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Developing self-awareness and personal branding

Module code: BUSN07052 Module name: BCI Professional and Academic Development 1 Assessment Number1Assessment Type (and weighting)Voice-over presentation (20% of final mark)Assessment Name Developing self-awareness and personal brandingAssessment Submission DateFriday, 23/06/2023 No later than 5 pm

Submit a PowerPoint (not a pdf or Word document).

No email submissions.

Students can resubmit until the due date.

The presentation should have no more than 9 slides.

The podcast should be about 7 minutes and no longer than 10 minutes.

If you cannot meet the deadline due to exceptional circumstances, apply for Extenuating Circumstances. See the module handbook for further information.

Late submissions will be subjected to a 10-mark deduction. See the module handbook for more details.

Overview: In today’s competitive job market, it is essential to understand the importance of having a strong personal brand that can set you apart from other candidates and help you achieve your career goals.

Task: create a podcast about “developing self-awareness and personal branding”.

Proposed structure of the presentation

Module title, module code, name of the assessment and student number.

Introduce yourself and provide a brief overview of the presentation.

Explain what personal branding is. Discuss the importance of personal branding in today’s competitive job market.

Explain what self-awareness is. Discuss the importance of self-awareness.

Share your plans for developingself-awareness and

a strong personal brand over the next few years. This could include (a) developing a unique value proposition and/or (b) building an online presence or creating a professional online profile/portfolio and/or (c) effective networking, and/or (d) communicating personal brand effectively (e.g. you could discuss the importance of authenticity and consistency in maintaining a strong brand).

Provide specific and realistic details on how to execute these ideas (a,b,c,d). For example, The plan may contain bullet points:

Creating a LinkedIn profile with a clear headline, professional and authentic photo with a summary of skills and experiences and relevant achievements.

Creating a website/blog on WordPress to showcase my work and share opinions related to my field (name the field).

Using social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Twitter to engage with people and experts in the relevant fields (name the fields).

You should not copy this example. Come up with your own specific plans.

Conclusion: Sum up your key points covered in the presentation and emphasise the importance of self-awareness and personal branding in today’s competitive job market.

References (minimum of 04 references). Full reference of the sources you have used in your presentation.

No limit on the number of sources.

All work should be fully academically referenced in CTR Harvard referencing style

UWS operates a very strict policy on plagiarism. All work must be the work of the individual student. Please note that when you submit your work to Aula, it will automatically be checked for matches against other electronic information.


Declaration   I hereby declare that:   I have read and understood Regulations 3.49—3.55 of Chapter 3 of the Regulatory Framework of the University of the West of Scotland regarding cheating and plagiarism;   This assessment is the result of my own work, except for those parts that are
explicitly referenced, and contribution of others is clearly indicated;   No material presented in this assessment has been written, wholly or in parts, by any other person(s);   This assessment has not been submitted — partially or in full — in support of the completion of assessment(s) on any other module, regardless of previously or the current academic year (self-plagiarism).    Date: 

Assignment support/guidance:

In addition to this brief, assignment support is offered in the tutorials. You are expected to attend and engage in these sessions. You have ample opportunity to discuss ideas with tutors and ask specific questions in the tutorials and therefore individual feedback on drafts is not provided by the teaching team.

Marking criteria

 Weighting (%)Knowledge and understanding Appropriate depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding of the relevant subject matter/concepts (15 points)Ability to respond to/address questions about self-awareness (definitions and insights into their importance and applications in helping individuals achieve their career goals) and personal branding (definitions and insights into their importance and applications in helping individuals achieve their career goals) providing references to relevant literature (40 points)Ability to provide specific plans/strategies/tips for self-awareness and personal brand development (15 points)70Conforming to instructions Use of templates Content relevance and accuracyCreative process (shows personal style, originality, creative mindset). Referencing(Harvard style and quality of sources used)15Presentation and style Performance (demonstrates confidence, commitment, level of technical ability, attention to detail given to the presentation, standard of the presentation)Clarity of expression (including accuracy, spelling, grammar, punctuation) and coherence of the presentationAudio-visual aids Time management(no more than 10 mins)15Total mark out of 100/100%

UWS standard marking and grading scheme will also apply

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