Coursework – Module PDE2730-
Business Processes & procurement Management
Module Leader: Dr Homeira Shayesteh
October 2019
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Project 1 and 2: MDX Living Pavilion enclosure: Design and deliver
elements of enclosure for Pavilion
1. Introduction
Depending on the outcome of first year, and based on a post-occupancy evaluation (POE) you will
conduct, you are required to design and deliver elements of enclosure for the Pavilion’s frame.
Consider options for walls, windows or doors. Consider options to test materials and/or
technology based on the core vision of the project which is sustainability, innovation,
collaboration and community.
This project sets out for students to work as a team within their cohort and with Year 3, during
POE and individually later to develop the detailed design and planning packages for the Pavilion
Project. The aim of the project is to showcase sustainability through innovation in construction
and in particular use of bio based materials. The project requires students to develop technical
designs to detailed working drawings. A business case also needs to be prepared to be
presented to IIAB board. The project will require students to develop various plans and
documents required as part of a comprehensive Planning and detailed design package for
activities for relevant RIBA Stages.
You need to write a report about your learning of various aspect of Planning and Business case
discussed during the module. You need to apply the topics we discuss to the case study of
Pavilion Enclosure.
Coursework – Module PDE2730-
Business Processes & procurement Management
Module Leader: Dr Homeira Shayesteh
October 2019
Page 2 of 6
2. Aims – The aims of this project are to:
• 2.1. facilitate students learning through a real case project enhancing their team working skills
• 2.2. develop the ability to navigate through the RIBA Stages
• 2.3. develop an understanding of the response to planning approval and clearing planning conditions
• 2.4. develop an understanding of the principles of Building Control and other Statutory Approvals
• 2.5. develop design co-ordination skills through the co-ordination of their design proposal with other consultants
including structural engineers and services consultants
• 2.6. develop an understanding of technical specification and co-ordination of details with specialist suppliers, in
particular using bio-based materials and innovative recent technologies.
• 2.7. develop an understanding of budget control through preparation of budget estimate and seeking tenders from a
• 2.8. develop an understanding of procurement through selection of contract model, and administration of the contract
during the works on site.
3. Task
MDX Pavilion is an interactive learning, event, community and wellbeing space within the
Middlesex University campus. The design of MDX Pavilion has been student-led by the 2nd and
3rd year architectural technology students. This project is an example of practice based learning
allowing students to collaborate with Estates team, design and construction industry
professionals as well as material specialists. The philosophy of the project is to be an evolving
structure that can be modified/ altered by future students over a 5 year period. The intention is to
extend the opportunity for practice based learning to other subject disciplines throughout the life
cycle. The tasks you are expected to conduct and deliver are as follows:
3. A. Prepare a detailed 3-dimentional as constructed and as-built model of the Pavilion using
Revit or other software (individual); term 1
In this part you need to prepare a digital model (with construction details)
3. B. Design and deliver the enclosure (individual); term 1 & 2
create a sustainable and inclusive enclosure design solution for the Pavilion based on evidence of
current use analysis and results of POE conducted in PDE2710. And present it with a Design &
Access Statement.
3. C. Writing a Business case and technical report for your Enclosure Design; (individual) term 2
As designer of the project, produce a REPORT to the client highlighting why the Enclosure project
should be implemented using evidence base you obtained from POE. Your response should
include, but not limited to, the following aspects of the project.
• Planning and its required drawings and documents.
• Integration of sustainability considerations in your design, such as waste
Your report should be a critical appraisal with justification and not a simple repetition of the
factual aspects. It should be clearly organised and presented. It must be fully referenced using the
Harvard system of referencing and all the web sources should be clearly identified. References
should be collated at the end of the report.
Coursework – Module PDE2730-
Business Processes & procurement Management
Module Leader: Dr Homeira Shayesteh
October 2019
Page 3 of 6
The relevant drawings will be distributed during the class.
Figure 2: Pavilion GA Floor Plans
4. Learning Outcomes:
This assessment will enable students to demonstrate in full or in part the learning outcomes
identified in the module narrative.
5. Programme
5.1. Term 1 Deliverables:
Drawings and Design and Access Statement (40%) – 3000 words maximum. – due week 11). This
• Existing and proposed site plan, Scale: 1:1250
• General Arrangement Drawings, Scale: 1:50
• 3d model
5.2. Term 2 Deliverables:
Technical/reflective report 3000 words (40% – due week 25)
Coursework – Module PDE2730-
Business Processes & procurement Management
Module Leader: Dr Homeira Shayesteh
October 2019
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writing a reflective Learning Blog/Report (individual): (3000
words) that documented your learning during the process of the Pavilion project RIBA Stages.
