The word limit for this assessment is 500 words, inclusive of all content.
You have been contracted by an online retailer who intends to invest in cybersecurity. They would like you to determine whether they should focus on the confidentiality, integrity or availability of their systems.
The retailer offers lines of credit to its customers and accordingly collects a large amount of personal information from customers, including their financial details and 100 points of identification. Their expertise is in Just-In-Time delivery, so customers may place orders with the retailer less than 24 hours before they require the product. This delivery model requires precise stock keeping and if the stock information is incorrect by even a small amount, the consequences on the business’ ability to operate are substantial. They have contacted you as they have been advised by their ISP that they have been the target of a relatively small DDoS attack in the last week.
Discuss the relative importance of confidentiality, integrity and availability in relation to the information and systems used by the online retailer. They have advised you that they do not have the budget to address all three areas simultaneously, so it is important that you identify the key considerations for the retailer and highlight their order of importance for immediate consideration.
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