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Choose any scientific research topic, with relevant and reliable scholarly sources available for you to review. If your background is clinical, your focus may be heavy on the science or clinical elements. If your background is more administrative, you may choose research which is more closely related to a social issue (such as emergency contraceptives, vaping use, etc.) Choose a policy or proposed policy that directly relates to your area of scientific research.

I. School Versus Work

A. The school you would like to attend costs $100,000. To help finance your education, you need to choose whether or not to sell any of your 500

shares of Apple stock you bought five years ago, 100 Apple bonds (each with a $1,000 face value and a 3.25% coupon rate) that are five years

from their 10-year maturity date, or a combination of both. Provide the appropriate data and calculations that you would perform to make this


B. What are the advantages and disadvantages of selling a combination of stocks and bonds? Be sure to support your answers.

C. Suppose that you choose to sell your stocks, bonds, or a combination of both. What is your choice, and what is your financial reasoning behind

this choice? Consider supporting your answer with quantitative data.

D. Suppose that you choose to accept the job. What is your financial reasoning behind this choice? Be sure to support your answer with

quantitative data.

II. Bonus Versus Stock

A. The company has offered you a $5,000 bonus, which you may receive today, or 100 shares of the company’s stock, which has a current stock

price of $50 per share. Mathematically, what is the best choice? Why?

B. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each option? Be sure to support your answers.

C. What would you ultimately choose to do? What is your financial reasoning behind this choice? Consider supporting your answer with

quantitative data.

III. Compliance

A. While investigating the shares offered to you by your potential boss, you discover that the company you are considering working for is not

registered as required under the Securities Act of 1933. How does this influence you as a potential employee and as a potential shareholder? Be

sure to reference any applicable statutes or laws.

B. You know that accepting this job may eventually lead to a promotion into the role of the financial manager. As the potential financial manager,

what federal and shareholder requirements would you need to be familiar with in order to ensure that you are being completely compliant?


Workflow Modeling | – Essay Furious

Discussion: Workflow Modeling

Workflow modeling is widely used throughout many different types of businesses, including health care organizations, to visually summarize the steps of complex processes and systems. When constructing a workflow model, it is important to ensure that the model accurately reflects the actual steps in a process.

In this Discussion, you consider a case study of a health care clinic and its process for ordering medical supplies. You then examine a workflow model that is meant to reflect that process and analyze the model’s accuracy based on the information in the case study. You also analyze the importance of accurate workflow modeling and consider strategies for creating accurate workflow models for health care processes.

Case Study:

Deerborne Dialysis is a local dialysis clinic that is part of a larger health care network, Buckeye Health. Buckeye Health executives have recently been examining the processes by which organizations within the network manage their supplies. Deerborne Dialysis was identified as an exemplary model of efficient supply management, and Buckeye Health executives have requested a workflow model of how Deerborne Dialysis handles their supply management process.

Sharon is the nurse who oversees the process of ordering and stocking supplies for Deerborne Dialysis. She knows the process well and developed a description of the steps in the supply management process. First, Sharon conducts a daily check of the supplies in the storage room. If there is a supply that is running low, Sharon submits an order to the medical supplier. When the clinic receives the shipment, Sharon unpacks the shipment and cross-checks the supplies that were shipped with the supplies that were ordered. If there is a discrepancy, the entire shipment must be returned to the medical supplier, who then rushes a new shipment to the clinic to be received the next day. If there is no discrepancy, or once the new shipment is received, unpacked, and cross-checked, Sharon stocks the shelves in the storage room and gives the supply bill to the clinic’s accountant, who ensures that the medical supplier receives payment.

Sharon has created the following workflow model to reflect the steps she goes through to manage the clinic’s inventory of supplies:

To prepare:
Review the case study above and examine the workflow model that is meant to reflect the process described in the case study. Identify problems with the workflow model. How could the model be revised to be more accurate, clear, and effective? Reflect on the importance of creating an accurate workflow model of health care processes. What are the challenges involved in workflow modeling? What are the consequences of inaccurate workflow models? Consider strategies that you can use to ensure that workflow models are effective and accurate.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by tomorrow 9/27/16 a minimum of 550 words essay in APA format with 3 references (References must come from the list provided in the instruction area), addressing the level one headings as numbered below:

1) A summary of at least three specific problems you identified in the workflow model.

2) Describe how the model could be revised to address those problems.

3) Analyze the importance of accuracy and clarity in workflow modeling, and describe at least one strategy you plan to use to ensure that the workflow models you create are accurate and clear.

Required Readings

Dennis, A., Wixom, B. H., & Roth, R. M. (2015). Systems analysis and design (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Chapter 5, “Process Modeling” (pp. 153–186)

This chapter introduces the most common process-modeling techniques. In particular, there is emphasis on the data flow diagram and how it is developed and used.

