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Criminal justice professionals are asked to serve the public with professionalism and fairness. Regardless of crimes committed by a suspect, the suspect must be treated respectfully and ethically. Leaders are expected

CJ 510 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric


Criminal justice professionals are asked to serve the public with professionalism and fairness. Regardless of crimes committed by a suspect, the suspect must be treated respectfully and ethically. Leaders are expected to be able to take command of tragedies and major incidents. Administrators must walk a fine line to keep the public informed and their subordinates safe. It takes a true leader to be able to gain the trust of the community and the criminal justice professionals that serve under that particular leader. In order to achieve the qualities of a true leader, one must be able to approach problem situations effectively and address problems ethically and appropriately for all parties involved.

The final project in this course will expose you to a problem situation and task you with how it should be solved. You will imagine you are employed at a criminal justice organization facing a communal problem. Your superior at the organization has asked you to review the problem situation and offer your recommendations. You will be given the chance to evaluate the situation and develop suggestions that will inform development of strategies to address the issue using appropriate ethical and transparent leadership and communication skills. It is important to be able to recognize what leadership style you may be using and if that style will be effective in dealing with an issue at hand. This project will give you the experience and tools necessary to address problem situations and effectively lead both your subordinates and the parties involved while also coordinating with your superiors.

The final project for this course is the creation of a problem analysis with recommendations report. The final product represents an authentic demonstration of competency because it requires you to apply leadership concepts and ethical decision-making regarding decisions that will affect numerous stakeholders. The stakeholders include your law enforcement organization, a community, and many others such as political leaders and government officials. The project is supported by four milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules One, Three, Five, and Seven. The final product will be submitted in Module Nine.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

• Analyze leadership dynamics and approaches used within criminal justice organizations for determining appropriate leadership styles that address communal problems

• Determine the potential impact of the ethical decision-making of leadership on the operations of employees and the organizational culture within criminal justice agencies

• Evaluate the ethical decision-making of leadership in criminal justice organizations based on accepted best practices and appropriate research

• Recommend strategies for fostering growth and trust between and within communities and criminal justice organizations

• Make recommendations for overcoming obstacles for implementing new strategies to internal and external key stakeholders in criminal justice organizations


For the final project, imagine you are a professional working in a criminal justice organization. Your superior has asked your opinion on a problem facing the community. You will be given a basic scenario detailing a department of the organization that is trying to address a communal problem. You will complete a report explaining the problem facing the community and offering any recommendations and strategies you believe could effectively address the problem.

You will select one of the following case studies to analyze for your final project. To access the case studies, refer to the Harvard Business Review Coursepack Module:

1. NYPD New

2. The Flawed Emergency Response to the 1992 Los Angeles Riots

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Introduction

A. Describe the organization based on the information provided in the chosen scenario and explain the communal problem that they are trying to address.

B. Describe budgetary constraints and other potential obstacles that might impact the organization in addressing the problem from the agency and community standpoint.

C. Analyze and describe the current research in the field that would help leadership ethically address the issue and base their decisions on best practices of the field.

II. Leadership Analysis

A. Analyze the actions of leadership in the chosen scenario for how they did or did not facilitate and motivate employees in addressing the problem. Be sure to provide examples from the scenario to support your response. What instances in the chosen scenario exemplify the approach of leadership in encouraging and interacting with employees?

B. Analyze the actions of leadership in the chosen scenario for communication issues that might arise and how these issues might impede addressing the problem. Be sure to provide examples from the scenario to support your response. What communication issues might leadership face when addressing this problem? What are the implications or consequences of these issues?

C. Determine whether the supervisors in the chosen scenario have functioned as effective leaders. Be sure to justify your response and support your response with appropriate research from the field gathered in your previous review.

III. Analysis of Ethics

A. Determine the ethicality of leadership’s decision  making during their attempts to address the problem. Be sure to justify your response and support your response with appropriate research from the field gathered in your previous review.

B. Evaluate the transparency of the organization in regard to public communications. Be sure to justify your response. For example, are systems in place to communicate with the public? Has the organization been readily available and willing to provide the community with information regarding the problem?

