Business School Coursework
Module Title
Integrated Marketing Communications &
Branding HKU 2021-22
Module Number
PT: 551272
FT: 551270
Coursework Element
50%, E2 Individual Assignment, IMC Plan
Module Leader
Peter Mount
Wordcount 1. 2.
2000 +/- 10%. Assignments significantly above this will not be marked beyond this point.
Submission Date
Title: E2 Individual Assignment –
IMC Plan: Bless Cold Press Juice
This is a case study based on a company from HK. It is not intended to reflect their strategy, but serve as a challenge for students by looking at a dynamic brand. Please do not contact the company or anyone involved with them.
About Bless
Bless is a Cold Pressed Juice company based in Hong Kong. Teamed up with a group of passionate individuals who embrace the ethos of restoring lives back to balance. They focus on a natural diet being the key to live a healthy lifestyle.
The range of juices and smoothies are exceptional – their dietitian and nutritionist strive to create a great range of nutritional cold pressed juices that will nourish bodies from the inside out. Many add important nutritionals like vitamins, minerals and tea infusions.
They work hard to offer the most unique customer experience possible and also meet busy consumers needs with superior services, cold pressed juice introductions, efficient delivery services and healthy range of raw juice and food.
Bless aims are not to just be a juice company, but to inspire and innovate a healthy diet which has no compromise in taste, which stand apart from existing juice companies.
Bless have their own retail units throughout HK and juices are also sold at retail outlets such as PARKnSHOP, Wellcome and online through sites including HKTV mall.
More information can be found on their website here: Your Tasks
You are a leading HK marketing communications and branding specialist who has been approached by the owners of bless. You have been asked to prepare an Integrated Marketing Communication plan for Bless to reach new consumers and build loyalty among existing customers by creating a line-extension for the brand. You can choose one of the following categories for your line-extension:
• A range of Bless branded casual clothes.
• A range of Bless branded gym/fitness wear.
• A range of Bless kitchen tools/utensils for preparing health food.
You only need to provide a brief background to the line extension as the focus of the assignment is on the IMC elements:
Prepare your Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) Plan using the SOSTAC process (Situation analysis, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics, Action and Control). Your plan should cover each of these sections. There is a word limit of 2000 (+/- 10%) excluding references and appendices (please note that overlong assignments will not be marked beyond this point).
1. Situation analysis – you will need to show that you understand the market environment of Bless which should help you develop market and consumer insights from which you can identify the communication objectives of your IMC plan.
▪ Include here PEST, SWOT, customer and competitor analysis.
▪ Use market data to support your analyses.
2. Objectives – define SMART communication objectives (2-3 maximum). Use bullet points.
3. Strategy – develop strategy to achieve your communication objectives by: ▪ Selecting a target audience for your IMC plan based on segmentation variables such as demographics, psychographics, behavioural, etc. ▪ Identify appropriate positioning relative to competition
▪ Come up with a ‘big idea’ – develop idea for your range of Bless branded non food line-extension. Use visuals to illustrate your merchandise.
4. Tactics – identify innovative and creative ideas to promote Bless non-food line extension.
▪ Demonstrate ability to apply theories (e.g. AIDA) to a practical communication scenario using a blend of traditional and digital marketing communication tools.
▪ Suggest concrete ideas for specific contents to be used in conjunction with the chosen communication mix tools. Use visuals.
▪ Provide evidence and sound logic to show that your ideas have merit and are relevant to the communication strategy.
5. Action – outline how your plan will be implemented.
6. Control – discuss how you will evaluate and review your plan.
• You will need to show that you understand the market environment. Your analyses and discussion should be evidence based. It is very important to demonstrate that you have conducted primary or secondary research and use the findings to support your analyses and recommendations.
• You will be expected to use market information from reputable sources such as the Mintel Reports, Euromonitor International (Passport), WARC reports, among others, to substantiate your analyses/arguments/recommendations. These can be reached via the University Libguide Page.
