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Case studies provide a form of experiential learning that exposes you to real-world scenarios and challenge your thinking as an organizational-level leader. The cases present ideas,

Case studies provide a form of experiential learning that exposes you to real-world scenarios and challenge your thinking as an organizational-level leader. The cases present ideas, issues, and problem-solving dilemmas you could face in your

career. The objective of studying cases is not to second-guess decisions from the past but to provide a cognitive framework for solving problems in the future. In its basic form, the case study methodology consists of two parts: problem framing and analysis.

Framing is the reasoning process used to gain understanding of the context of the case in order to make better decisions. For complex cases, framing is typically done first to set the conditions for the analysis. The detailed analysis begins by examining the decision-making within the case and actions you would take in similar

circumstances. This is followed by an examination of the implications and consequences of the decision making, an attempt to make meaning for future application.

The below prompts will help you frame your case study and address specific questions that are required (when reading your case study take notes according to the below prompts):

  • Key Players and Interests: Who are the key players and what are their interests? Interests include needs, wants, desires, concerns, and fears.
  • Facts and Assumptions: What are the key facts and assumptions necessary for understanding this case study? Facts include key events that impact decision making. Assumptions are the best guess about the current or future situation that is assumed to be true in the absence of facts.
  • Paradigms: What are the paradigms or mental models of the key players? Paradigms are generally accepted models or patterns that have had repeated validation (“conventional wisdom”). They may be rooted in doctrine or tradition and are often reinforced by ideology and dogmatic belief systems. Many paradigms are rooted in cultural background and are not visible to the owner of them.
  • Problem Identification: What are the main issues or problems facing the key players?

Format of your case study (the case study contain at minimum the four elements below):

  1. Introduction: Identify the key issues of your case study and try to formulate a thesis/ purpose statement and summarize the outcome of your analysis in up to two sentence.
  2. Background: Provide background information (facts and assumptions)
  3. Analysis: Here is where you will conduct your analysis/ answer the specific questions associated with the case study (this should be a level 1 header and write each question and then add your response after each question).
  4. Recommendations: Address what could have been done different using a sergeant major’s perspective and how can you develop members of your organization to prevent these types of actions (this is a key component of the case study).
  5. Citations and references: As with any type of research paper you may write, ensure to cite and list the references you may have used to present your evidence. Ensure that your citations and references are consistent with APA7th edition standards.

5. Do not forget to proof your final document for submission (also check against SafeAssign). As part of your finalization always look at the evidence and determine whether you have answered the questions associated with your analysis.

The case study responses should focus on more than just providing doctrinal definitions. You should demonstrate your knowledge of the concepts and theories that you read about during the module. Your understanding of its applicability through an analysis will help determine your grade (i.e., how these facts affect a period of history, how the introduction of this organism into the ecosystem affects the environments, how this sequence of events led to the development of …).

Your case study should be well written. We will look for specific elements when reading a paper. Refer to the prompts below and the grading rubric for details.

  1. Focused:Your case study address all parts of the questions without many random ideas,whichhavelittleornothingtodowiththefocused-areaquestions.Studentsoften think that adding random factor or ideas will help improve their grade because they know them. The opposite is true – adding random, unrelated ideas or facts usually result in the reduction of points from your grade.
  2. Structured:Youknowwhatyouwanttowrite,butyourabilitytocommunicatethat knowledgetoyourinstructordependsonhowwell youstructureyourpaper.Takethe time to make a rough outline of what you want to write and in what order you want to present it. Stream of consciousness writing (putting things on paper as you think of them) will result in a mediocre grade at best.
  3. Documented:Contrary to the True/False or Multiple Choice Questions, your paper must go beyond a simple statement of act. The instructor is looking for the correct content, yes, but more importantly, for your understanding of the content. So, always includerelevantfacts,figures,examples,andtests(thephosphatetestshowedaph.of

…), etc. With the writing assignment, how well you document your content will often make the difference between an A and B grade.

  1. Well Presented:Students who do not use the accepted rules of English are often thoughttobelesscompetentorknowledgeablethanthosewhodo.Ifyouhaveallofthe elements of a well-written paper, but your use of language, sentence structure, or spellingmakeitdifficulttoreadorunderstandwhatyouaretryingtosay,yourgradewill suffer. Make sure you use good sentence structure, grammar, and spelling.