C. Evaluate how leadership of the organization considered the ethical concerns of the community in addressing the problem. Be sure to justify your response. For example, how were the concerns of internal and external stakeholders considered?

D. Determine how the ethical decisions of leadership may impact the performance of employees in addressing the problem. How might these decisions improve employees’  ability to address the problem? How might they hinder their ability to address the problem?

E. Determine how the ethical decisions of leadership may impact the culture of the organization. For example, what if employees do not agree with the decisions?

F. Explain the overall implications of the ethical decision-making of leadership and how that affects the organization and the community. Be sure to justify your response, and support your response with appropriate research from the field gathered in your previous review.

IV. Recommendations

A. Recommend an appropriate and effective leadership style that superiors at the organization could employ to address the problem and best fit the organization based on your previous analysis. Be sure to justify your response.

B. Make recommendations to leadership for resolving the situation that balance the needs of the community, effectively addressing the problem, and what is ethically appropriate. How should leadership balance these three important elements in addressing the problem?

C. Recommend strategies or actions that leadership could take to improve community relations and foster growth and trust between the community and the organization in response to the problem from the chosen scenario. Be sure to justify your response and support your response with appropriate research from the field gathered in your previous review.

D. Recommend strategies or actions that leadership could take to maintain and improve the culture of the organization in response to the ethical decisions of leadership regarding the problem from the chosen scenario. Be sure to justify your response and support your response with appropriate research from the field gathered in your previous review.

E. Make recommendations for the organization on how they could account for obstacles that might impede the organization in addressing the problem and implementing your recommendations.

F. Explain how the organization could implement and uphold your recommendations. For example, should they enact new policies? Training?

G. Explain how the organization would consider any budgetary constraints they might face both in addressing the problem and implementing any of your recommendations.


Milestone One: Case Study Selection

In Module One, you will submit the case study that you have selected to complete your final project on. Review the final project and then the two case study options. You will post your case study selection in a journal assignment. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.

Milestone Two: Leadership Analysis

In Module Three, you will submit your leadership analysis. You will analyze how leadership acted in your selected case study in regard to how they facilitated or motivated employees, what communication issues might affect how they addressed the problem, and whether or not the supervisors in your selected case study functioned as effective leaders. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.

Milestone Three: Analysis of Ethics

In Module Five, you will submit an analysis of ethics. You will analyze your selected case study for the ethics that were used to address the problem. You will evaluate how leadership addressed the problem and whether they used ethical decision-making. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.

Milestone Four: Recommendations

In Module Seven, you will submit recommendations. You will use your previous analysis of the leadership and ethics and recommend strategies to help improve the organization’s use of ethical decision-making, the overall culture of the organization, and their relationship with the community. You will then identify obstacles that might occur when the plan is being implemented and strategies to help the organization implement and uphold your recommendations. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Four Rubric.

Final Submission: Problem Analysis With Recommendations Report

In Module Nine, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.




Module Due



Case Study Selection  


Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric


Leadership Analysis


Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric


Analysis of Ethics


Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric




Graded separately; Milestone Four Rubric


Submission: Problem Analysis With Recommendations Report


Graded separately; Final Project Rubric

Final Project Rubric

Guidelines for Submission: Your problem analysis should be 6–8 pages in 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, following appropriate APA formatting.







Introduction: Problem


the organization based on the information provided in the chosen scenario and
explains the communal problem that they are trying to address (100%)

the organization based on the information provided in the chosen scenario and
explains the communal problem that they are trying to address but description
or explanation is cursory or contains inaccuracies


Does not describe the organization based on the information
provided in the chosen scenario and does not explain the communal problem that
they are trying to address (0%)








budgetary constraints and other potential obstacles that might impact the
organization in addressing the problem from the agency and community


budgetary constraints and other potential obstacles that might impact the
organization in addressing the problem from the agency and community
standpoint but description is cursory


Does not
describe budgetary constraints and other potential obstacles that might
impact the organization in addressing the problem from the agency and
community standpoint



