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BUSM4559: Work in global society The findings in this section you will present your findings from the analysis of the interview data. You may choose to do this in terms of ‘themes’ found in your interviews, or a ‘narrative’ approach that tells the ‘stories’ of your research participants.

BUSM4559: Work in global society

The findings in this section you will present your findings from the analysis of the interview data.

You may choose to do this in terms of ‘themes’ found in your interviews, or a ‘narrative’ approach that tells the ‘stories’ of your research participants. You will want to present selective direct quotations that are illustrative of key themes which emerged from your data analysis. Remember, you do not need to present everything that your interviewees said. Be selective. When writing this section, think about:

  • Does every reference to the data speak to the theme that I am discussing?
  • Am I adequately telling a ‘story or simply summarising?
  • Have I included a good combination of quotes and descriptions?
  • Have I focused on quality themes discussed in depth over a large number of themes that are briefly discussed?

DiscussionTogether with the findings, this is the most important aspect of the report. In this section, you need to discuss your findings in relation to the existing literature/research on your chosen topic.

Your analysis and arguments must all be supported by your references – every comment you make presents as a fact. Assertion or argument has to be substantiated with a good reference that is cited or quoted in the text. Marks are lost for unsubstantiated opinions.

In fact, your opinion is not sought here. What we are interested in is your capacity to synthesize and communicate well-researched information and relate it to your own research findings.

As you are writing your discussion, think about questions such as:

  • What does the research tell us?
  • How do our research findings relate to existing research?
  • Does our research support, challenge, or find something new in regards to existing research?

Is there a theory that our research ‘speaks’ to? The factor I’ve chosen is Factors contributing to the gig economy (job flexibility, covid)… I’ll provide the interview data afterwar

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