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. Describe the fundamental structure, function and interactions of the musculoskeletal, nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, endocrine and reproductive systems in the human body; 4. Locate relevant scientific literature and cite references using appropriate conventions. Background As a Science student it is incredibly important that you can communicate effectively, think critically and solve complex problems whilst contributing to your local and global communities. You are required to

Assessment: Investigate and research an answer to a particular question about a body system and communicate findings in a video presentation.
Assessment percentage:
• 15% Storyboard
• 25% Final video and script
Due dates:
Storyboard – Week 7: Wednesday 29th July 2020 by 5pm
Final video and script – Week 9: Thursday 13th August 2020 by 5pm
Learning Outcomes being assessed:
1. Describe the fundamental structure, function and interactions of the musculoskeletal, nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, endocrine and reproductive systems in the human body;
4. Locate relevant scientific literature and cite references using appropriate conventions.
As a Science student it is incredibly important that you can communicate effectively, think critically and solve complex problems whilst contributing to your local and global communities.
You are required to create a video which will answer a particular question linked to a human body system. Do not worry – you do not have to be a film producer! We are more interested in how well you plan, research and explain a question linked to Human Body systems, rather than the final product.
This assessment brief, along with help provided in lessons, will provide you with a series of steps to guide you through this process, so we suggest you read this carefully. You may use your mobile phone to create your video using a range of free software available.

Choosing your question of interest
Throughout the 13-week trimester, we cover most of the systems within the human body. When choosing a question, start with selecting a system which you found interesting, have a personal connection with or perhaps want to study in the future. Once you have narrowed it down to a body system, you can then start to think of an interesting question. Some suggestions are listed below:
Nervous System
– Why does my Grandpa have shaking hands due to Parkinson’s disease?
– Are Usain Bolts muscles different to mine? How can he run so fast?
Endocrine System
– Why is my Mum worried about hormone replacement therapy (HRT)?
– Why does my friend inject herself with insulin every day?
Respiratory System
– Could humans ever breathe underwater?
– What does an asthma puffer do?
Digestive System
– Why do people have gastric bypass surgery?
– How does my microbiome affect my mental health?
Circulatory System
– Should my grandmother be worried if she has high cholesterol levels?
– Why are scientists 3D printing stents? Are they likely to be helpful or harmful?
Lymphatic/Immune System
– What happens after I graze my skin playing soccer?
– Why does my girlfriend have to carry an Epipen with her at all times?
Musculoskeletal System
– Does it matter if my sister gives her newborn baby soy milk rather than breast milk?
– Why do astronauts come back from space taller?
Excretory System
– If stranded on a tropical island, could I drink my own urine?
– What does it mean if glucose is found within my urine samples?
Your question must enable you to link it to two human body systems and explain the interdependence of these systems on each other. You are not limited to these suggestions. You may wish to come up with your own question, just make sure you check it with your teacher first and ensure your topic can be investigated scientifically.
Where to begin? Storyboard
Before we begin filming you will need to think about how you are going to structure your video. To answer your question of interest, you will first create a storyboard and submit this as your initial piece of assessment.
A storyboard is a graphic organiser, allowing you to think about each step of your video and the visuals which you will use. Each step contains a picture and summary of the key content that you will explain. You may find pictures/diagrams online or want to draw your own. Please remember that when using images from the internet you must reference them appropriately. Please go to VU Library, Harvard Referencing and follow the format shown below:

You will need to use the storyboard template provided to you. Think about what you are going to include in each step, how it flows to the next step and make sure you have explained and answered the question you have posed. An example of parts of a storyboard is shown on the next page.

