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BHA FPX 4104 assessment 2 Strategic Analysis and Operational Considerations

BHA FPX 4104 assessment 2 Strategic Analysis and Operational Considerations


Capella university

BHA-FPX4104 Strategic Leadership and Workforce Planning in Health Care

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Strategic Analysis and Operational Considerations

This paper delves into the dynamics of competition within the healthcare industry and its implications for strategic planning. It also evaluates the frameworks associated with healthcare organizations and their operational impacts. Through a comprehensive examination of internal, external, and general environments, the paper highlights the necessity of strategic planning in navigating the challenges posed by competition and ensuring organizational success.

Competition Within the Healthcare Industry

Competition in the healthcare sector is a contentious issue, with divergent views on its effects. While some argue that competition undermines the altruistic goals of healthcare by prioritizing cost reduction, others advocate for its role in driving efficiency and innovation (Goddard, 2015). In strategic planning, it is crucial to acknowledge and mitigate the external pressures stemming from competition to safeguard the organization’s mission and vision (Haas, Jellinek & Kaplan, 2018). St. Anthony Medical Center, like many healthcare providers, must adapt to evolving patient needs and market dynamics to remain viable amidst increasing competition from outpatient facilities and private clinics (Dafny & Lee, 2016).

Strategic Frameworks of Healthcare Organizations

Strategic frameworks form the backbone of organizational planning, offering structured approaches to goal attainment and performance monitoring (Wright, 2018). Two prominent frameworks, the Balanced Scorecard and Porter’s Five Forces, provide valuable insights into organizational strategy. The Balanced Scorecard enables organizations to assess their performance across various dimensions, facilitating informed decision-making (Wright, 2018). Conversely, Porter’s Five Forces framework helps analyze the competitive landscape and identify strategic opportunities and threats (Martin, 2018).

Internal, General, and External Environment

The operational landscape of healthcare organizations is shaped by internal, external, and general environments (Quain, 2018). Internal factors such as organizational culture and stakeholder dynamics influence decision-making and behavior within the organization (Quain, 2018). External factors, including market competition and regulatory changes, exert pressure on the organization’s strategic direction (Quain, 2018). General environmental factors, such as economic trends and technological advancements, further contribute to the complexity of the healthcare landscape (Quain, 2018).

Consequences of Not Utilizing Strategic Frameworks

Failure to embrace strategic frameworks can have profound consequences for healthcare organizations, jeopardizing their competitive position and long-term viability. St. Anthony Medical Center’s reluctance to adopt strategic initiatives may result in decreased patient volume and revenue loss, ultimately compromising its ability to serve the community effectively (Glied & Altman, 2017). Strategic interventions, such as enhancing service offerings and improving operational efficiency, are imperative for sustaining the organization’s relevance in a competitive healthcare market (Roy, 2020).


Chalkidou, K. (2017). Is Competition Bad for Our Healthcare System? We Simply Do Not Know. The Lancet Oncology, 18(11), 1424–1425.

Dafny, L., & Lee, T. (2016). How to Bring Real Competition to the Health Care Industry. Harvard Business Review.

Delegram, T., & Kloc, C. (2016). The Changing Health Care Landscape. Deloitte.

Glied, S. A., & Altman, S. H. (2017). Boosting Competition Among Hospitals, Health Systems Will Improve Healthcare. STAT.

BHA FPX 4104 assessment 2 Strategic Analysis and Operational Considerations

Goddard, M. (2015). Competition in Healthcare: Good, Bad or Ugly? International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 4(9), 567–569.

Haas, D., Jellinek, M., & Kaplan, R. (2018). Hospital Budget Systems Are Holding Back Innovation. Harvard Business Review.

Lynch, P. (2017). Strategic Planning, What Is the Competition Up To. NaviGare Advisory.

Martin, M. (2018). Porter’s Five Forces: Analyzing the Competition. Business News Daily.

Quain, S. (2018). Internal & External Factors That Affect an Organization. Azcentral.

BHA FPX 4104 assessment 2 Strategic Analysis and Operational Considerations

Roy, A. (2020). Improving Hospital Competition: A Key to Affordable Health Care. Medium.

Thom, K. (2013). The Role of the Healthcare Environment: Challenges and Opportunities. CDC website.

Wright, T. (2018). Choosing the Strategy Frameworks for your Organization. Cascade Execute Strategies.

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