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Evaluation training and rewrote

For each of the following scenarios, please identify the research design methodology label which might apply to the particular study. Just to remind you, these include:
Descriptive (Survey)
Descriptive (observational)
Comparative Causal
True Experimental
1. The researchers hypothesized that peer evaluation as part of the writing process would lead to improved attitude toward writing and increased fluency in a sample of ninth grade students. Seven (7) intact classrooms taught by three (3) different teachers were randomly assigned to treatment and comparison groups so that each teacher had one class in each condition. Both groups wrote a first draft of a paper. The treatment group received peer evaluation training and rewrote their papers based upon assistance from their peer evaluation group. The control group rewrote their papers receiving assistance from the teacher only when they requested help. The subjects responded to two (2) attitude instruments as pretest and posttest measures. A significant increase in positive attitudes toward writing was observed for the treatment group. Writing fluency was measured by a count of words on pre- and post-treatment drafts. There was a decrease in word count from the first to the last draft for the treatment group.

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