This should include design drawings, notes, minutes, photographs etc. As part of your learning
experience and to polish your writing skills, you are required to write a learning diary (blog)
reflecting on what you learnt during this module, about the whole process of design and technical
detailed design programme to tender. The maximum total word count is 3000 words for the final
accumulated report. So each week, you can document and write a 3- 600 words blog entry in
Moodle (link is provided) that is related to what we discuss in this module during this very
exciting project.
& Presentation of the Business Case (includes cost estimate); Week 25 TBC
You are required to prepare a presentation (Pecha Kucha), which essentially includes 20 slides
each timed at 20 seconds. This will initially be individual task that you will be marked on
It leads to creating and choosing one presentation to be presented to the Board of Executives at
Middlesex in support of the Pavilion Enclosure project on week 25.
The set of information will include:
• Existing and proposed site plan, Scale: 1:1250
• General Arrangement Drawings, Scale: 1:50
• Elevations, 1:50
• Detailed sections, 1:20
• Typical details, 1:10 or 1:5 as appropriate
Coursework – Module PDE2730-
Business Processes & procurement Management
Module Leader: Dr Homeira Shayesteh
October 2019
Page 5 of 6
In the assessment of the report, marks will be awarded for the following in the weighing shown.
The discussions about the individual contributions happened during the term.
Criterion | We igh t |
(70%-100%) 1 – 4 |
(60%-69%) 5 – 8 | (50%-59%) 9 – 12 | (40%-49%) 13 -16 |
(0-39%) 17 – 19 |
Demonstra te the ability to navigate through the RIBA Stages 4 (Technical Design) and 5 (Constructi on) |
10 % |
Evidence of significant and excellent and well informed understanding of topics involved |
Evidence of wide research and excellent understanding of topic. |
Main objectives of the assignment brief covered to a competent standard |
Limited approach in answering assignment briefed |
Little understanding of what was required |
respondin g to planning approval and clearing planning conditions |
10 % |
An excellent understanding of planning policies and clearing conditions |
A very good grasp understanding of planning policies and clearing conditions |
Familiarity with concepts of planning policies and clearing conditions |
Topic has not been handled well; lack of understanding of the concepts. |
All aspects of the section have been handled with no understanding of the purpose of task. |
principles of Building Control and other Statutory Approvals |
10 % |
Excellent understanding of Building Control requirements and key issues underpinning statutory approvals |
Very good grasp of the key issues and concepts underpinning statutory approvals. |
Mostly good response justifying various aspect of the detailed design and explains the thinking behind it |
Building Control drawings were not prepared correctly and does not justify the scheme |
Building control drawings not correct or lacks justification. |
design co ordination skills with other consultant s including structural engineers and services consultant s |
20 % |
Excellent co ordinated design describing and justifying various aspect and explains the thinking behind it |
Very good co ordinated design describing and justifying various aspect and explains the thinking behind it |
Mostly good co ordinated design describing and justifying various aspect and explains the thinking behind it |
Co-ordinated design was not prepared correctly and does not justify the scheme |
Co-ordinated design was not prepared correctly and does not justify the scheme and lacks major points. |
Floor, roof, structure and detailing |
40 % |
Excellent detailing and attention to all elements |
Very good detailing and attention to all elements |
Mostly good detailing and attention to all elements |
Detailing and other elements are not prepared correctly and does not justify the scheme |
Detailing and other elements are not prepared correctly and does not justify the scheme and lacks major points. |
Tender report |
10 % |
Excellent report describing and justifying various aspect of the design and explains the thinking behind it |
Good project write up with very clear logical structure and good presentation of data |
The report and/or drawing and diagrams are not fully coherent, rushed, contains some errors or irrelevant material |
Write up is poor, unstructured, some parts missing, writing and drawings needing significant improvement |
Major failure in write up structure and detailed drawings with missing parts, very poor readability, not at all clear |
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This prepared on the basis of a Project version of the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 has been prepared by Traditional Contract procurement route.The RIBA Plan of Work 2013 organises the process of briefing, designing, constructing, Middlesex University London for use on its project MDX Tree House. It has been
maintaining, operating and using building projects into a number of key stages. The content of stages may vary or overlap to suit specific project requirements. The
RIBA Plan of Work 2013 should be used solely as guidance for the preparation of detailed professional services contracts and building contracts. © RIBA
Core Objectives | Develop includingProject Objectives Quality Objectives, and Project Outcomes, Sustainability Aspirations, Project Budget, other parameters or constraints and develop Initial Project Brief. Undertake Feasibility Studies and review of Site Information. |