Helmers, S. (2011). Microsoft Visio 2010 step by step. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly.
Chapter 3, “Adding Sophistication to your Drawing” (pp. 69–110)

This chapter focuses on creating a diagram that is both professional and accurate. Topics covered include adding and using text boxes, inserting fields, and grouping shapes.

Chapter 4, “Drawing the Real World: Flowcharts and Organization Charts” (pp. 111–142)

The focus of this chapter is creating accurate flowcharts and organization charts. It explains how to create and use swimlanes. It also covers the development of organization charts and how they can be stylized.

Chapter 5, “Adding Style, Color, and Themes” (pp. 143–170)

This chapter demonstrates how to change the color, types of lines, and over all format of a drawing. It also covers the use of Visio themes.

Benyoucef, M., Kuziemsky, C., Rad, A. A., & Elsabbahi, A. (2011). Modeling healthcare processes as service orchestrations and choreographies. Business Process Management Journal, 17(4), 568–597.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Remodeling health IT systems for optimal health care delivery requires an assessment of both the health care organization and the usability of the available technology. This article evaluates ways of combining web-service-based health care processes to best suit the needs of service-specific health care organizations.

Unertl, K. M., Weigner, M. B., Johnson, K.B., & Lorenzi, N. M. (2009). Describing and modeling workflow and information flow in chronic disease care. Journal of American Medical Informatics Association, 16(6), 826–836.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

This article evaluates how workflow and work practices in chronic disease care can be improved through the use of informatics tools. It also focuses on studies that discern potential real-world benefits of health information technology (HIT).

Vankipuram, M., Kahol, K., Cohen, T., & Patel, V. L. (2011). Toward automated workflow analysis and visualization in clinical environments. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 44(3), 432–440.

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

In this article, the authors offer a framework for improving workflow analysis. It combines cognitive decision making, movement, and interaction and communication. The authors used a combination of qualitative and quantitative research practices to gather the data for analysis.

Required Media

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2012d). A workflow diagram. Baltimore, MD: Author.

This multimedia piece continues to build on the scenario introduced in Week 1. In this segment, the health care facility creates a workflow diagram with assessment that maps the current workflow.

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SLO 2: Synthesize evidence from research and theory to enhance the delivery of quality health care.
DNP Essential I continues with:

the DNP program prepares the graduate to…use science-based theories and concepts to determine the nature and significance of health and health care delivery phenomena; describe the actions and advanced strategies to enhance, alleviate, and ameliorate health and health care delivery phenomena as appropriate; and evaluate outcomes. (p. 9).

journal if and how you have met SLO 2 in the 700-level courses you have taken to date. Also discuss how you plan to meet this SLO during the course of taking NU740.

Critical Incident: Case Security Analysis and Lessons Learned This session you will be required to discuss and analyze a critical incident. You will be required to analyze, critique, and provide solutions to prevent and/or mitigate similar incidents from happening. Critical Incidents:

Critical Incident:
Case Security Analysis and Lessons Learned

This session you will be required to discuss and analyze a critical incident. You will be required to analyze, critique, and provide solutions to prevent and/or mitigate similar incidents from happening.

Critical Incidents:

Washington Navy Yard Shooting – 2013
Mumbai Terrorist Attack – 2008
Columbine High School – 1999
Sandy Hook Shooting – 2012
Virginia Tech Shooting – 2007
Chattanooga Military Recruiting Station Shooting – 2015
Yahoo Data Breach – 2013-2014
Home Depot Hacking Incident – 2014
Target Stores – 2013

Note: You are allowed to select a different incident that is not illustrated above. However, you must submit the name of the incident (via email) for my review and approval.

Some of the aforementioned incidents have more available information than others. In addition, the complexity of these incidents also varies, which will obviously make a difference in the scope and detail of your recommendations.

Minimum requirements:

• Discuss the incident in detail.

• Identify possible issues that could have prevented the incident or identify problems within the security architecture that facilitated the incident.

• List and discuss at least 3 security initiatives, actions or lessons learned that could have been prevented or mitigated the incident.

• You must argue why you believe the selected recommendations will be effective in mitigating or preventing the selected incident, if the incident were to happen again.

• Your analysis, ideas, suggestions must be actionable and credible.

Use research, the textbook and any other resource to identify initiatives and to validate your opinions.

Your case analysis must be at least 1,350 words (total) and you must have a minimum of two
credible (2) references.

Ensure you include a title page, double space, use proper margins, cite and reference your source(s) per the APA format.

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What is needed for more equality? And how does Freire understand the possibility of liberation and freedom for both individuals and groups?


