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FEDERATION BUSINESS SCHOOL BSMAN3009 ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE ASSESSMENT TASK II: INDIVIDUAL REPORT 1. GENERAL INFORMATION As per the Course Description, this assignment constitutes 30 per cent of the total assessment in this course and is due week ten of semester. Submission will be electronic copy via the assignment submission drop-box under the Assessment tab in Moodle. 2. PURPOSE Course BSMAN3009 is concerned primarily with the use of accounting information by managers in the corporate business world and wider environmental context.



As per the Course Description, this assignment constitutes 30 per cent of the total assessment in this course and is due week ten of semester. Submission will be electronic copy via the assignment submission drop-box under the Assessment tab in Moodle.

Course BSMAN3009 is concerned primarily with the use of accounting information by managers in the corporate business world and wider environmental context.

The main purpose of this assessment is to provide students with the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills acquired to a practical ‘real-world’ task involving the financial analysis of a well known publically-listed company. This will enable you to gain insights into and understandings about the organisation, using the published financial statements of the company as your primary data source

Your analysis period should include material based upon the most recent published annual accounts, covering data from the most recent two years. (Note: Where provided, please use ‘consolidated’ data in conducting your analysis.) The analysis should consider each of the main ratio categories of profitability, asset efficiency, liquidity, capital structure (gearing/leverage) and market performance. Chosen ratios should be relevant to the business type – for instance, inventory turnover is not particularly relevant in a service company. Two to three ratios in each category will be sufficient.

Students are required to complete the assignment individually.

The assignment is to comply with the University’s General Guide to Writing and Study Skills and General Guide to Referencing and the report is not to exceed 3,000 words (plus/minus 10%) (excluding references and appendicies). Students are required to use the ‘APA system’ for the acknowledgment of sources. In order to help ensure that assignments meet required presentation standards, students are strongly advised to use the ‘Presentation check-list’ attached to these notes.

This assessment task assists students to develop skills in:
Selecting, completing, calculating and interpreting appropriate ratios from Financial Statements to determine measures of business performance and support management planning and decision making.
Recognising and considering the effects of interpretations of Financial Statements and performance indicators by external entities.

The assignment will contain two main elements:

The schedule(s) of relevant ratios and other useful calculations should be incorporated in one or more appendices. Ratios and other calculations should be presented so as to facilitate comparison between each year. Students are advised to show the calculations used in determining particular ratios and other figures.

A detailed calculation of relevant ratios and other useful calculations should be included as one or more appendices prepared using Excel or a similar spreadsheet. Students are advised to show the formulae used in determining particular ratios and other figures

Whilst the annual reports will be the primary source of information, you are encouraged to access other publically available information, analysis and data. All sources of information must be fully referenced. Note: Your ratio calculations MUST be included in the appendix to your report

Students are expected to obtain relevant share price data for the company so that investment ratios (such as a dividend yield ratio) can be calculated. (It is recommended that students obtain the company’s share price as at 30 June for the purpose of calculating relevant ratios on these dates.

Under no circumstances are students to make direct personal contact with the company or its officers (for example by telephone, fax, letter or email) in an attempt to gather further information.

The written report should:
Explain briefly what is revealed by the ratios and other calculations in the context of the company’s profitability, asset efficiency, liquidity, capital structure (gearing/leverage) and market performance. In particular, any important changes should be identified, discussed and, where possible, explained.
Should focus what is revealed by the ratios and other calculations in the context of the company’s operations. In particular, any important changes over the most recent period should be identified, discussed and, where possible, explained. You should also provide an overall assessment of the company’s performance for the most recent period and discussion regarding which aspect of the company’s financials has demonstrated the most improvement. Peer-entity comparison will also support submission


The executive summary should give an overview of your essay, possibly covering the following aspects:
A summary of purpose, key themes, aspects covered and/or findings
Abridged findings/recommendations.