This assignment target ELO-400-SMC-1012.25 (J601: Transitioning from a Division/Corps (G) Staff to a Joint (J) Staff), 400-SMC-1012.26 (J604: Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment), 400-SMC-1012.19 (J605: Joint Planning Process),400-SMC-1012.27 (J606: Mission Analysis)

Assignment Instructions:Analyze the concepts and theories you read about in J601; utilizingkeylanguageandtermsfromtheseconceptsandtheories,readthecasestudy“On Point II, Combat Studies Institute Press, (5 Pages)”(Located in BB, J530A).

In this case study, GEN Franks (CENTCOM Commander) addresses PH IV (Stability Operations) of the campaign plan and uses his operational art and command experience to describe his vision of how this phase will be accomplished. GEN Franks stated that “Phase IV would be relatively short,” obviously he made this assumption based on the speed in which the forces accomplished PH III.

After reading, this case study answer the following questions:

    • WhatisyouropinionofGENFrank’sstatement?
    • Didthislineof thinkingaddtothedifficultyofplanningforStabilityOperations?
    • Howdidthisunexpectedtransitionaffectpersonnelrequirementsforthenewly designated CJTF-7?
    • HowwouldtheJIPOEanalysisassistthecommanderduringthetransitiontoPhase IV? (J604)
    • WhatwerethestrategicandoperationalsituationsthatledtoGeneralFranks’ statement that “Phase IV would be relatively short” (J605, J606)

    * Note as you write this case study it is imperative that you discuss concepts and theories that you read about and demonstrate your ability to analyze a situation and apply the relevant leadership competencies and attributes.

    Assignment Instructions: The case study paper will be in APA 7e format, a title page, a reference page, and 800-1250 words (double spaced). Do not try to cover everything. The best way to tackle this case study is to write out each question and respond to the question and then package it into a properly prepared APA paper. (You are not writing an essay). See 1009W for general writing assessment requirements.

    Sample layout of case study (see below).


    Provide an introduction of the case study and what are some of the issues/ problems associated with the case study (key palyers, etc). The goal of this case analysis is to highlight/ frame

    … (Here you should be looking at the central topics of what you are analyzing (ELOs)

    and write up a purpose or thesis).

    Background Information

    Address some key facts based upon your reading and analysis and link them to the ELOs associated with the case study.


    A suggested method is to write the questions and then compose your response after each question.

    Question 1. Describe xxxxxxxxxxx Answer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Question 2 Identify xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Answer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


    Address what could have been done different using a sergeant major’s perspective and how can you develop members of your organization to prevent these types of actions (this is a key component of the case study).

    * Adhere to APA 7e formatting standards

    J600: Coalition/Joint Force Land Component Command Operations Lesson J601

    Transitioning from a Division/Corps (G) Staff to a Joint (J) Staff Reading A

    On Point II (Excerpt)

    PleasereturntoBlackboardtodownloadthereadingsundertheJ30Aassignmentfolder.Thiswillprovideyouwiththequestionsassociatedwiththecasestudy(the questions are located within the learner guide also).

    This assignment is supported by ELO-400-SMC-1012.25 (J601: Transitioning from a Division/Corps (G) Staff to a Joint (J) Staff)

    Reading: On Point II, Combat Studies Institute Press , (5 Pages).

    In this case study, GEN Franks (CENTCOM Commander) addresses PH IV (Stability Operations) of the campaign plan and uses his operational art and command experience to describe his vision of how this phase will be accomplished. GEN Franks stated that “Phase IV would be relatively short,” obviously he made this assumption based on the speed in which the forces accomplished PH III.

    After reading and analyzing this case study answer the following questions:

    • What is your opinion of GEN Frank’s statement?
    • Did this line of thinking add to the difficulty of planning for Stability Operations?
    • How did this unexpected transition affect personnel requirements for the newly designated CJTF-7?
    • How would the JIPOE analysis assisted the commander during the transition to Phase IV? (J604)
    • What were the strategic and operational situations that led to General Franks’ statement that “Phase IV would be relatively short” (J605, J606)

    Assignment Instructions: The paper will be in APA 7e format, a title page, a reference page, and must be between 800-1250 words (does not include the cover and reference pages). Do not try to cover everything. The best approach to this case study after reading is to write the questions and answer them and then package it into a properly formatted APA paper (You are not writing an essay). See 1009W for grading requirements.

    Use the “Case study Final” attached above as your guide

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