For the assignment, I would like you to take a position on one (or two) of the assigned readings from our course, and write a well argued, critical essay of 1000 words (below or above by 100 words is permitted) (12 point font, in Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing, with a Works Cited section at the end).

For your paper, you are required to take a position on one (or two) of the philosophers that we have examined in the course, and their corresponding texts.

What this means is that you can write your paper on one of the following philosophers:

1. Plato (The Allegory of the Cave)

2. Epicurus (Letter to Menoeceus)

3. Mill (Utilitarianism)

4. Freire (Pedagogy of the Oppressed)

5. Nietzsche (The Madman and The Heaviest Weight)

6. Sartre (Existentialism is a Humanism)

Or, you can compare two of these philosophers’ ethical theories:

The main point of the assignment is that you take a position in your essay on the reading(s).

From the texts that we have examined, clearly and accurately describe the ethical theories of the philosopher (or philosophers) that you have decided to write about.

Also, tell me why you agree or disagree with the ethical theory(or theories) in question? (You may agree with some aspects of a philosopher’s ethics, but disagree with others. Or you may entirely agree or disagree with their main ethical theory).

Also in your paper, argue for the applicability (or inapplicability) of the ethical theory (or theories) in the world today, and in our contemporary society.

Above all, take a clear argumentative position, and make this clear throughout your essay.

Suggested Questions and Topics:

As mentioned, you are free to develop your own original topic for the essay, as it relates to the philosophers and the readings we have examined in our course.

However, here are some suggested topics that may help to guide you with the assignment:

1. (Ethics and Knowledge: Plato and Epicurus)

Both Plato and Epicurus write about the “good” and the “good life” in their writings, specifically in the Republic (380 BC), and Letter to Menoeceus (341-270 BC), respectively. How do these terms relate to each philosopher’s ethical theories? Also, how does each philosopher think we should live the most ethical life? How should we act? And what is the purpose of life for each philosopher? Are there any similarities or differences between them? And most importantly, do you agree or disagree with them?

(Use examples from the text to support your arguments).

2. (Ethics and Society: Mill, Freire)

a. (Mill’s ‘Utilitarianism’)

How does John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism (1861) address the theme of human happiness? How does he propose to improve upon the lives of individuals and groups in society? How do ethics and morality affect the decisions of both individuals and groups in Mill’s theory? Finally, we know that since its publication in 1861, Mill’s theory has inspired many governments around the world to act and govern according to its main principles (especially, governments that see themselves as ‘democratic’ and ‘liberal’ in the classical sense). But is it possible to actually put Mill’s theories into practice? Is anyone ever excluded or ‘left behind’ if we do so?’ And also, what are the main ethical consequences of a utilitarian society? Most importantly, do you agree or disagree with Mill’s theory for an ethics of society?

(Use examples from the text to support your arguments).

b. (Freire’s ‘Pedagogy of the Oppressed’)

As you know, the theme of suffering is central to Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1968). How does Freire address and examine human suffering in his book? What are the conditions that according to Freire, lead to increased human suffering? How is society structured in such a way that maintains a system of inequality between the ‘oppressors’ and the ‘oppressed’? How does the education system also suffer in such a society? And finally, what does Freire propose that we do about the situation? How can the conditions of the oppressed be improved? What is needed for more equality? And how does Freire understand the possibility of liberation and freedom for both individuals and groups? Most importantly, do you agree or disagree with Freire’s ethical theory? And can you apply Freire’s ideas about ethics to the world today?

(Use examples from the text to support your arguments).

3. (Ethics and the Individual: Nietzsche and Sartre)

The theme of human freedom is central to the ethical philosophies of Friedrich Nietzsche and Jean-Paul Sartre.

With two of his parables in The Gay Science (1882), ‘The Madman’ and ‘The Heaviest Weight,’ Nietzsche famously addresses the ethical implications of a world without God. He asks us to question where our values in fact come from. And he also forces us to confront the: either completely terrifying, and/or totally liberating sense of freedom that results from this realization.

In his essay outlining his own philosophy of existentialism, ‘Existentialism is a Humanism’ (1946), Sartre famously makes the following two arguments: that “existence precedes essence,” and also, that as individuals, we are “condemned to be free.” For Sartre, in his own words, “man is nothing…but the sum of his actions.”

For each philosopher, “what is individual freedom,?”, and also, “how does our understanding of freedom affect the way that we act, make ethical decisions, and find meaning and value in our lives?”

Also, for each philosopher, ‘where do our ethics come from?’, and ‘do we in fact need an ethics of society to act ethically as individuals?’, (What is the relationship between the two: ethics of society vs. ethics of the individual)?