Your title or cover page needs to convey the main information about your assignment. It must look professional and include:
Course Code and Name
Title of the assessment task
Name of Course-Coordinator, Lecturer and/or tutor
Trimester, year and date of submission

Introduction/purpose of the essay
A (brief) history/background of the company and how it formed
Financial milestones and/or achievements
Any major changes in its structure over its life – ie mergers/demergers/major capital management programs etc
Other relevant information

The main body of the report should include:
A discussion of what is revealed by the ratios and other calculations in the context of the profitability, asset efficiency, liquidity, capital structure (gearing/leverage) and market performance. Any important changes over the most recent period should be identified, iscussed and, where possible, explained.
Provide an overall assessment of the company’s performance and discussion regarding which aspect of the company’s financials has demonstrated the most improvement.
Provide an overall assessment of the company from the perspective of existing and potential investors (shareholders).
The main areas of analysis are:
Asset Efficiency
Capital Structure (Gearing/Leverage)
Market Performance

The Conclusion is your evaluation or summary of the major points and key findings (summary of lessons learned) as detailed in the Analysis and Discussion. The Conclusion should always be concise and must not contain any new information. It should draw the information together and summarise what you have found.

Your recommendations are the culmination of all your work and should deliver a well‐rounded and thoughtful ending to your essay. The material in the body of your essay provides the basis for your considerations. The conclusion provides a summary of your deliberation over your findings. The recommendations provide the reader with your considered opinions of what would be the best decision(s) to make, or course(s) of action to follow (moving forward), based on your research and critical analysis.

For this assignment your recommendations should be directed towards both the internal management/directors of the company and also any interested external stakeholders.

This must contain full details of all sources referred to or cited in the assignment, using the Federation University author‐date (APA) style.

The ‘Presentation check-list’ (see attached appendix) indicates the requirements and expected standards concerning presentation. An assignment that complies with the guidelines highlighted in this check-list would normally be expected to achieve the required presentation standard (see assessment criteria below). If further guidance is required, students should refer to the General Guide to Writing and Study Skills and General Guide to Referencing

The link to the library website for more information is: Fed Uni Library Referencing

If additional clarification is necessary, students should discuss the matter with the staff member responsible for conducting their tutorial.

In assessing submitted assignments consideration will be given to:

Overall neatness, completeness and quality of presentation.
Degree level students are expected to achieve a satisfactory standard with respect to this criterion as a matter of course and for this reason no credit will be granted for achieving it. However, assignments that fail to achieve the minimum standard in connection with this criterion will be penalised. The expected standard concerning this criterion is contained in the attached ‘Presentation check-list’.

Timeliness of submission.
Degree level students are expected to be able to meet reasonable deadlines for the submission of assessable work as a matter of course. For this reason no credit will be given for submitting the assignment by the due date. Assessment tasks submitted after the due date, without prior approval/arrangement, will be penalised at 10% of the available marks per day. Requests for extension of time must be made with the lecturer concerned and based on Special Consideration guidelines

See Appendix 1 (pp.5-6): Marking Guide for further details on marking allocations and assessment rubric.

Plagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is one’s own without properly acknowledging that person.

Students must not allow other students to copy their work and must take care to safeguard against this happening. In cases of copying, normally all students involved will be penalised equally; an exception will be if the student can demonstrate the work is their own and they took reasonable care to safeguard against copying.

Plagiarism is a serious offence. Please refer to the following documents:
Statute 6.1: Student Discipline
Regulation 6.1: Student Discipline
Regulation 6.1.1: Plagiarism

Appendix 1 MARKING GUIDE – BSMAN 3009 – Accounting for Managers – Assessment 2 – report 30%
Student Name……………………………………………………………………. Student ID Number ……………………………………………

0 – 30%
40 – 50%
60 – 70%
80 – 100%

Executive summary, Introduction & Background
(3/30 marks)
No or unclear Executive Summary. Important information is missing.

Inadequate or no discernible introduction. Background information is insufficient to adequately establish the topic context. No/unclear purpose statement, scope or aims.

Executive Summary provides a generally clear but limited summary of the report’s purpose, main findings and conclusions.