Storyboard Title– How does the drug GPA attack and kill Staphylococcus aureus?
*Linked to the Immune System – interdependence with Circulatory or Integumentary Systems. Could choose to discuss either of these systems within my video.
American Chemical Society, 2016.
Storyboard components:
Your storyboard needs to include the following components:
Question/Title – the question you are going to explain/answer within your video presentation.
Audience – selected. You may choose from the following:
1. Primary School Students – very basic explanations, use scientific vocabulary but really simplify it.
2. First Year University students – the level of language we are using now in Human Biology classes, complex diagrams that you can explain well.
3. General Public – have a good grasp of general English terms, but may not have studied Science previously. Can use complicated terminology, but must break it down and explain it.
Interdependence of two human body systems – your video needs to link to two human body systems and you must be able to explain these links in your video. How are these systems interdependent upon each other when answering your set question?
Explanation of solution – have you answered the question posed?
Justification – Each storyboard tile needs to include a justification for how it is suitable for the chosen audience and why you have included specific content/images.
Conclusion – make sure you summarise the key points of your video.
Other things to think about when preparing your video:
Characters – you may ask somebody else to act in your video, however YOU must be the main presenter. We need to see you talking and being filmed at the start, middle and end of the video. You need to explain the majority of the content.
Setting – think about where you will film your video. Can you connect this to your question? For example should you film inside, outside, mock medical centre, desk, by a river, a fake capillary – so many options! Have a think about where sound and picture quality would be best too!
Breaking down the question – you need to think about how you film your video in smaller steps, this is where the storyboard will help you.
You need to include a minimum of five different sources of information for your research, and it is very important that you reference your work accordingly. You need to use the Harvard referencing system. If you require additional assistance, you may contact the Learning Hub or view the guides on VU Collaborate.
Storyboard Video Plan
You will need to complete a table such as the one below to include justification of each stage of your storyboard.
Time – how long will section of the storyboard take to film/explain? Content – what scientific content do I need to include in each section? Visual – how am I going to explain this? Justification – why images and content have been chosen in each tile of the storyboard for chosen audience.

Storyboard assessment criteria:
Marking criteria High Medium Low
Title Chosen question to answer is clear, specific and easy to understand. Question is ambiguous. Question is not stated.
Required components Storyboard includes the following components:
Question/Title, Audience, Interdependence of Human Body Systems, Justification, Explanation of Solution, Conclusion. Storyboard is missing one or two components. Storyboard is missing more than two components.
Content Linked to two Human Body Systems and explain these links in detail.
Storyboard contains relevant scientific content which helps to guide the viewer through the topic to answer the overall question.
Linked to one Human Body System and or explained only one system in detail.
Storyboard contains relevant scientific content which helps to guide the viewer through the topic, although at times is confusing and difficult to follow.
Weak link to one Human Body System, no explanation included.
Storyboard contains information but is not in a logical order and does not help to answer the question posed.
Illustrations Effective use of illustrations/diagrams to explain scientific topics for each stage of the storyboard. Diagrams are included although at times are not used effectively. Diagrams are included but not referred to within the storyboard.
Justification of each storyboard tile included and how it is suitable for chosen audience Justify why images and content have been chosen in each tile of the storyboard for chosen audience. Some images and content justified. Some content or images used not relevant to suitable for chosen audience – might be too complex or too simple. Tried to provide justifications, however haven’t explained why it is suitable for chosen audience.
Video components:
Once you have your storyboard completed and you have received feedback from your teacher you can now begin to think about how to record your video.
Questions to consider:
• Will I record this on my mobile phone?
• Will I use my laptop?
• Which software will I use?
o PowerPoint has built in speakers to record videos
o Most phones, ipads and laptops have built-in cameras where you can record short videos
o Adobe Spark Video
o Buncee
o iMovie
o Gravie
o Prezie
• Do I know how to use this software?
The first step is deciding how you will record your video, pick the software which you have used previously or challenge yourself to learn how to use a new piece of software (some examples are listed above).
Do some research about the best way to create your video. A great place to start is Youtube, you might find some of these videos helpful, dependent on which software you choose.
• How to make lesson videos, screen recordings in less than 6 minutes –

