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Businesses cannot implement information systems without considering the privacy

Businesses cannot implement information systems without considering the privacy and confidentiality of the data these systems store, manipulate, and distribute. Those who have access to information should be highly mindful of ethical practices and standards. As highlighted in this week’s Learning Resources, there are numerous ethical issues to consider related to IT systems. Today’s businesses must be proactive in their approach to protecting data from misuse and unauthorized access.
In this Assignment, you will respond to a set of questions on ethical issues in IT, how addressing ethical issues in IT can lead to positive social change, security threats in IT, and risk management.
Submit your responses to the following prompts.
1. Describe two ethical issues related to IT systems. (150–225 words, or 2–3 paragraphs)
2. Analyze the ethical issues you identified in the previous question in terms of their effects on IT systems and impact on an organization. (150–225 words, or 2–3 paragraphs)
3. Illustrate how an organization’s approach to addressing an ethical issue from an IT perspective can lead to positive social change. Be sure to address both internal and external impacts. (150–225 words, or 2–3 paragraphs)
4. Using the Internet and/or other sources, identify a company that has both faced and addressed one of the ethical issues you described in the first question. Describe the scenario and outcomes of that experience, including in your descriiption the role that society and the drive for positive social change played. In your response, include an analysis of whether the organization handled the situation effectively. What improvements might you suggest that could promote further positive social change? (375–450 words, or 5–6 paragraphs)
5. Explain two possible threats to information security. (150–225 words, or 2–3 paragraphs)
6. Using the Internet and/or other sources, identify a company that has both faced and addressed an information security breach. Analyze the scenario and the impact of the information security breach on the company. Be sure to describe how the company handled the situation, as well as any outcomes of that experience. Include your appraisal of whether the company handled the situation effectively. (300–375 words, or 4–5 paragraphs)
7. Using the company you selected for the previous question, identify how the lessons learned from the experience could be applied more generally to other organizations with regard to their risk management strategies. Be sure to include specific components of risk management in your response. (150–225 words, or 2–3 paragraphs)
Note: For each prompt, be sure to reference at least one scholarly source to support your answer. (PLEASE USE A FEW SOURCES GIVEN)

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