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Clinical Field Experience D: Finalized LAP /The Role Of The Reading/Literacy Specialist – Write My Paper Today

Identifying Information

Student Name Date of Birth Date of Report Age Grade
 Joe Blogs  2-05-14  20-06-2022 8  2nd

Student Background Data

Include reading/comprehension level, student and family reading habits, and personal information that may affect reading habits (e.g., personal interests, extracurricular activities, and student’s general health: hearing, vision, allergies, and medication). (150-250 words)

By the conclusion of the second grade, Joe is reading at a 1st grade level. She dislikes reading for enjoyment since she believes she is a poor reader. Because she is occupied caring for Joe’s twin brother and sister, who are younger than Joe, her mother does not read to her, her brother, or them at home. She occasionally wears sloppy clothing and doesn’t brush her hair before going to school. Joe has no hearing or visual problems and is in good health. She doesn’t use any drugs and doesn’t have any allergies. When she is not at school, she likes to sing, dance, and play with her pals. She had poor attendance at the start of the academic year. Throughout the whole school year, she missed 25 days, 20 of which were in the first half. Joe completed the Istation’s Indicators of Progress (ISIP) test each month at the start of 2021–2022. This is how the primary data was established, and it is what we utilized to track every student’s growth. Joe was in Level 1 in September 2020 and had an overall reading score of 199. She remained in Level 1 and continued to receive monthly scores of between 199 and 208. Her Renaissance Star test results from the three benchmarks throughout the course of the year varied from a 0L(BR) Beginning Reader to a 250L for emergent reader.

Home and Community

Include relevant home situation and community factors, including educational achievement, socioeconomic status, and cultural and linguistic context. (100-150 words)

Her mother, her oldest brother, and her two younger siblings all reside with Joe. Both at home and at school, she uses English. Her socioeconomic standing is poor, and she is of Hispanic descent. Families from poor to medium class make up the neighborhood around the school. The area where the school is situated is calm and secure. Students who attend school are present in the majority of single-family houses. Two working-class parents with an average of three kids make up the households in the school district. The percentage of Hispanic households with at least one English-speaking adult in the home is about 70%. Joe is hesitant to discuss any details of her personal life. Her reading scores in first grade were in the 60s and 70s. Joe was pleased with her improvement in arithmetic skills as she began to make progress at the end of the second grade. She has begun to improve her reading, but on the last assessment cycle of the academic year, she was still performing below grade level.

School and Classroom Factors

School information should include the type of school (i.e., public, private, charter, Title I), grade range, and any other related, pertinent information. Classroom information should include grade level(s) present, general makeup of the class (e.g., gifted, ELLs, special education), reading approach adopted by the classroom/district (e.g., literacy assessments, reading programs). (100-150 words)

Southeast New Mexico is home to the Title 1 Kindergarten through Fifth Grade public school. The majority of the pupils are Hispanic at 70%. Joe received a final grade of 67 in reading for the 2021–2022 academic year. She received a 70 for the first term, a 73 for the second, a 62 for the third, and a 65 for the fourth terms. Sadly, over the academic year, her classroom had three instructors. Before they were able to employ a teacher who lasted for the remainder of the school year, one instructor left after 9 weeks, and the lengthy substitute was there for another 9 weeks (18 weeks). She did not receive adequate attention or assistance from the first two teachers, which had a significant impact on how well she performed in reading. Two brilliant kids, four English language learners, and one special education student were all present in her class. The Wonders reading curriculum, which employs common core standards for literature and nonfiction materials, is used by the district. One of the literacy tests used each month to monitor reading development is Istation’s Indicators of Progress (ISIP). Another literacy exam utilized three times a year in the second grade is the Renaissance Star test. Students use Wonders, Star, myOn, Istation, Accelerated Reader, and Saxon Phonics for literacy throughout the academic year.

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