Prepare Developed Design, including coordinated and updated proposals for structural design, building services systems, outline specifications, Cost Information and Project Strategies in accordance with Design Programme. |
Prepare Technical Design in accordance with Design Responsibility Matrix and Project Strategies to include all architectural, structural and building services information, specialist subcontractor design and specifications, in accordance with Design Programme. |
Offsite manufacturing and onsite Construction in accordance with Construction Programme and resolution of Design Queries from site as they arise. |
Handover of building and conclusion of Building Contract. |
Undertake In Use services in accordance with Schedule of Services. |
Prepare Concept Design, including outline proposals for structural design, building services systems, outline specifications and preliminary Cost Information along with relevant Project Strategies in accordance with Design Programme. Agree alterations to brief and issue Final Project Brief. |
Identify client’s Business Case and Strategic Brief and other core project requirements. |
Prepare Project Roles Table and Contractual Tree and continue assembling the project team. |
Administration of Building Contract, including regular site inspections and review of progress. |
Conclude administration of Building Contract. |
Design Team Stage 4 output issued for tender. Tenders assessed and Building Contract awarded. Specialist contractor Stage 4 information reviewed post award. |
Procurement *Variable Task Bar |
Initial considerations for assembling the project team. |
Programme *Variable Task Bar |
Establish Project Programme. | Review Project Programme. | Review Project Programme. | Review Project Programme. | Specialist subcontractor design work undertaken in parallel with Stage 5 in accordance with Design and Construction Programmes. | |||
Suggested Key Support Tasks |
Prepare Sustainability Strategy, Maintenance and Operational Strategy and review Handover Strategy and Risk Assessments . Undertake third party consultations as required and any Research and Development aspects. Review and update Project Execution Plan. Consider Construction Strategy, including offsite fabrication, and develop Health and Safety Strategy. |
Review and update Sustainability Strategy, Maintenance and Operational and Handover Strategies and Risk Assessments. Undertake third party consultations as required and conclude Research and Development aspects. Review and update Project Execution Plan, including Change Control Procedures. Review and update Construction and Health and Safety Strategies. |
Review and update Sustainability, Maintenance and Operational and Handover Strategies and Risk Assessments. Prepare and submit Building Regulations submission and any other third party submissions requiring consent.. Review and update Project Execution Plan. Review Construction Strategy, including sequencing, and update Health and Safety Strategy. |
Review and update Sustainability Strategy and implement Handover Strategy, including agreement of information required for commissioning, training, handover, asset management, future monitoring and maintenance and ongoing compilation of ‘As Constructed’ Information. Update Construction Strategy and Health and Safety Strategies. |
Carry out activities listed in Handover Strategy including Feedback for use during the future life of the building or on future projects. Updating of Project Information as required. |
Conclude activities listed in Handover Strategy including Post-occupancy Evaluation, review of Project Performance, Project Outcomes and Research and Development aspects. Updating of Project Information, as required, in response to ongoing client Feedback until the end of the building’s life. |
Prepare Handover Strategy and Risk Assessments. Agree Schedule of Services, Design Responsibility Matrix and Information Exchanges and prepare Project Execution Plan including Technology and Communication Strategies and consideration of Common Standards to be used. |
Review Feedback from previous projects. |
Sustainability Checkpoints |
Sustainability Checkpoint – 0 | Sustainability Checkpoint – 1 | Sustainability Checkpoint – 2 | Sustainability Checkpoint – 3 | Sustainability Checkpoint – 4 | Sustainability Checkpoint – 5 | Sustainability Checkpoint – 6 | Sustainability Checkpoint – 7 |
Information Exchanges (at stage completion) |
Strategic Brief. | Initial Project Brief. | Concept Design including outline structural and building services design, associated Project Strategies, preliminary Cost Information and Final Project |
Developed Design, including the coordinated architectural, structural and building services design and updated Cost Information. |
Completed Technical Design of the project. |
‘As Constructed’ Information. | Updated ‘As Constructed’ Information. |
‘As Constructed’ Information updated in response to ongoing client Feedback and maintenance or operational developments. |
Pre-application discussions. | Pre-application discussions. | Pre-application discussions. | Planning application made at end of stage using Stage 3 output. |
Planning conditions reviewed following granting of consent and, where possible, concluded prior to starting on site. |
(Town) Planning *Variable Task Bar |
UK Government Information Exchanges |
Not required. | Required. | Required. | Required. | Not required. | Not required. | Required. | As required. |