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Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Use the previous Assignment3.xlsx file as an example of a horrible database design. Create an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of the normalized version of this table using Visio’s crows-foot notation. The ERD should show all of the appropriate column attributes (column name, data type/size, null/not null) plus the relationships (with minimum and maximum cardinality) between tables. I am not concerned over the identifying vs non-identifying notation in the ERD.
Purpose: To demonstrate your understanding of using ERDs
Show the results of the normalization as individual tables
Show the FK and PK columns using Visio’s notation
You must solve the multi-column issue with grades (Hint: This will require a new column)
Show the 3-part column definition as noted
Show min/max cardinality
Expectations: A single Visio document containing the ERD

Sample Solution

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