MM256 Coursework
Recruiter’s Portfolio
Coursework 01 – Recruiter’s Portfolio
1.Business report recommending a graduate recruitment and selection plan to an organisation of your choice(1,500 words)
2.You may include up to 3 appendices to support your report.
Please, submit everything in one PDF document
Learning outcomes
1.Understand and be capable of navigating the recruitment and selection process
2.Reflect on the importance of skills and competencies in modern workplaces and career management
3.Understand the context of contemporary organisations and businesses, their different needs and approaches to recruitment.
4.Identify and understand what employers look for in the recruitment and selection process
5.Communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written form appropriate for professional audience
6.Reflect on strategies and resources for enhancing their skills, strengths and competencies that enables them to plan their professional career.
Coursework (Submission)
Submitted via turnitin (Tii)
•Recruiter’s Portfolio – 50%
•DEADLINE: 11th November 2021 (Thursday)
Coursework 01 – Recruiter’s Portfolio
Business report structure (Recruitment and Selection Plan) – 1,500 words (+ or – 10%)
A brief introduction (that provides on overview of the report) – [approx. 150 words]
Organisation overview: A brief analysis of the organisation, values, culture, needs – challenges and opportunities. You must evidence using and understanding the relevant module material/content for this section. – [approx. 300 words]
Job overview: A brief summary of the job, key desirable competencies, strengths – critical analysis in relation to job overview. You must evidence using and understanding the relevant module material/content for this section. – [approx. 250 words]
Recommended recruitment and selection strategy: a summary of the recommended recruitment and
selection step-by-step plan with a critical explanation on how this will offer the best value for money for the organisation – and generate the best graduate recruits. Be explicit about how this section links to the previous two. You must evidence using and understanding the relevant module material/content for this section. – [approx. 600 words]
Conclusions (a summing up and recommended next steps on developing the graduate talent) – [approx. 200 words]
This is an academic report engagement with literature and sources of evidence is expected.
Assessment criteria
•Relevance Report tasks are interpreted correctly, discussions are focused on the topic of the report, irrelevant content and discussions are excluded
•Organisation overview: A brief analysis of the organisation, values, culture, needs – challenges and opportunities. You must evidence using and understanding the relevant module material/content for this section.
•Job overview: A brief summary of the job, key desirable competencies, strengths – critical analysis in relation to job overview. You must evidence using and understanding the relevant module material/content for this section
•Recommended recruitment and selection strategy: a summary of the recommended recruitment and selection step-by-step plan with a critical explanation on how this will offer the best value for money for the organisation – and generate the best graduate recruits. Be explicit about how this section links to the previous two. You must evidence using and understanding the relevant module material/content for this section.
•Structure, style and Presentation: Including appendices (usefulness)
•Engagement with the literature and sources of references. (cited and included in reference list).
• Referencing: Reference list and in-text citations using Harvard.