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BUS354: Customer Relationship Management 1. ProjectOutline The project covers the topic of Introduction to CRM. It is designed to assess your ability to evaluate and comment on a-company’s existing CRM strategy, the and to analyse its fulfilment of CRM principles, CRM system, and loyalty efforts. Learners will submit an individual typewritten report including any supporting appendices on your project work, analysis, and findings

BUS354: Customer Relationship Management

1. ProjectOutline

The project covers the topic of Introduction to CRM. It is designed to assess your ability to evaluate and comment on a-company’s existing CRM strategy, the and to analyse its fulfilment of CRM principles, CRM system, and loyalty efforts. Learners will submit an individual typewritten report including any supporting appendices on your project work, analysis, and findings

2.  Requirements

  1. Based on your personal experience, identify an organization that you thinkhasimplementedagoodCustomerRelationshipManagement(CRM)strategy. As such, this organization has successfully gained your trust and loyalty and strengthened its relationship with you.
  2. Yourreportshouldcomprisethefollowing:

i. introduction

  • Objectiveandscopeofthisreport
  • Briefintroductionofthecompany,itsmissionstatement,culture,values,products/services, etc.

ii.  Reviewofthecompany’sexistingCRMstrategies

identify three(3)CRMstrategiesthatthecompanyhasimplemented that have strengthened your relationship with them. Possible strategies to consider may involve:

  • Customer service
  • People,i.e.,staff
  • Marketingstrategies,e.g.,offensiveordefensivestrategiesinvolvingRelationshipMarketingactivities,loyaltyprograms,membershipprograms, events,etc.
  • Communicationstrategiessuchasdialogues, etc.
  • Customisationstrategies
  • Anyotherrelevantstrategies

For each of the THREE (3), CRM strategies identified, describe how the company has implemented the strategy. Then,explainwithsupportfromatleastTWO(2)evidence/references(theories/concepts/ statistics/ research, etc.) why and how these strategies have been effective in strengthening relationships with customers. Youmayusecustomerexperience, CRM, marketing, consumer behavior, retail management, or any other research from textbooks and online resources to support your discussion. You may refer to your lecture notes as a reference to further research on the theories/concepts from other sources to support your discussion and analysis of the organisation’sCRMeffort.

For example, if the strategy that the company has implemented to strengthen relationships with customers has resulted from a customization strategy, you may discuss using the following guidelines:

  • Whatdoyoumeanby‘customisation’strategyinCustomerRelationshipManagement?
  • Whyis‘customisation’strategyimportantincustomerrelationshipbuilding?How will it benefit the company and/or its customers?
  • Examplesofsuccessstorieswherecompaniesmanagetoimproverelationshipswithcustomerswhentheyprovide‘customisation’.
  • Any other relevant areas for discussion.

Youneednotanswereachpointindividually.Yourassignmentshouldhighlight your analysis of these points.

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