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embark on an adventure as a single atom

Names: Element: Directions 1. You are going to embark on an adventure as a single atom moving through its biogeochemical cycle. You will be assigned an element. Choose which reservoir (atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biosphere) you will begin in and what form you are. Then follow your path through each of the reservoirs stating what form and phase you are in, what your role is in that reservoir, residence time in that reservoir, and which reservoir you are moving to and how (e.g. evaporation to the atmosphere). Be sure to explain any changes in form or phase. You must include the human body as part of your journey through the biosphere. Remember, elements can be in numerous forms in the different reservoirs, but you only need to follow 1 atom, so only include 1 form and how it changes through the cycle. Reservoir 1: atmosphere Form: N2 Phase: gas Role: makes up 78% of the atmosphere, reacts with O2 during lightning events Residence time: 106-107 years Movement: I am moving to the hydrosphere via a lightning strike that causes this reaction: N2 + O2 ? 2NO. The 2NO reacts with O2 to form NO2 , which reacts with H2O and O2 to form 4 HNO3, which falls as acid rain. Changes states to liquid when it reacts with the H2O. 2. Now use box and arrow diagrams to show the path you take with atoms following the same path as you. Remember to show differences in arrow size to indicate the flow rates between reservoirs.

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