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CLINICAL FOCUS OF PATIENT JOURNEY Coronary Heart Disease (hx of hypertension and diabetes mellitus) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) using home oxygen Diabetes Mellitus requiring vascular surgery (hx of smoking) Colorectal carcinoma, with a genetic link to Familial Polyposis Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) Dementia and falls resulting in a fractured hip A paediatric patient with sepsis A young patient with a history of substance abuse who is pregnant Choose ONE patient journey, whereby you explore TWO therapeutic interventions which can be employed to manage the patient’s problems in the acute or recovery (rehabilitation or end of life) phases. You should choose ONE pharmacological (oral or subcutaneous injection/s) AND ONE non-pharmacological intervention. Critically evaluate the evidence surrounding the interventions and the application to your chosen patient journey. Determine what the nurses’ role is in applying the interventions you have chosen and how you might encourage the patient to ad


On completion of this module the student should be able to:
1. Apply the knowledge and skills for therapeutic interventions (including medicines management, surgical and behavioural interventions) as required to support people across the lifespan with commonly encountered physical, mental health, cognitive and behavioural conditions.
2. Demonstrate the ability to manage commonly encountered illnesses and confidently carry out related nursing interventions to meet people’s needs for evidence based, person-centred care.
3. Analyse and evaluate the evidence-based interventions required to support people with commonly encountered physical, mental health, cognitive and behavioural conditions.
Indicative Content
1. The module introduces students to the principles and evidence of providing and evaluating care for commonly known physical and mental health conditions through the lifespan using an evidence base. Case studies will be used to ensure a holistic person/family focus.
2. Examine principles of safe and effective medicines management including: – proficiency when calculating dosages of prescribed medicines. Administration responsibilities, evaluation of pharmacological approaches and optimisation of medicines in health care and the role of the nurse in education support for person/family focused medicine management issues across lifespan.
3. Explore principles and theories for pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapeutic interventions across the lifespan for a range of health needs.


Therapeutic Approaches, Models and Interventions

Explanation of therapeutic approaches, models and interventions such as rehabilitation, recovery, palliation, continuing care, complementary therapies, health and wellbeing lifestyle interventions, prevention strategies, motivational approaches, listening and responding, solution focused approach, Making Every Contact Count and the therapeutic relationship.

Pharmacological Therapeutics

Introduction to medicines management, review of common side effects, review of contraindications, interactions of common drugs, drug storage, routes of administration. Patient Group Directions and concordance. Calculations that recognise a range of drug administration routes and situations.


One summative written assessment
This is a 2,500 word assignment that addresses Learning Outcomes 1, 2 & 3. The assignment will be based upon the shared learning between modules 5012AD & 5013AD, allowing the student to develop their care and management skills. The Coursework should be submitted online, via Aula, by Friday 24th March 2023, 18:00hrs
Patient Journey’s offered within Module 5012AD and 5013AD:-

Coronary Heart Disease (hx of hypertension and diabetes mellitus)
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) using home oxygen
Diabetes Mellitus requiring vascular surgery (hx of smoking)
Colorectal carcinoma, with a genetic link to Familial Polyposis
Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)
Dementia and falls resulting in a fractured hip
A paediatric patient with sepsis
A young patient with a history of substance abuse who is pregnant
Choose ONE patient journey, whereby you explore TWO therapeutic interventions which can be employed to manage the patient’s problems in the acute or recovery (rehabilitation or end of life) phases. You should choose ONE pharmacological (oral or subcutaneous injection/s) AND ONE non-pharmacological intervention. Critically evaluate the evidence surrounding the interventions and the application to your chosen patient journey. Determine what the nurses’ role is in applying the interventions you have chosen and how you might encourage the patient to adhere to the proposed plan. Apply evidence to evaluate the role of the nurse.
Guidance for Coursework
The guidance offered below is to assist you in offering some structure to your assignment with suggestions of approximate word counts for each section. These are only a guide and are not absolutely rigid, but the emphasis in marking the work will be based upon the development of critical thought. This will be discussed further within the lectures.
Brief introduction to the essay, noting confidentiality
150 – 175 words This should be a holistic introduction, adding why the two interventions were chosen and any clinical pathways that have been used.
The assignment should be written in the ‘third person’.
Body of the essay – to include TWO interventions within the care of one of the patients used from the ‘Patient Journeys’ in Module 5012AD
2200 words • Focus on therapeutic approaches such as rehabilitation, acute treatment, palliative care phases and/or a particular medication. When analysing medication link to NICE guidance, the benefits and limitations of the drug; all within the treatment of the patient.
• Explore the evidence base behind the interventions.
• You need to analyse the nurses’ role and responsibilities in the application of these approaches to the patient journey of your choice. It is important that you include evidence from literature to support your thinking, along with any gaps you might think need exploring, where the literature is lacking. You may choose to break the body of the essay into 3 parts- intervention 1, intervention 2 and the nurses’ role
150-175 words No new information here, other than a summary of your thoughts about future assessment and care-delivery
References and general comments
Use APA system – see the website.

