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Bio 102 final lab | Biology homework help

Develop a testable hypothesis regarding the effect of an acidic fluid on enzyme activity. 

    2.        Design an experiment to test your hypothesis.  Make a list of all the materials you will need to conduct your experiment and then procure them.  Record in advance all the steps you plan to take when executing the experiment.  Design and prepare data tables in which you will record your data and observations while executing the experiment.  Decide and make note of how you plan to analyze the data you collect.

    3.        Conduct the experiment.  Record any modifications you had to make to the steps in the experiment as you execute them, including details pertaining to amounts or types of materials used. Record all data you collect and observations you make while executing the experiment.

    4.        Analyze your results (data and observations).  As appropriate, calculate means, prepare summary data tables, refine how you will present your data in your report, prepare graphs of data, etc.

    5.        Use your knowledge of enzymes to interpret your results.  It may be helpful for you to refer to your lab manual, textbook, or other sources.

    6.        Decide whether or not the data you collected supports your hypothesis.  Determine whether or not you will accept or reject your hypothesis.

    7.        Formulate a conclusion about the effect of an acidic fluid on enzyme activity.

    8.        Prepare and submit a formal written report of your experiment.  This will determine your grade for the final applied lab project.  See the “report guidelines” below.  A detailed grading rubric is available below.

Graded Products for this AssignmentFinal Applied Lab Project Written Report (worth 20%, due at the end of week 8 by 11:59pm on 3/8/15)

Final Applied Lab Project Report Guidelines:

The report must be typed, double-spaced, in Times Roman 12 point font, in paragraph form (not in bulleted or numbered form).  It must contain the following sections, clearly labeled, addressing the content identified below:

Introduction:  Include background information on the topic of enzyme activity in general and how it might be affected by an acidic fluid.  Also include background on the specific enzyme-substrate combination you have selected and what is known about how it is affected by pH.  Cite at least three sources using the APA format.  Identify the question you were attempting to answer through the experiment and clearly state your hypothesis.

Methods:  Provide, in paragraph form, a detailed account of the materials and methods used to conduct the experiment.  IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE to provide this information in the form of a numbered or bulleted list!  This account should provide sufficient detail for someone else to repeat your experiment.  Also include the methods for data collection and analysis.  How did you collect your data?  What data did you collect?  How will you analyze the data?

Results:  Provide a written summary (in paragraph form) of your results.  Include in this section at least one data table containing the data you collected.  If appropriate, include in this section and graphs that will help summarize your data.   You must reference in this section all data tables and graphs that you include.  That means you must say something like, “Table 1 summarizes the amount of gas produced over time for each treatment”.  Do not interpret your results in this section, just present/summarize them.

Discussion:  Use your knowledge of enzymes to analyze and interpret your results and describe (in paragraph form) that interpretation and analysis in this section.  It may be helpful for you to refer to your lab manual, textbook, or other sources.  Cite sources as appropriate.  Indicate whether or not your hypothesis was supported by the results and whether or not you are accepting your hypothesis or rejecting it.  Specifically tie the data you collected to the accepting or rejection of the hypothesis.   Briefly state the conclusion about the effect of an acidic fluid on enzyme activity that you arrived at in response to the results of the experiment you conducted.

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