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Write a 9-page research paper discussing :During the American Civil War, how did medical care have to mature from previous standards because of the deadliness of the four-year conflict?

Write a 9-page research paper. Times New Roman – Double Spaced. The research paper should address the following research question: During the American Civil War, how did medical care have to mature from previous standards because of the deadliness of the four-year conflict? Create a thesis statement and sources to support the claim. The post

Write a 9-page research paper discussing :During the American Civil War, how did medical care have to mature from previous standards because of the deadliness of the four-year conflict? Read More »

Write a 400- to 500-word essay in response to the following:The war between disease and doctors fought out on the battleground of the flesh has a beginning and a middle but no end. The history of medicine, in other words, is far from a simple tale of triumphant progress.

Write a 400- to 500-word essay in response to the following: “The war between disease and doctors fought out on the battleground of the flesh has a beginning and a middle but no end. The history of medicine, in other words, is far from a simple tale of triumphant progress.” This quote from p. 1

Write a 400- to 500-word essay in response to the following:The war between disease and doctors fought out on the battleground of the flesh has a beginning and a middle but no end. The history of medicine, in other words, is far from a simple tale of triumphant progress. Read More »

Provide a 2-page summary for the hotel management team to:Describe the hotel indicating its location, size, source market, and other features that are relevant to sustainability (e.g., hotel vision, past contribution in promoting sustainability).

Topic: Hotel Sustainability Campaign for Guests Format: 2 page summary + Poster design Referencing style for this assessment is APA6. Please note: Any reference that is used to support your work should be put at the end of the summary. References are excluded in the page limits. [Background] Environmental issues and green initiatives are very

Provide a 2-page summary for the hotel management team to:Describe the hotel indicating its location, size, source market, and other features that are relevant to sustainability (e.g., hotel vision, past contribution in promoting sustainability). Read More »

Design a campaign poster to motivate hotel guests to be less wasteful of food or to reduce energy consumption, i.e., air conditioning, lighting, (hot) water etc.

You are required to study hotel sustainability. Design a campaign poster to motivate hotel guests to be less wasteful of food or to reduce energy consumption, i.e., air conditioning, lighting, (hot) water etc. This can be what they use in room or what the hotel uses in servicing their rooms, i.e., washing linen, water/detergent, amenities,

Design a campaign poster to motivate hotel guests to be less wasteful of food or to reduce energy consumption, i.e., air conditioning, lighting, (hot) water etc. Read More »

What do you understand about “care bundles” and “checklists”? Give a clear definition of the two and how they are devised.

The assessment for this module is made up of 2 parts: 1. Essay of 2000 words (see details under the heading) 50% of marks ESSAY FOR MODULE 1 Module 1 assessment (Essay 2000 words excluding bibliography) This makes up 50% of the marks for this module. What do you understand about “care bundles” and “checklists”?

What do you understand about “care bundles” and “checklists”? Give a clear definition of the two and how they are devised. Read More »

Which values should one extol, cherish, apply, or seek in one’slives—those of Pericles’ honor, courage, and freedom or those of Plato ,justice, courage, wisdom, and temperance? WHY?Discuss

(1a)Which values should one extol, cherish, apply, or seek in one’slives—those of Pericles’ honor, courage, and freedom or those of Plato—justice, courage, wisdom, and temperance? WHY? (1b)Which ones would lead to becoming a bettercitizen? And WHY? (1c)Which ones would lead to a more ‘flourishing’ (or better)state(country) And WHY? (1d)Which ones would lead to becoming a

Which values should one extol, cherish, apply, or seek in one’slives—those of Pericles’ honor, courage, and freedom or those of Plato ,justice, courage, wisdom, and temperance? WHY?Discuss Read More »

Identify and explain one specific ethically ambiguous practice,including a brief description of the parties involved and how the practice worked.

There are numerous examples of ethically ambiguous practices featured in the film.These practices may include actions, affirmative statements, omissionsand/or schemes. Identify and explain one specific ethically ambiguous practice,including a brief description of the parties involved and how the practice worked. Then,utilizing the ethics material discussed in class and Chapter 2 of the textbook, analyze the

Identify and explain one specific ethically ambiguous practice,including a brief description of the parties involved and how the practice worked. Read More »

In 4-5 paragraphs describe the pitch, product and potential market along with two things you learned about idea development, growth potential or the art of pitching.

  Post a discussion with the name of the podcast as the subject. In 4-5 paragraphs describe the pitch, product and potential market along with two things you learned about idea development, growth potential or the art of pitching. General observations and feelings are welcome. The post In 4-5 paragraphs describe the pitch, product and

In 4-5 paragraphs describe the pitch, product and potential market along with two things you learned about idea development, growth potential or the art of pitching. Read More »

Find a Current Event Article,a current news article (online or in print) about Social Media Regulation.Write a 10-20 sentence summary that focuses on critically evaluating what is going on, from your personal perspective.

Find a Current Event Article students will find a current news article (online or in print) about Social Media Regulation(ie: should the government regulate social media if it helps prevent the spread of fake news and misinformation?)  that has taken place within the federal level of American governments or politics, in the last 3 months, News articles

Find a Current Event Article,a current news article (online or in print) about Social Media Regulation.Write a 10-20 sentence summary that focuses on critically evaluating what is going on, from your personal perspective. Read More »

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