(*Again, you are only required to write on One or Two of the above philosophers. You may mention more in your essay, but the main focus of your paper should be on only one or two).

(As always, please remember to use examples from the text to support your arguments).

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Read on 4&5 the hbr book and the apple case to answer the following questions below: 4.Building Your Company’s Vision (Book) By James C. Collins; Jerry I. Porras 5. Reinventing Your Business Model (Book) By Mark W. Johnson; Clayton M. Christensen; Henning Kagermann Business Strategy Apple Case: Differentiation Assignment Questions

Read on 4&5 the hbr book and the apple case to answer the following questions below:

4.Building Your Company’s Vision (Book) By James C. Collins; Jerry I. Porras

5. Reinventing Your Business Model (Book) By Mark W. Johnson; Clayton M. Christensen; Henning Kagermann

Business Strategy

Apple Case: Differentiation

Assignment Questions

1. What were Apple’s major competitive advantages? Has Steve Jobs finally solved Apple’s long-standing problems with respect to the Macintosh business?

2. How does Apple’s differentiation strategy reflect its vision?

3. Why can’t Apple use the same strategy as other PC manufacturers, such as Dell and Lenovo?


communism and cuban embargo international relations – Essay Furious

Post an explanation of the role of theory in research. Next, identify a theory in your discipline and explain its basic tenets.
September 23, 2021

In the years following World War II, the world became divided between the United States and its Democratic allies and the (former) Soviet Union and its Communist allies. This “Cold War” lasted some 45 year – until the opening of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 1990’s.
However, Communist regimes continue to exist in the world – most notably China and Cuba. Let’s discuss U.S. relations with Cuba (a communist nation located in our hemisphere)…
The United States has maintained an economic trade embargo against the island nation since the early 1960’s – the longest trade embargo in modern history. Entitled the Cuban Democracy Act, the embargo was codified into law in 1992 with the stated purpose of maintaining sanctions on the Cuba as long as it continues to refuse to move toward “democratization and greater respect for human rights”.
You can read more about the history of the embargo by clicking on the following link:
Some believe it is time to “lift” the embargo (at least certain restrictions on travel between the U.S. and Cuba), and normalize relations with Cuba – even though the country remains committed to a Communist political ideology.
Now, discuss all of the following…in APA and site references correctly
1. What are your views on this issue? Should the U.S. “lift” OR continue the economic embargo against Cuba? Provide a clear and consistent rationale for your response.
2. Are there certain conditions that must be met in order for the U.S. to lift all or part of the embargo? If so, what are these conditions?
3. As the “Leader of the Free World”, does the United States have the right to dictate the terms of Cuba’s human rights policy? Keep in mind that, according to the CIA, “Cuba is principally a source country for women and children trafficked within the country for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation”.
4. Should the U.S. be concerned that Cuba maintains strong diplomatic relations with Venezuela – whose President (Hugo Chavez) is a major antagonist to the United States?

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Topic 2 DQ 2

What is the main issue for your organization in addressing a solution to evidence-based nursing practice? Discuss what might be the first step in addressing and resolving this issue.

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Science and Policy Alignment – Homework Educator

This assessment addresses the following course objective(s):

Interpret research, bringing the nursing perspective, alongside perspectives of their administrative colleagues, for policy makers and stakeholders.
As a healthcare professional, effective communication is an essential skill for you to have. For this assignment, you will synthesize scientific research with relevant health policy, and write a professional editorial piece for public consumption.

Your role: Content contributor for The American Journal of Nursing

Audience: Healthcare professionals, nursing and administrative.

Format: 3-page paper, editorial style. Plus, a cover and reference page. A minimum of three scholarly sources should be included. In-text citations are required. APA style should be followed throughout.

Refer to the article Engaging policy in science writing: Patterns and strategies within Unit 3 Topic 2 for additional guidance on using the “push” style of writing.

Choose any scientific research topic, with relevant and reliable scholarly sources available for you to review. If your background is clinical, your focus may be heavy on the science or clinical elements. If your background is more administrative, you may choose research which is more closely related to a social issue (such as emergency contraceptives, vaping use, etc.)
Choose a policy or proposed policy that directly relates to your area of scientific research.
Write an editorial article, approximately 3 pages in length, summarizing the scientific research on your chosen topic, and aligning it with relevant health policy. Explain the need for increased awareness around the topic:
Who needs to do something about it,
When action is needed,
What that action could look like, and
Why such action will positively influence the future of healthcare.
Word document

Assignment Resource(s)
The American Journal of Nursing website:

Ruhl, J. B., Posner, S. M., & Ricketts, T. H. (2019). Engaging policy in science writing: Patterns and strategies. PLoS One, 14(8)

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