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Employee Motivation is the Aspect on Which the Organisation, American Express (AMEX) Pays: Organisational Theory and Behaviour Assignment, SIM

Is AMEX motivating their employees well enough to keep the organisation sustainable?

Employee motivation is the aspect on which the organisation, American Express (AMEX) pays the utmost concern in order to retain its performance level well above the quality measurement benchmark. Thus the progressive continuation of the winning team becomes possible and achievable. Perceptions and objectives of employee motivation can be altered depending upon the definite stages in personal life and professional career concerning the differentiated views towards the person and the group of the employees (Lee and Robyn, 2016).

What makes the difference for AMEX concerning the other organisations, is influencing, inspiring employees in the motivational ground of internal company work culture in AMEX. AMEX has a clear idea about the reflection of employees’ inner vision about alimenting self-objectives and accomplishing personal goals in terms of performing their job or work duties in the direction of organisational vision, mission achievements with the guidance of core organisational ethical values related to the business environment of AMEX (“Top 7 Ways To Motivate Employees” 2020).

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How can AMEX improve on motivating their employees?

For an organisation to be successful and sustainable, it is essential to motivate the employees working in the organisation because their performance has the potentiality to determine the overall position, performance of the organisation (Shaaban, 2018). AMEX can improve on motivating their employees by focusing on their strengths and encouraging them to put forth their capabilities, potentialities into action. Employee motivation can change depending on their position within the organisation.

Part 1 – a summary of your section of the team research report = 2 minutes

Students are required to present on the section of the team research report that they participated in completing. Each student’s content will vary depending on what section of the team assignment they completed. Consider introducing the topic and the organisation to your listener, then outline a summary of your section of the team research report. What did you learn? What did your research uncover?  What are your findings?

Part 2 – a reflection on the teamwork experiences or processes = 1.5 minutes

Students are required to reflect on the teamwork experiences while working on the team research report. The reflections should be applied to a theory on ‘team dynamics’ (Chapter 8).  Consider what OTB issues were evident in your team or in yourself, during this process? Students may draw on any of the OTB concepts during their reflection to compile their presentation. For example, consider using one or some of these areas: teamwork, leadership, management, culture, power, communication, motivation, empowerment, individual attributes, behaviour, decision-making. Students are not expected to use all these areas but are expected to at least apply their reflection to concepts in chapter 8.

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