• A key aspect of this report is tactics, exploring the use of different marketing communications tools and techniques, to reach and engage relevant target audience.
• Make sure that your plan is integrated in a way that it is clear that your tactics flow from your objectives and are relevant to your target audience and Bless.
• You will be expected to use relevant academic concepts and theories to justify your decisions BUT remember this is an applied coursework so do not explain the theories but instead demonstrate how you apply them.
• Demonstrate creative thinking and innovative ideas throughout. • Use the Harvard referencing system. Include only sources/references that you have actually used.
• Make sure you use the marking grid below to guide your work.
Marking Grid
The marks for this assignment will be applied in weighting as described in the table below. This should be read in conjunction with the undergraduate grade descriptors in your programme handbook.
Situation analysis
Objectives (SMART)
Strategy (clearly related to the objectives)
Tactics (use relevant digital and traditional marketing communications tools to meet objectives, target audience and positioning)
Use of secondary research
Coherent, professional & well structured
The following learning outcomes are assessed in this assignment (taken from the module specification):
Module learning outcome description
Critically explain and justify the application of various marketing communications tools and concepts in an effective IMC campaign.
Demonstrate knowledge of STP concepts based on the selection, interpretation and application of theory and relevant consumer/market data.
Show understanding of knowledge and skills necessary for assessing IMC campaigns.
Understand teamwork and collaboration and to present/communicate original ideas using different communication methods.
Marking Criteria
This assignment will be marked in line with the School’s published criteria of assessment for the Undergraduate portfolios as follows:
This is creative, excellent and exceptional work, with all parts of near or absolute professional standard. Clear evidence of wide understanding and reading, linked to an ability to apply the concepts to the campaigns. Extremely engaging class activity that delivers interactive learning for other students.
• Evidence of creativity and originality in style and independent thought • The ability to provide some original insights through practical application of theoretic concepts
• Evidence of wide and original reading
• Critical arguments contained in the literature
• The ability to clarify complex terms and construct logical trains of thought in a succinct and accessible manner
Work in this category ranges between good and very good. Clear evidence of effort as well as understanding of the material covered in lectures, illustrating further research and reading which informed a well-presented session. Most concepts clearly understood and appropriately applied. Very few errors. Some indication of original thinking and creativity. Class activity is relevant and engages students. • The ability to interrelate concepts and ideas
• The ability to relate theory to practice
• Show evidence of research skills
• Demonstrate an accurate and comprehensive coverage of course materials • Show independence in planning and carrying out work
Middle of the scale. No real surprises pleasant or otherwise. Regular attendance, attention and understanding/recall of materials covered in lectures and seminars, supported by some private study and appropriate questioning, should result in work of this standard. Class activity covers a basic standard of concepts which show relevance to the comparison.
• Demonstrate technical competence in academic conventions
• Attempts made to relate and balance theory and practice
• Show some development of arguments
• Show some accuracy in research methods and content
• Demonstrate some evidence of independent learning
Basic concepts and ideas used up to a point, but largely descriptive with little or no application to demonstrate full understanding. Work sometimes unclear, and containing errors of spelling and/or grammar. Weak or limited ability to use tools and techniques appropriately or fully. Limited evidence of any real reading or research into the topic. Class activity is interesting, but does not deliver a high level of learning for students. • Main arguments covered but in an uncritical manner
• Acceptance of popular ideas or rhetoric with limited justification
• Limited ability to balance or relate theory and practice
• Arguments presented but not developed
• Guidance and help needed in planning and carrying out work
Less than 40%
Disappointing, as work at this standard suggests a lack of understanding or application, and/or rushed work, and/or poorly checked. Work may be untidy, with many errors of spelling and grammar; taught concepts may be incorrectly, partially, or inappropriately used, and some tools and processes may be left out. May not address all of the areas in the marking criteria. Class activity is weak and poorly prepared and managed. • Insufficient material
• Irrelevant material
• Lack of criticality
• Little/no reference to relevant theory
• Poor structure
• Poor presentation
• Too brief (short)