• How To Make a Video Using Powerpoint –
• How to make educational videos from android phone –
Use your storyboard to map out how you film your video. It might be easier to film it in stages. Your video needs to run for a maximum of 10 minutes.
Think about if you want to add text/images to each slide. You will need to keep reviewing the marking rubric to see if you have covered all the criteria for your video assessment.
Once you have finished filming and editing your video, you will need to upload it to Dropbox on VU Collaborate. You will also need to upload your script in a Microsoft Word document. If your video file is too large, you may need to save it on Google drive and attach the hyperlink to Dropbox. Please do not leave this until the day it is due, as if it is submitted late, you will lose 5% of the total possible mark per day.
Guidelines to support the Academic Integrity Policy
This information has been copied from Victoria University, 2018.
Victoria University, 2018, ‘Guidelines to support the Academic Integrity Policy’, Victoria University Policy Library, accessed 16 July 2020, .
(11) Academic integrity is important for any university in maintaining a high standard of student work and academic research. This involves the use of reputable academic resources and the full scholarly acknowledgement of the sources consulted in the creation of a piece of research. The integrity of the learning process must be maintained by the University – it is vital that plagiarism, contract cheating and other forms of cheating are minimised wherever possible.
Part A – Defining Academic Integrity Breaches
(12) Academic integrity breaches may include:
a. Plagiarism and failures of correct acknowledgement or citation practice.
b. Submitting work written by another person.
c. Paying for another person to write an assignment.
d. Collusion, such as uncredited collaboration or copying other peoples’ work
e. Cheating or copying in exams.
f. Offering or accepting bribes of any kind.
(13) Some forms of academic integrity breaches may be more straightforward to detect, and address, than others.
Part B – Plagiarism
(14)Plagiarism involves the insufficient (or even non-existent) acknowledgment of the research materials used in creating a student’s assessment. This may be accidental (eg. poor referencing skills) or intentional (eg copying uncredited material from the internet and passing it off as one’s own work).
(15)Plagiarism may constitute a deliberate attempt to deceive an assessor by claiming work as one’s own or it may be an unintentional breach of academic integrity in circumstances where knowledge of citation/ attribution could have been reasonably expected.
Part C – Washing
(23)“Washing- is a new form of plagiarism in which a student uses Google Translate to translate their assessment into another language and then back again into English. This process involves automatically substituted generated synonyms and phrases and creating an ostensibly -new- document.
(24)Turnitin does not detect this process. However, if a substantial portion of the assessment is in clearly unidiomatic English, including odd synonyms or phrases or even gibberish, then the student has probably been washing and thus must be penalised for plagiarism.
Part D – Contract Cheating
(25)Contract cheating usually involves the purchase of an assignment or piece of research from another party. This may be facilitated by a fellow student, friend or purchased on a website. Other forms of contract cheating include paying another person to sit an exam in the student’s place.
Part E – Collusion
(29)Collusion involves the copying or uncredited collaboration of material between students of unit materials (that is, the work of multiple people credited only by a single author).
• For further information please view University Policies and Procedures folder on VU Collaborate.
Adjustment to assessment arrangements
• This information has been copied from Victoria University, 2020.
• Victoria University, 2020, ‘Assessment for Learning – Adjustments to Assessment Procedure (HE)’, Victoria University Policy Library, accessed 16 July 2020, .
If you are unable to undertake or complete an assessment due to adverse circumstances the following arrangements may apply:
Late submission of assessments – Short extension of time
If you are unable to submit an assessment item on time, due to circumstances outside your control, you may apply for a short extension of time of less than five (5) days. The standard penalty for late submission without an approved short extension will be 5% of the total possible mark per day. If submission is overdue by more than ten (10) days, five (5) days for VU Online and three (3) days in a Block, the work will not be assessed. Full details of the procedure for applying for a short extension are available here. You can download the form from the policy library or use the quick link here.
Special Consideration
