Assignment 2: Research poster
Team/Individual task: Individual
Word limit: 750 words (+/- 10%)
Weighting: 30%
Due date: 5pm AEST Monday 17 July 2023 (Week 9)
Assignment overview
The purpose of this assignment is to apply your knowledge of the correlates of offending and victimisation. You will summarise and evaluate the research on this critical topic area, before providing commentary on the youth justice system and the young people within it. Your assignment will focus on one correlate of offending and victimisation and the associated research—including practitioner interviews. You will present your evidence summary and commentary in the form of a research poster.
Assignment details
Read through the following steps to understand and meet the requirements of this assignment:
Step 1: Complete all learning activities on the correlates of offending and victimisation.
Before you dive into this assignment, ensure you have an accurate and comprehensive understanding of the topic: The correlates of offending and victimisation. Review the essential readings, practitioner interviews.
In particular, ensure that you have:
- watched practitioner interviews as they relate to the topics of the victim/offender nexus, care and control and gender, ethnicity, health and education via the youth justice portal.
- read the essential readings on pages 5.1 this module’s focus and 6.1 this module’s focus.
- 5.1: Care-criminalisation: The involvement of children in out-of-home care in the New South Wales criminal justice system (McFarlane 2017, pp. 1–22).
- 6.1: Cruel and unusual punishment: An inter-jurisdictional study of the criminalisation of young people with complex support needs (Baldry et al. 2017, pp. 1–17).
Step 2: Choose your research focus.
Based on your knowledge of the topic area, choose one correlate of offending and victimisation as your focus. For example, you may choose to focus on education or out-of-home care. Naturally, there will be overlaps and intersections between the different correlates. This is fine, provided that you make it clear, in your research and writing, which correlate is your focus.
Step 3: Summarise and evaluate the evidence
For this component of the assignment, you are required to summarise and evaluate the evidence base presented in:
- the essential readings on page 5.1 this module’s focus and 6.1 this module’s focus.
- the practitioner interviews in the Youth Justice Portal.
Your summary will consist of a written component and a series of graphs, charts and/or tables generated from your reading and viewing. These visuals must be your own—cutting and pasting existing tables or figures from the readings is not acceptable.
Note: your written summary and evaluation should be 750 words (+/- 10%), including in-text citations.
Step 4: Create your research poster.
Now that you have prepared each required element, it is time to create your research poster.
Your research poster should be presented in one Microsoft PowerPoint slide, with the following headings to structure the content:
- Introduction
- Evidence base
- Conclusions
- References
You may add sub-headings that connect better with your claims, particularly in the evidence base and conclusions sections. If you find it difficult to make your reference list ‘fit’ within your main slide, you may add a second slide purely for this reference list.
The following PowerPoint template may be of use, however, please note that using this slide design is optional:
The following exemplar has been provided to support you in completing this assignment:
- Sample research poster: Mindfulness and emotional literacy training for homeless youth (PDF 767 KB).
Note that the purpose of providing these exemplars is to offer you a clear visual representation of what your final research poster should look like—i.e., a blend of text, images, graphs, charts and tables.
To maintain your academic integrity, you are not permitted to copy/reproduce this exemplar in whole or in part. A high Turnitin similarity report would lead to a breach of academic misconduct.
Supporting resources
- Harvard referencing style guide.
- Harvard In-text citations style
Assignment criteria
- Connection: The extent to which the submission demonstrates a connection with module content, including the two essential readings and practitioner insights in the Youth Justice Portal.
- Engagement: The extent to which the submission demonstrates engagement with workshop or asynchronous learning program activities.
- Academic literacy: Expression, spelling, grammar, punctuation and referencing.

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