Current Research

“Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates an astute ability in locating appropriate research that would assist
leadership and provide them with best

of the field


and describes the current research in the field that would help leadership ethically
address the issue and base their decisions on best

of the field


and describes the current research in the field that would help leadership ethically
address the issue and base their decisions on best practices of the field but
analysis of current research does not include research that would assist
leadership or provide them with best practices or description of research is


Does not analyze and describe the current research in the
field that would help leadership ethically address the issue and base their
decisions on best

practices of the field



Leadership Analysis:




“Proficient” criteria and
examples demonstrate keen insight in recognizing instances in the chosen
scenario where leadership did or did not facilitate and motive employees


the actions of leadership in the chosen scenario for how they did or did not
facilitate and motivate employees in addressing the problem, providing
examples to support response


the actions of leadership in the chosen scenario for how they did or did not
facilitate and motivate employees in addressing the problem, providing
examples to support response, but analysis

cursory or illogical, or provided examples are inappropriate or illogical


Does not analyze the
actions of leadership in the chosen scenario for how they did or did not
facilitate and motivate employees in addressing the




Leadership Analysis:




“Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates a sophisticated awareness of communication issues that
leadership in criminal justice organization may face and their implications
for addressing


the actions of leadership in the chosen scenario for communication issues
that might arise and how these issues might impede addressing the problem,
providing examples to support response (90%)

the actions of leadership in the chosen scenario for communication issues
that might arise and how these issues might impede addressing the problem,
providing examples to support response but analysis is cursory or illogical,
or provided examples are inappropriate or illogical


Does not
analyze the actions of leadership in the chosen scenario for communication
issues that might arise and how these issues might impede addressing the



Leadership Analysis:



“Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into the difference between supervising and being

effective leader


whether the supervisors in the chosen scenario have functioned as effective
leaders, justifying response and supporting response with appropriate
research from the field


whether the supervisors in the chosen scenario have functioned as effective
leaders, justifying response and supporting response with appropriate
research from the field but determination is cursory, illogical, or there are
gaps in the justification, or supporting research is inappropriate


Does not determine whether
the supervisors in the chosen scenario have functioned as

effective leaders



of Ethics:



“Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into the ethicality of leadership’s decision

 making regarding their attempts
to address the problem


the ethicality of leadership’s decision making during their attempts to
address the problem, justifying response and supporting response with
appropriate research from the field


the ethicality of leadership’s
 decision making during their
attempts to address the problem, justifying response and supporting response
with appropriate research from the field but determination is cursory,
illogical, or there are gaps in the justification, or supporting research is


Does not determine the ethicality of leadership’s  decision making during their
attempts to address the




of Ethics:



“Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into how the organization maintained open communication
with the community in addressing the

problem (100%)

the transparency of the organization in regard to public communications, justifying


the transparency of the organization in regard to public communications but
evaluation is cursory, illogical, or there are gaps in the



Does not evaluate the transparency of the

organization in regard to public




of Ethics:



“Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into how the organization demonstrated they considered
or acted on ethical concerns of the community in addressing the problem


how leadership of the organization considered the ethical concerns of the community
in addressing the problem, justifying response


how leadership of the organization considered the ethical concerns of the community
in addressing the problem, justifying response but evaluation is cursory, illogical,
or there are gaps in the justification


Does not
evaluate how leadership of the organization considered the ethical concerns of
the community in addressing the problem



of Ethics:



 criteria and response
demonstrates keen insight into the potential impact of ethical decisions on employee


how the ethical decisions of leadership may impact the performance of employees
in addressing the

problem (90%)

how the ethical decisions of leadership may impact the performance of employees
in addressing the problem, but determination is

or illogical


Does not
determine how the ethical decisions of leadership may impact the performance of
employees in addressing the




of Ethics:



Meets “Proficient”
criteria and

 response demonstrates keen insight into the
potential impact of ethical decisions on the culture of the organization


how the ethical decisions of leadership may impact the culture of the


how the ethical decisions of leadership may impact the culture of the
organization, but determination

cursory or illogical


Does not determine how the ethical decisions of leadership
may impact the culture of the organization



of Ethics:



“Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates a sophisticated awareness of the wide-reaching implications of
ethical decision-making of

criminal justice organizations in addressing communal


the overall implications of the ethical decision-making of leadership and how
that affects the organization and the community, justifying response and
supporting response with appropriate research from the field (90%)

the overall implications of the ethical decision-making of leadership and how
that affects the organization and the community, justifying response, but
explanation is cursory, illogical, or there are gaps in the justification, or
supporting research is inappropriate


Does not
explain the overall implications of the ethical decision-making of leadership
and how that affects the

organization and the







“Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into which leadership style would be the best fit
for the organization while also effectively addressing the situation (100%)

an appropriate and effective leadership style that superiors at the organization
could employ to address the problem and best fit the organization based on your
previous analysis, justifying response and supporting response with

research from the field (90%)

an appropriate and effective leadership style that superiors at the organization
could employ to address the problem and best fit the organization based on your
previous analysis, justifying response but recommendation is cursory, illogical,
or there are gaps in the justification, or supporting research is


Does not
recommend an appropriate and effective leadership style that superiors at the
organization could employ to address the problem and best fit the
organization based on your previous analysis (0%)





“Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into managing the intricate relationships between
the communities, addressing the problem, and making ethically appropriate


recommendations to leadership for resolving the situation that balance the
needs of the community, effectively addressing the problem and what is
ethically appropriate


recommendations to leadership for resolving the situation that balance the
needs of the community, effectively addressing the problem, and what is
ethically appropriate, but recommendations are cursory or illogical


Does not
make recommendations to leadership for resolving the situation that balance
the needs of the community, effectively addressing the problem and what is
ethically appropriate




Growth and



“Proficient” criteria and
made demonstrate a sophisticated awareness of how to foster growth and trust
between communities and criminal justice organizations in response to ethical
decisionmaking of leadership


strategies or actions that leadership could take to improve community
relations and foster growth and trust between the community and the
organization in response to the problem from the chosen scenario, justifying
response and supporting response with appropriate research from the field


strategies or actions that leadership could take to improve community
relations and foster growth and trust between the community and the
organization in response to the problem from the chosen scenario, justifying
response, but recommendations are cursory, illogical, or there are gaps in
the justification, or supporting research is inappropriate


Does not
recommend strategies or actions that leadership could take to improve
community relations and foster growth and trust between the community and the
organization in response to the problem from the chosen scenario






“Proficient” criteria and
made demonstrate a sophisticated awareness of how to foster growth and trust
within criminal justice organizations in response to ethical decision making
of leadership


strategies or actions that leadership could take to maintain and improve the
culture of the organization in response to the ethical decisions of
leadership regarding the problem from the chosen scenario, justifying
response and supporting response with appropriate research from the field


strategies or actions that leadership could take to maintain and improve the
culture of the organization in response to the ethical decisions of
leadership regarding the problem from the chosen scenario, justifying

response but
recommendations are cursory, illogical, or there are gaps in the
justification, or

research is inappropriate


Does not
recommend strategies or actions that leadership could take to maintain and
improve the culture of the organization in response to the ethical decisions
of leadership regarding the problem from the chosen scenario






“Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into how the organization could account for
potential obstacles


recommendations for the organization for how they could account for obstacles
that might impede the organization in addressing the problem and



recommendations for the organization for how they could account for obstacles
that might impede the organization in addressing the problem and

recommendations but recommendations are cursory or illogical


Does not
make recommendations for the organization for how they could account for
obstacles that might impede the organization in addressing the problem and








“Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into the specific elements that the organization
could enact to implement and uphold recommendations  


Explains how the
organization could implement and uphold



Explains how the
organization could implement and uphold recommendations but

is cursory or



Does not explain how the organization could implement and
uphold recommendations (0%)






“Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into how the organization could account for
budgetary constraints


how the organization would consider any budgetary constraints they might face
both in addressing the problem and implementing any of recommendations


how the organization would consider any budgetary constraints they might face
both in addressing the problem and implementing any of recommendations but

is cursory or



Does not
explain how the organization would consider any budgetary constraints they
might face both in addressing the problem and implementing any of



Articulation of Response

is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization
and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format (100%)

has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization (90%)

has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of



has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that prevent understanding of ideas (0%)




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