Adequate introduction establishes the topic but lacks detail and /or some information is irrelevant. Framework for the report is identifiable, but some details may be missing or unclear.
Executive Summary defines and summarises the report’s purpose, main findings and conclusions.

Well-developed introduction. Clearly sets the framework for the report. Contains a purpose statement, relevant background information and defines the report’s scope and aims.
Executive Summary clearly defines and summarises the report’s purpose, main findings and conclusions.

Well-developed and highly engaging introduction. Contains a clear purpose statement, brief but highly relevant background information and clearly defines the report’s scope and aims.

Selection & calculation of appropriate ratios
(6/30 marks)
A poor selection of financial ratios that do not enable an assessment of the company’s
profitability, liquidity, capital structure, asset efficiency and market performance. Significant errors in calculations and/or formulas not provided.
A limited selection of financial ratios that enable only a superficial analysis of the company’s profitability, liquidity, capital structure, asset efficiency and market performance. Errors apparent in some calculations.
A broad selection of financial ratios. Ratios presented enable a thorough analysis in some areas, but are lacking in others. Few if any errors in formulas and calculations.
An extensive selection of wellchosen financial ratios that enable a comprehensive analysis of the company’s’ profitability, liquidity, capital structure, asset
efficiency and market performance over a two year period. All formulas are provided and calculations are accurate.

Interpretation of ratios
(6/30 marks)
Significant errors in the explanation and interpretation of ratios. Conclusions drawn are erroneous and/or lacking in detail.
Explanation of ratios is generally correct but with some errors. Some ratios are interpreted incorrectly or are not used to support the evaluation of the company.
Generally clear explanation of meanings. Most ratios are interpreted correctly in the context of the analysis rules, however ratios are generally considered in isolation.
Clearly explains the meaning of ratios and demonstrates a highlevel ability to interpret them. The
evaluation is enhanced by an ability to link multiple ratios to support conclusions.

Analysis, Discussion. Evaluation, Conclusion & Recommendations (12/30 marks)
Presents an incomplete discussion and analysis of the company. Application and interpretation of the analysis rules is incomplete and/or erroneous.
Very limited/no/erroneous conclusion.

Presents a superficial discussion and analysis of the company. All the analysis rules have been assessed; however there is
some erroneous interpretation. Conclusion is limited however summarises key information accurately.

Presents a thorough discussion and analysis of the company. The ability to understand and correctly apply all of the analysis rules is evident. Conclusion provides a clear summary of the information contained in the body of the report.

Presents a thorough and insightful discussion and analysis of the performance of the company. Evaluation clearly demonstrates a high-level ability to understand and apply the analysis rules. Is able to assess and weigh conflicting information. Conclusion is a clear & concise summary and is consistent with information contained in the body of the report.

VII, other
Writing style, mechanics, structure and use of APA referencing (3/30 marks)
Writing is confusing, hard to follow. No discernible or illogical organisation of ideas/sections /paragraphs or paragraph structures, which either obscures the relevance or detracts significantly from the clarity/relevance of the ideas presented.

Submission is not in report format and/or no Title page and/or no/poorly constructed Contents page.

Frequent and distracting errors in English grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization, significantly detract from the clarity of the ideas presented and / or obscure meaning.

Does not use APA guidelines.
Writing is generally clear and concise. Sufficiently logical organisation of
ideas/sections /paragraphs for the main ideas presented to be identified. Sentence structure is generally adequate but lacks variety.

Appropriate report format used. Title page included. Contents page may contain errors/omissions but allows identification of report sections.

Errors in English grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization, are present and detract from the clarity of some of the ideas presented; however, generally the use of English is sufficiently adequate for the meaning to remain clear.

Incomplete knowledge and
application of APA guidelines.
Writing is accomplished in terms of clarity and conciseness. Mostly well considered and logical organisation of ideas/sections /paragraphs. Generally well- formed sentences throughout with varied structures.