Use current evidence from nursing journals as well as texts.
Logical structure which acknowledges the person in the case study
Write in the third person.

Instructions for submission

An electronic copy of your coursework should be submitted through Turnitin. This will be on the official AULA Page which you will be automatically enrolled. Please follow the instructions on the AULA page when the time comes.

• There will be a draft submission area for you to check your essay for plagiarism.
• Please ensure that you keep an electronic copy of your coursework in case of query.
• Submission date for this coursework can be found on Aula
• Front Sheet: only put your student identification number (S.I.D) and the essay title on your front sheet to allow for anonymous marking.
• Format: Third person
• Font: Ariel, Times or Calibri 11 or 12
• Line Spacing 2.0
• Ensure spacing between paragraphs

We take in confidence issues that you may raise or write about in assessed work but if you divulge issues that, in our opinion are concerned with professional malpractice or contravene the Code of Professional Conduct, we do reserve the right to investigate these and may need to divulge them to third parties

Submission date
The Coursework should be submitted online, via Turnitin, by Friday 24th March 2023, 18:00h. Consider uploading the work to Turnitin during the day and DO NOT leave it until the last minute. If you go past the 18:00 h deadline, your work will not be considered as a submission.
(It is essential that you keep a copy of your completed assignment for yourself, preferably a paper copy).

Word Count
Penalties may be applied for exceeding or failing to reach any word limit set. The limit for this work is 2,500 words. Pieces of work that exceed or are below 10% of the 2,500 word requirement will receive a 10% reduction of the total mark.
Please note, the word count is calculated from all words included from the beginning of the text (does not include the front sheet) to the start of the reference list.

Unratified results
Normally 3 weeks after submission.

Ratification of results/Exam Board
To be notified via SOLAR.

Feedback will be given via Turnitin in either the written word or through audio. A face to face discussion can then be held following release of the results. Please contact your marker directly for this.


The University takes very seriously any attempt to cheat in coursework or examinations by any student and if a case is proven this can result in expulsion from the University. Cheating refers to plagiarism, contract cheating, collusion and taking unauthorised materials into an examination (this list is not exhaustive). Please refer to the essential information within your Student Handbook.


The university wants you to do your best. However, we know that sometimes events happen which mean that you can’t submit your coursework by the deadline – these events should be beyond your control and not easy to predict. If this happens, you can apply for an extension to your deadline for up to two weeks, or if you need longer, you can apply for a deferral, which takes you to the next assessment period (for example, to the resit period following the main assessment boards). You must apply before the submission deadline.

You will find information about the process and what is or is not considered to be an event beyond your control at :-

Extension and Deferral info (student portal)


You must stay in the seminar group you have been allocated to and students are not permitted to swap seminar groups.

You must behave in a professional and respectful manner showing consideration for other students and staff. Ground rules will be shared at the module launch.
Engagement will be closely monitored by module team members.

Engagement monitoring is a requirement for all students and is evidence of academic engagement which is vital for success, although this will not be a summative assessment item in module descriptors, poor or erratic engagement will be formally investigated. If there is no subsequent improvement in engagement a formal record will be made of this and consideration may be given to withdrawing students from their course because of non-engagement.

We will open up sections on Aula week by week and this will be discussed further during the module launch. A summary of the module schedule can be found in the ‘module essentials’ section of AULA.

If you have a disability or medical condition and require ‘reasonable adjustments’ to allow you to fully participate in the module please discuss these with the module leader so that suitable arrangements can be made.


You are normally entitled to 1 re-sit of the module subject to approval at the assessment board. The date of the re-sit will be available on solar after the exam board have met.

Specific subject resources will be supplied during the seminars.
Essential and Recommended reading can be found within the module essentials section on AULA.

The module team hope that you engage and enjoy this module. Please contact us with any queries.

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