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CRKC7045 Tackling Global-Local Challenges

CRKC7045 Tackling Global-Local Challenges in Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability

University of Cumbria, Robert Kennedy College

Final Summative Assessment Brief

ModuleTitleTacklingGlobal-LocalChallenges inEthics,ResponsibilityandSustainabilityAssessmentTitlePortfolio Part 2: Final assessmentIndividual/GroupIndividualWeighting100%

LatesthandindateSubmission date: Friday24thFebruary2023 (23:59hrs CET) Please upload your document to the RKC site using the correct assessment upload linkLearningOutcomesassessed1, 2, 3, 4Indicativewordcount4,000 words ÷/- 10% plus appendices where appropriate

Important Note:

The final assessment consists of six set exercises that are built each week into the final report. You should not deviate from the work that is provided. Please see below for details.

The assessment question is as follows:

Usethesix‘setassessmentexercises’providedduringeachweekofyourteaching as the basis of a report for your organisation or community tocontribute towards delivering selected Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs).

The six ‘set assessment exercises’ will be posted on your RKC unit each week, along with a weekly Teaching Resource Pack (TRP) and teaching video. Your study will be supported with weekly Live Tutorial Sessions and online forum discussions.

You should complete each weekly exercise and build these together, week by week, into a final report. You are encouraged to use your University Student OneDrive to back up your work and build the work into a portfolio. You are encouraged to ask your tutor for formative feedback on your week 1 draft. Only one draft will be reviewed, and it must be emailed no later than the end of week 3.

In addition to your six set assessment exercises, you should use the following general guidance to help you develop the final report. When completed, this should be submitted through the appropriate RKC assessment link for grading, as usual.

Important general guidance:

You should include a coverpagestating your student ID number with the module title / code and the title of the assesssment along with your statement of authorship and plagiarism.

Include a brief abstract(up to 200 words) summarising the whole paper (excluded from word count) and table of contents

Use the introduction (150 words) to give brief background about your organisation or community. This should be the organisation you work in (organisation not just sector) or the community that you are active within. You must state your role within the organisation / community

Weeklyheading:You should present each set exercise with the sub

heading of the week number and question you are answering

You must base your answer on the weekly teaching. A minimum of 90% of references should come from the readings, case studies and other resources linked from your weekly TRPs / live session slides. Any additional references you choose to include should be specific to your region or sector in order to add value to your use of module readings. Please be aware that links to the SDGs on the UN website included with the TRPs are for background / context only and likely to be too general to support a good answer.

Make sure you include a brief conclusion (100 words) summarising the key points of your completed paper and perhaps drawing together any key themes or links you would like to highlight.

You must provide a full referencelistin Harvard style at the end of your paper and include the url (not doi) address for all references (including your unique url link to library OneList readings).

Additional relevant information and your notes / forum posts reflecting on the in-teaching reflective activities maybe included in appendixes at the end of your paper (excluded from word count)

You should use the assessment as an opportunity to develop your academic skills. Please see the UoC skills website at for online guidance on academic writing and referencing. All other support should be through tutor / tutorial support.


Use the Marking Matrix on the next page to help you understand how your work will be marked

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