Task1: Students are required to critically assess the impact of a chosen PH policy on practice in a multi-professional environment (learning outcomes 1, 2 see outcomes below.
Learning Outcomes (LO)
1) Apply relevant perspectives, frameworks, and tools to the design and implementation of a small-scale policy analysis within a country/region.
2)Critically analyze approaches to policy selected development and policy making, including incongruities and discontinuities between underlying ideology/philosophy and contemporary applications.
Specific guidelines
1.)Identify an appropriate PH policy, which has currency to the student’s professional practice (LO 1 & 2).
2.)Select an appropriate theoretical framework to analyse policy implementation.
3.)Critically review the policy and its implementation from the chosen theoretical perspective (LO 1 & 2).
4.)Have employed a range of research skills appropriate at doctoral level in their assessment of different forms of evidence pertinent to their study.
NOTE: Please see attached assignment documents. The main document policy document to be critically analysed here is “Towards a Smoke free Generation, A Tobacco Control Plan for England” attached below.
MUST READ: Also attached is an assignment sample, the davies tool policy analysis PowerPoint slide, writing guidance checklist, attached too will give you better understanding of the format and the writing checklist.
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