analysis and reflection on the effectiveness of the teaching approaches and your developing
intercultural competence. (Approximately 600 words) References required.
Your discussion should address the following points and draw evidence from relevant research.
1. Alignment of teaching approaches with the children being taught:
Reflect on how the skills, knowledge, approaches and practices (that you have discussed in the
Results section) are relevant for working with refugee learners according to their specific
characteristics and needs of refugee learners (you have stated in the Results section).
2. Intercultural competence:
Critically reflect on your developing intercultural competence for working with refugee
3. Inclusive education:
Reflect on your developing understanding of the importance of inclusive education for
children with diverse needs or from diverse backgrounds.
4. Application of theory:
Where appropriate, use the theory (you introduced in the “Introduction” section) to support
the discussion in points 1, 2 or 3 above.
In this section you will be specifically
looking at working with refugee learners
except for ***.
Provide a paragraph analysing how
the skills, knowledge etc (you have
discussed in Results) are
appropriate for catering for the
needs and characteristics
(discussed in the Results section)
Critically reflect on your own
intercultural competence for
working with refugee children
***Reflect on your understandings
of inclusive education (and what
you have found in this assignment)
on other diverse learners other
than refugee students
Apply one theory (see
introduction) to your analysis
Conclusion: A general concluding statement that answers your aim. (Approximately 150 words).
No references required.
Short overall statement of what you have
found. This statement should answer your
References: Not included in word count
Reference List goes BEFORE the Appendix.
A list of all the sources you used including at least FOUR from the reading list on vUWS.
Use APA 7 th ed. referencing style. See https://apastyle.apa.org/ for guidance.
All references used.
Also cite the Refugee Action Support
Training Video (see Module 6.3 for
Appendices: Relevant information not included in the body of your work. Not included in word count
The Appendix must include
A list of all the responses to Activities in Modules 6.3
Screen shots of your discussion posts including your contributions AND responses to other student’s
comments, on at least TWO of the following topics
– Attitudes towards refugees in Australia.
– Characteristics of teachers that ’make a difference’ to their students.
– In what ways can teachers be culturally inclusive?
Optional – Any relevant information (graphs, charts, tables or other data) referred to in your report but
not included in the body of the report, e.g., statistics on refugees in NSW schools.
Compulsory for Appendix-
1.Responses to Activities in Module 6.3
Part 1- Module 6.3 Activity 1:
Part 2- Module 6.3 Activity 2:
Part 3- Module 6.3 Activity 3:
2.Screenshot (s) of Discussion Board
Table of contents- sets out the sections and subsections of the report and their corresponding page numbers. It should clearly show the structural relationship between
the sections and subsections. A reader looking for specific information should be able to locate the appropriate section easily from the table of contents.
The conventions for sections are as follows:
* Title of first main section (Introduction)
– First subheading
– Second subheading Etc….. Enquiry Based Learning Plan – Optional
This is a planning and reflection task to support you with your research for
Assessment 2: Report on Being an Effective Teacher of Children from Refugee
1. Pose real questions Understanding what the question is asking
What do I want to know
about this topic?
What is the main question asking?
Sample answer:
The question is
How can I be an effective teacher of children from refugee
Deconstruct the question
What is an effective teacher?
What is an Effective teacher of refugee children? I.e. what
do refugee students need that I teacher can provide?
How can I… What do I need to learn/ improve on/change to
become an effective teacher of children from refugee
What do I already know
about this topic? How
do I know it?
Background knowledge, ideas and assumptions and where did they
come from?
Why do I need to know
about this topic?
What else do I need to know as a future teacher?
How can I find out
about this topic?
Where can I get my information from? Think broadly
2. Find Resources. Searching for relevant information
What kind of resources
might help?
Eg Journal articles, ………
Where do I find them? Reading list, online websites, check the discussion board, other?
How do I know the
information is credible
and valid?
Peer reviewed articles, academic texts, government websites,
educational websites, first-hand accounts
What other information Reference lists within resources
sources might guide me?
3. Interpret
Using information that is relevant to the question
How is the information I
found relevant to my
Use found information that addresses your subset of questions
from 1. Pose real questions
How does the
information I found
relate to what else I
What other insights can you use to expand your information?
How have I avoided
subjective responses to
new information?
Can my information be supported by a citation?
Does the information I
found raise further
questions/areas that I
need to research?
What are some unexpected areas that you may need to research?
4. Report Findings. Reporting on information that is relevant to the question
Who is my audience?
Why am I writing a
The report is part of Assessment 2, however, think more broadly.
Why are you writing this report (Hint: Learning outcomes?)?
What are my main
findings (relate to the
main question)?
List the main findings to the main question.
How do my findings
relate to my prior
knowledge, ideas and
How do my findings confirm or disrupt my prior knowledge, ideas
and assumptions.
What other areas need
further investigation?
What else would you like to research at a later date?
How can I use my
findings in different
You have researched how the question “How can I be an effective
teacher of children from refugee backgrounds?”
In what ways can you use your findings Enquiry Based Learning Plan – Optional
This is a planning and reflection task to support you with your research for
Assessment 2: Report on Being an Effective Teacher of Children from Refugee
1. Pose real questions Understanding what the question is asking
What do I want to know
about this topic?
What is the main question asking?
Sample answer:
The question is
How can I be an effective teacher of children from refugee
Deconstruct the question
What is an effective teacher?
What is an Effective teacher of refugee children? I.e. what
do refugee students need that I teacher can provide?
How can I… What do I need to learn/ improve on/change to
become an effective teacher of children from refugee
What do I already know
about this topic? How
do I know it?
Background knowledge, ideas and assumptions and where did they
come from?
Why do I need to know
about this topic?
What else do I need to know as a future teacher?
How can I find out
about this topic?
Where can I get my information from? Think broadly
2. Find Resources. Searching for relevant information
What kind of resources
might help?
Eg Journal articles, ………
Where do I find them? Reading list, online websites, check the discussion board, other?
How do I know the
information is credible
and valid?
Peer reviewed articles, academic texts, government websites,
educational websites, first-hand accounts
What other information Reference lists within resources
sources might guide me?
3. Interpret
Using information that is relevant to the question
How is the information I
found relevant to my
Use found information that addresses your subset of questions
from 1. Pose real questions
How does the
information I found
relate to what else I
What other insights can you use to expand your information?
How have I avoided
subjective responses to
new information?
Can my information be supported by a citation?
Does the information I
found raise further
questions/areas that I
need to research?
What are some unexpected areas that you may need to research?
4. Report Findings. Reporting on information that is relevant to the question
Who is my audience?
Why am I writing a
The report is part of Assessment 2, however, think more broadly.
Why are you writing this report (Hint: Learning outcomes?)?
What are my main
findings (relate to the
main question)?
List the main findings to the main question.
How do my findings
relate to my prior
knowledge, ideas and
How do my findings confirm or disrupt my prior knowledge, ideas
and assumptions.
What other areas need
further investigation?
What else would you like to research at a later date?
How can I use my
findings in different
You have researched how the question “How can I be an effective
teacher of children from refugee backgrounds?”
In what ways can you use your findings
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