Appropriate report format used. Title page outlines report title and author’s name.
Contents page uses numbering system to record the name and page of each section/sub-section.

Some errors in English grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization; however, errors do not significantly detract from the clarity of the ideas presented.

Uses APA guidelines with minor inconsistencies to cite sources.

Writing demonstrates a sophisticated clarity and conciseness. Well considered and logical organisation of ideas/sections /paragraphs. Well-formed sentences throughout with varied structures.

Appropriate report format used.
Title page outlines report title and author’s name. Contents page uses consistent numbering system to record the name and page of each section/subsection.

English grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization are correct. No errors / minimal errors.

Uses APA guidelines accurately and consistently to cite sources.

As indicated above, the assignment for BSMAN3009 is to be presented in accordance with the University’s General Guide to Writing and Study Skills and General Guide to Referencing. To assist students in achieving the required standard the following check-list is provided.

It is highly recommended that students read through the following items before they commence work on the assignment so that they have a general understanding of what is expected concerning presentation. An assignment that complies with the guidelines highlighted in this check-list would normally be expected to achieve the required presentation standard (see the assessment criteria above).

Prior to submitting their assignments students should read carefully through the following statements and tick the ‘Completed’ box for each item only when they are satisfied that their assignment meets the specified presentation standard.

Section references are to the University’s General Guide for the Presentation of Academic Work (revised edition, 2018). All students should ensure that they have a copy of this document before commencing work on the assignment.


1. We have read the General Guide to Writing and Study Skills and General Guide to Referencing and understand why the proper presentation of academic work is important.

2. We have read and understood the section dealing with plagiarism.

3. We have read the section concerning ‘Layout an appearance’ and complied with its guidelines. Please note that ‘1.5’ or ‘double’ spacing is required for the written sections of this assignment.

4. Our assignment has a title page that contains the information specified in the ‘Title page or cover sheet’ section (and includes the BSMAN3009 tutorial group of each student).

5. Our assignment has an abstract (or synopsis or summary) prepared in accordance with the General Guide for the Presentation of Academic Work.

the abstract follows immediately after the title page and ‘should summarise or précis the content of the work’. Note that the abstract or synopsis should not simply be a restatement of the topic, nor a table of contents in prose form.

6. If our assignment contains a table of contents, it has been prepared in accordance with the General Guide to Writing and Study Skills.

7. If our assignment contains appendices, they have been prepared in accordance with the General Guide to Writing and Study Skills.

9. We have read the General Guide to Referencing and understand the importance of properly acknowledging the use of other writers’ works. For this assignment the APA system is required to be used.

10. We have read the General Guide to Referencing which deals with the APA citation style, and used the APA system in our assignment.

Note: In an assignment of this nature the need to acknowledge sources by ‘author-date’ references may be limited. This is on account of the technical knowledge and skills required to complete the assignment being taught as part of the course content. However, where students quote or use ideas from a particular source (for example, a newspaper article or a textbook) this should be acknowledged. Some judgement is needed in this matter. For example, if a current ratio is calculated there is no need to acknowledge the source of the formula used since the current ratio forms part of general accounting knowledge. However, if a particular author is quoted, or a particular author’s ideas concerning, for example, an appropriate current ratio, are used, then an acknowledgment using an ‘author-date’ reference (see examples in the General Guide to Referencing) will be required. The proper acknowledgment of sources is very important in academic work and it is worth investing some time in learning to do it correctly, as the benefit will be enduring.

11. Our assignment contains a reference list prepared in accordance with the General Guide to Referencing.

12. We have carefully proofread our assignment prior to submitting it. (Simply running the assignment through a spell-checker, while helpful, is not a substitute for a careful proofreading). When proofreading our assignment we endeavoured to identify and correct all spelling, punctuation, grammatical and other similar errors.

13. We understand that the staff member(s) responsible for taking our tutorials is(are) available to answer questions relating to the presentation of our assignment. If we were uncertain of how to achieve the proper presentation standard we asked a staff member for advice.

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