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Doctoral Comprehensive Assessment Pre-Candidacy Prospectus

Doctoral Comprehensive Assessment Pre-Candidacy Prospectus


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Template for the Statement of the Problem

The Statement of the Problem (SoP) must identify a specific problem that is not being addressed in the literature or is not clearly understood or, in a PhD study, not clearly explained by theory. This template can be used to formulate the Statement of the Problem section. Limit the first 3 sections to 1-2 sentences maximum, cited with current peer-reviewed work. As you add to these sections, put a page number with the sources used just as a temporary reference. This forces you to relate what you are writing to a particular quote or quotes in the source and will improve your accuracy with citations. Make sure what you write is what the author was describing.


Brief Narrative

1. Describe the ideal situation, how things should be when working correctly. Provide supporting citations.

The problem statement is that the following should be taken into consideration; administrators are supposed to be involved in development and training sessions that will prepare each individual to be able to take care the needs of students with disabilities and give them equal student rights. To come up with ways that can make improvement on school performance of students, and they create a better relationship between the institution member and student with facing a disability and they should be a willingness to be part of change and make adjustments that will lead to better performance. Furthermore, they should be the availability of technology that supports the students with special needs to overcome the challenges they face, leading to poor performance.

Possible transition phrases: “However,”   “…but…”  “Unfortunately,” “The problem is…”

2. Describe and document, the actual situation, what is “going wrong” (Ellis & Levy, 2008).

The problems faced are lack of trained and skilled teachers to handle the student with a disability, lack of enough technology devices that will facilitate easy learning, and lack of training that will empower the teachers and administration on better ways to handle students with disabilities. According to the scholarly articles, the problems of financial costs were experienced by the institutions, this made it difficult for the institution to provide a better training session to their staff members, the training session is said to be more expensive than many institutions could not afford, and in case they could be able to pay for the session then it could be done once in a year. Lastly, financial issues lead institutions not to hire qualified and advanced teachers because they require a high salary that they could not afford. (Simpson, 2017).

Possible transition phrases: “Consequently,”  “As a result…” “If the problem is not addressed…”

3. Describe the consequences that will result if the problem persists. Provide supporting citations.

Postholm, (2018). When the institutions are experiencing unstable finances, they face several problems compared to those in a stable state. Students who require special need care as seen to be more affected hence a need to implement a solution to safeguard the education that is meant to model them to be better people in society despite their disabilities. A solution that needs to be implemented to resolve the problem faced in an institution that takes care of students with disability is to seek financial assists from a financial institution and the ministry that is concerned with education; and use the finances to develop better facilities, purchase the technology devices needed for their learning activities.

4. Discuss 3 current, supporting studies that recommend further research about the problem described in Step 2.

Other current studies that do recommend further research about the problem include researches done by Newman et al.,2020 Aguirre et al., 2020 and a research done by Cheng and Lai. These researches do recommend further research concerning the problem that is extensively discussed in step two of the template which specifically deals with the different ways in which teacher can be trained to facilitate the teaching of students with disabilities.


Newman, L. A., Madaus, J. W., Lalor, A. R., & Javitz, H. S. (2020). Effect of accessing supports on higher education persistence of students with disabilities. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. Advance online publication.

Aguirre, A., Carballo, R., & Lopez-Gavira, R. (2020). Improving the academic experience of students with disabilities in higher education: faculty members of Social Sciences and Law speak out. Innovation: The European Journal Of Social Science Research, 1-16.

Cheng, SC., Lai, CL. Facilitating learning for students with special needs: a review of technology-supported special education studies. J. Comput. Educ. 7, 131–153 (2020).

Simpson, R. (2017). Inclusion of Students with Behavior Disorders in General Education Settings: Research and Measurement Issues. Behavioral Disorders, 30(1), 19-31.

Postholm, M. (2018). Teachers’ professional development in school: A review study. Cogent Education, 5(1), 1522781. doi: 10.1080/2331186x.2018.1522781

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