Special consideration is available for students who experience acute unexpected circumstances which have an adverse impact on their performance in assessable tasks, submission of assessment tasks or examination attendance; or who require an extension of longer than five (5) days from the due date for an assessment.
You can find information and forms for special consideration and alternative examinations at
Reference list:
American Chemical Society, 2016, ‘Visual Storytelling Part Two: Learning the Process’, C&EN (ACS) Media Kit, accessed on 16 June 2020, .
Victoria University, 2018, ‘Guidelines to support the Academic Integrity Policy’, Victoria University Policy Library, accessed 16 July 2020, .
Victoria University, 2020, ‘Assessment for Learning – Adjustments to Assessment Procedure (HE)’, Victoria University Policy Library, accessed 16 July 2020,
Video Marking Rubric:
Criteria High distinction (10 marks) Distinction (9-8 marks) Credit (7-6 marks) Pass (5 marks) Fail (4-3 marks) No evidence (0 marks)
Communicate appropriately to chosen audience.
Logical flow of information. Student presents information in a logical, creative & interesting sequence. The content is appropriate for the intended audience. Student presents information in a logical sequence which audience can follow. The content is appropriate for the intended audience, but lacks specific details at times. Student presents information in a logical sequence which audience can follow. Most of the content is audience appropriate. Student presents information which audience can mostly follow. Some of the content is appropriate for the intended audience but there are some mistakes. Audience has difficulty following presentation with little organisation.
The content is not appropriate for the intended audience and/or the chosen audience is not clear. Audience cannot understand due to no evidence of organisation. Not appropriate for chosen audience.
Answering the question.
Research evidence.
A critical understanding of the topic is demonstrated, including own point of view. Clearly explained answer to question. Excellent use of external sources of evidence and visuals to communicate effectively. Student explains chosen topic in relative terms, explaining complex concepts well for the chosen audience. Question is answered via video in detail. Good use of external sources of evidence and visuals to communicate effectively. Student uses good content to describe the chosen topic. Question is answered, however at times lacking specific detail. Evidence of further research conducted on topic. The chosen content reasonably represents the topic but only includes some evidence of research around topic. Question has been attempted to be answered but at times confusing and not clear. Content does not represent the chosen topic and lacks coherence. Has not answered question, may have gone off on a tangent or explained irrelevant material. Little evidence of any research beyond lectures. No video submitted.
Interdependence of other body systems. The interdependence of more than two body systems is explained in relation to this condition. The interdependence of two body systems is explained in relation to this condition. The interdependence of only one body system is explained in relation to this condition. The interdependence of a body system has attempted to be explained in relation to this condition. Very weak explanation of the interdependence of body systems. The interdependence of this condition on body systems is not mentioned.
Written script Written script included covering all content said within video. Written script included covering most content covered in video. Written script included, however summarised content covered within video. Written script covers basic content covered within video. Written script contains dot points of content covered but does not include detail of video. No script included.
Referencing All cited works, text and visual, are shown in the correct format with no errors.
Video fully supported by references to relevant material.
Accurate use of Harvard referencing technique within video and bibliography. Some cited works, text and visual are shown in the correct format.
Clear evidence of wide and relevant research.
Accurate use of Harvard referencing technique within video and bibliography. Few cited works, both in text and visual in the correct format.
Inconsistencies evident.
Video well informed by research which goes beyond Wikipedia.
Accurate use of Harvard referencing technique within video and bibliography. Few cited works, for visual and text.
Video represents researched material only for some categories.
Some errors when using Harvard referencing within video and bibliography.
Did not cite work properly, copied URL or attempted to write surname for example.
Limited research which displays a superficial understanding of the condition.
Inaccurate use of Harvard referencing within video and bibliography. No evidence of cited works.
This work shows signs of plagiarism, sources were used without referencing.
No evidence of a Bibliography was included within video and bibliography.
Overall Score HD D C P N No Evidence


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